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  1. Ravi

    Orb caught on webcam but what is it ?

    Hmm, but it is hardly a lit up area. I am not convinced it is illuminated, I think it is a source. It might be a helicopter using a bright (IR) light. Possibly checking the Westerschelde (many transport ships).
  2. Ravi

    Orb caught on webcam but what is it ?

    There is quite some (oil refinery) industry on the other side of the river (Terneuzen), could be that.
  3. Ravi

    WVNY/ABC22 Transparent "Flying Saucer" on Weather Camera — Dark Bokeh?

    In the specs it says "F1.6 to F4.7", f=4.3mm, making it a tiny aperture. These tiny apertures are hard to do with traditional "leaf" type irises: the shape will become triangular or diamond shaped the smaller you go. Therefore in lab conditions, you use replaceable fixed diameter "pinholes"...
  4. Ravi

    WVNY/ABC22 Transparent "Flying Saucer" on Weather Camera — Dark Bokeh?

    @Mick West Out of curiosity, what F-number did you use for your images shown in post #1?
  5. Ravi

    WVNY/ABC22 Transparent "Flying Saucer" on Weather Camera — Dark Bokeh?

    Unlikely you can find that. It is an integrated unit (plastic case) in the block. So the iris is hard to see unless taken fully apart.. I was also hoping to see an image of its internals online, but I guess nobody has yet smashed/opened the camera.
  6. Ravi

    Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot film is a hoax?

    What I get from this video is that it was known that Patterson was a liar, a thief and a manipulator. So why not take this in account? Also, what makes you think "no practicing" occurred? Practice does not need to be filmed.
  7. Ravi

    Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot film is a hoax?

    Gastropoda. Joking, but I agree.
  8. Ravi

    Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot film is a hoax?

    The disclaimers in the Futurama clip is hilarious. "In this forest dwells the Big Foot perhaps, if not they don't". I love that show!
  9. Ravi

    Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot film is a hoax?

    Agreed. But also, what are the chances it is an unknown creature, we still have no other footage at all.. Wouldn't we have more (even blurry) images, in todays drone and telephone age? I cannot imagine it is so extremely shy it is never seen. Even more rarer species have been found...
  10. Ravi

    Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot film is a hoax?

    Ok, maybe a bad example (although there is a difference between elephants in captivity, and the wild ones). But I am sure also big animals will not slowly wander away from unknowns, but make a bit of an effort. BF does not make any effort (check what it looks like when a gorilla gets some speed...
  11. Ravi

    Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot film is a hoax?

    Elephants get scared of small animals like mice... Your argument does not hold.
  12. Ravi

    Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot film is a hoax?

    Me too, I just cannot get this picture out of my head of a slightly obese human in a suit, walking with big steps. I wonder as well if a wild animal (which it is) would slowly pace away from danger.. I think any animal would get the hell out of there as soon as possible (=running), or cant BF run?
  13. Ravi

    Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot film is a hoax?

    Just out of interest, don't the sides of the feet, or soles of the feet, look a little too bright/white? For all I know most ape types have black feet/soles?
  14. Ravi

    Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot film is a hoax?

    Yes I mean angle of the knee.. I look at the pic in post #90. It is not 90..
  15. Ravi

    Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot film is a hoax?

    I watched the video (stabilised one from above here in the thread) and I see no 90 degree bend, but a much bigger (human) angle. I don't even think the suit had massive stompers.. So no need to argue about the shoes. Perhaps you can review that video and not that single (misleading) picture and...
  16. Ravi

    Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot film is a hoax?

    I agree.. I have to walk in cleanroom garments many times, and the over-shoes are usually too big and floppy. The walking becomes harder and you indeed have to walk around like Bozo the clown, to not trip over your own shoes..
  17. Ravi

    Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot film is a hoax?

    I was thinking the same.. The ass looks also just a little bit too big, and it seems that during walking the butt looks rather unconnected to the legs/movement.. I just looks like a suit, we just cannot prove it.
  18. Ravi

    Ghost in iphone photo, some sort of glitch?

    The ghost is rather more in focus than the guy+dog. Not sure if it is blur or focus though. But in any case, should not happen. I am opting for "double exposure doctoring with app", using some other image.
  19. Ravi

    Ghost in iphone photo, some sort of glitch?

    If you rotate the image of the ghost 90deg to the left, it starts to look like a guy lying on a pillow, holding the duvet?
  20. Ravi

    Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot film is a hoax?

    The latter I am not convinced about. I am not convinced either that the PFG is a real animal. I just don't think BF can hide in this day and age. Yes the US is large, but there are also 330 million people living everywhere.