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  1. Ravi

    Triangle Light Formation - Jeddah, KSA [Sensor Reflection]

    Although 100% camera reflection effects, the only remaining "issue" is that the first picture from OP is not showing similar camera effects. I am pretty sure it must be because of the angle(s) but cannot completely explain it (or images being cropped?)
  2. Ravi

    The "Chandelier" UFO

    Common sense that they are "the result of a thrust vector control of a vehicle using thrust as a means of propulsion"? Jumping to conclusions..
  3. Ravi

    Invisibility cloaked jet?

    Don't know. I was just referring the mentioning of LIDAR being used.
  4. Ravi

    Invisibility cloaked jet?

    I always thought most (google) topography maps were made by using photogrammetry techniques.
  5. Ravi

    Ross Coulthart

    So, any update from Ross? I clearly remember he said, a long time ago, "we will see evidence of ufos very soon". I guess "soon" is Australian for "in the next century or so". :D
  6. Ravi

    Jellyfish UFO from TMZ's 'UFO Revolution'

    So far the most compelling evidence I have seen now is pointing towards a rather passive bunch of balloons. No need for temperature inversions or IR jamming or whatever..
  7. Ravi

    Jellyfish UFO from TMZ's 'UFO Revolution'

    I think this thread is getting too much off topic.
  8. Ravi

    Jellyfish UFO from TMZ's 'UFO Revolution'

    "could potentially represent proof that this object is displaying some advanced technology." Hmm, you know that just means the same as fantasy, magic, right?
  9. Ravi

    Jellyfish UFO from TMZ's 'UFO Revolution'

    Thanks. Things can look rather strange in the thermal range, I can imagine a bunch of mylar balloons might not be very recognisable.
  10. Ravi

    Jellyfish UFO from TMZ's 'UFO Revolution'

    Anybody know if the footage was NIR or thermal IR? It makes a big difference.
  11. Ravi

    Jellyfish UFO from TMZ's 'UFO Revolution'

    IR is not that straight forward I am afraid, as the emittance of object also matters (emissivity), and also reflectance in the IR range by the object itself.
  12. Ravi

    The "Chandelier" UFO

    Constant effect would be expected (thus the "chandelier" moving around), not changing much. Only when the luminosity of the source changes, the diffraction would dim or get bigger. The camera's setting also play a role, but diffraction occurs before the light enters the camera's internals. PS...
  13. Ravi

    The "Chandelier" UFO

    Would be nice if Jeremy shows a bit more than 1 frame. But yeah, it looks like spider vane diffraction to me. I wonder how many more optical artifacts Jeremy will claim to be alien. It is getting ridiculous.
  14. Ravi

    Jellyfish UFO from TMZ's 'UFO Revolution'

    Optical 3000mm lens, that is pretty long for a camera lens.. Never seen it. I have seen large focal lengths, but these were telescopes. It would be strange if they used that in this situation.
  15. Ravi

    Jellyfish UFO from TMZ's 'UFO Revolution'

    Many are still convinced a smudge on the window in front of the camera can be in focus. This is just not possible with the type of IR camera's they utilize. I explained why before in this thread. Also, there is no way it can "rotate".
  16. Ravi

    Jellyfish UFO from TMZ's 'UFO Revolution'

    ..aaaaand I lost track in this thread. :D This all goes too fast, too many posts. I am out.
  17. Ravi

    Jellyfish UFO from TMZ's 'UFO Revolution'

    Correct. Way to close, and it is not even possible because the camera's objective has a small F/number (sensor needs lots of photons).
  18. Ravi

    Reflection or something else ?

    Not much info there. No F-number or speed or anything, only size. I guess the webcam/security cam does not export that.
  19. Ravi

    Reflection or something else ?

    Bingo. How about a phone screen. I suspect this picture was made to look like it does, or it was found to be a "happy mistake" and nice to post on an ufo website for the fun of it. I cannot prove it, and yes I always suspect hoaxes.
  20. Ravi

    Reflection or something else ?

    Another tell-tale of it being a reflection, is that if that was a physical luminous object in the field, it would illuminate the surroundings, which we do not see here.