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  1. Ravi

    Rainbows above the Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle at the Moment of the Queen's Death

    Just curious @LilWabbit, are you very religious? You don't have to answer of course. :)
  2. Ravi

    DHS "Rubber Duck" Footage

    Why? You can try one of these online downloaders perhaps? example.
  3. Ravi

    Rainbows above the Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle at the Moment of the Queen's Death

    Your answer: Goes against everything I learned. Figure of speech? I am lost.
  4. Ravi

    Rainbows above the Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle at the Moment of the Queen's Death

    @LilWabbit Why do you ignore now already for 2 pages that rainbows don't occur "above" anything? Why do you want to know "the statistics on how many times rainbows occur above such and such", when we cannot establish so?
  5. Ravi

    Strange Lights in the Skies of Mexico - Sept 7th

    I also am convinced now that it is the starlink satellite "train", specially the second video in post #43 shows them flaring up. I am not sure if the angles and time are agreeing, but it really looks like the flare-ups of the starlink's solar panel catching the sun.
  6. Ravi

    Rainbows above the Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle at the Moment of the Queen's Death

    @LilWabbit I am thinking that you are missing the matter that rainbows don't occur "above" something. The rainbow phenomena is an optical (virtual) illusion where a viewer catches the reflected and refracted rays (now looking like light though a prism) coming from a particular bunch of...
  7. Ravi

    Rainbows above the Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle at the Moment of the Queen's Death

    Then I don't understand it. So will not comment further.
  8. Ravi

    Rainbows above the Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle at the Moment of the Queen's Death

    Not agreeing here @LilWabbit. There is a difference between people claiming to see a flying disk and people saying they saw a rainbow.. The latter is just an observance of a natural, frequently occurring phenomena, where as a flying alien is, ehr, not so common.
  9. Ravi

    Strange Lights in the Skies of Mexico - Sept 7th

    My first impression was, like some here already suggested, a plane throwing out some flare-decoys, possibly behind clouds (you can barely see it, but I think there is heavy overcast).
  10. Ravi

    Rainbows above the Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle at the Moment of the Queen's Death

    It is very sad the Queen of England died. But please don't allow that to interfere with a good sense of reality.
  11. Ravi

    Calvine Photo Hoax Theories

    You can use this DEPTH OF FIELD (DOF) CALCULATOR to try out settings. What lens is on your slr?
  12. Ravi

    Calvine Photo Hoax Theories

    Large aperture (f/2 or so).
  13. Ravi

    Explained: Kansas Tic-Tac Shaped UFO [Plane]

    Indeed, surely the only way to tackle the hardcore issues some have with debunking. Precision and high certainty are essential This would not (or very hard and time consuming) have been possible in the past.
  14. Ravi

    Calvine Photo Hoax Theories

    It is also available in portrait mode. I am actually not that impressed, it is just software. I would be surprised it would help you in the recreation..
  15. Ravi

    Explained: Kansas Tic-Tac Shaped UFO [Plane]

    Amazing. Very useful tool to show tictacs are usually planes. Reddit will hate it.
  16. Ravi

    Retired F-18 Pilot Reports 5 UAPs Pacing His Aircraft Over Channel Islands 8-18-22

    What are "big names in ufology" anyway? The loudest mouth? The one that has the most podcasts? The one that is interviewed the most? It is rather silly if you think about it. How easy would it be to become expert in ufology.. just remember very well all the past cases and you are in..
  17. Ravi

    Retired F-18 Pilot Reports 5 UAPs Pacing His Aircraft Over Channel Islands 8-18-22

    True. And that is mainly caused by the re-hashing of old (dead and buried cases) going on at Reddit, but certainly also on Youtube. Many youtubers jumped on it (and increasingly so). I think it is counter productive and will increase the noise floor even higher.
  18. Ravi

    Retired F-18 Pilot Reports 5 UAPs Pacing His Aircraft Over Channel Islands 8-18-22

    It is funny it goes from "this is going to be very big" (Ben's words), to perhaps not so big, to basically nothing special.
  19. Ravi

    Claims of Green Screen and that US Marine Sentries at Biden speech in Philadelphia weren't really there.

    Certainly quite a long lens, likely telephoto. It "flattens" the perspective (looks like a flat 2D scene). Below is an example, (a) is wide angle, (b) is tele.