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  1. Ravi

    Fake Looking UFO Filmed From Airplane Window

    What angles did you use for the saucer's tilt? I am thinking that the animator (from the original fly-by vid) made a perspective mistake.
  2. Ravi

    Fake Looking UFO Filmed From Airplane Window

    Meh, also not, really.. And even if it looks alike, it will never be the same.
  3. Ravi

    Fake Looking UFO Filmed From Airplane Window

    Is it perhaps an idea to try to replicate the scene doing that exact same thing? So, playing a video of a wingtip seen from the cabin of a plane while recording that video screen from behind a piece of plexiglass and a desk lamp? I am going to have a look tonight..
  4. Ravi

    Fake Looking UFO Filmed From Airplane Window

    I found, while trying my shots, that to make the front ring of the camera as large as shown in your simulations, the camera has to be really close to the transparent pane. In close I mean ~5cm.. This means it is quite hard to get any light reflections in the frame. This is perhaps not of...
  5. Ravi

    Which Gimbal scenario is more likely — 30 NM or 10 NM?

    I noticed this too. It is something that happens quite often in ufo cases (changing narrative).
  6. Ravi

    Fake Looking UFO Filmed From Airplane Window

    This one is done with a pane of glass, and the LED reflecting from it:
  7. Ravi

    Fake Looking UFO Filmed From Airplane Window

    *insert facepalm icon" My fault.. :-) I was wondering that very thing.. haha. Okay, just a minute, going to try it next.
  8. Ravi

    Fake Looking UFO Filmed From Airplane Window

    Unsure how applicable the images are, but I have attached 3 photos where one is obviously source-less, and the other two represent a LED flashlight at approx 40cm distance from the lens, shining directly on it.. The LED brightness is not extreme as the battery is dying, FYI. Notice the...
  9. Ravi

    Fake Looking UFO Filmed From Airplane Window

    Hi @Max Phalange Indeed, I agree, there's enough uncertainty to wriggle out of my argument. So I will drop it. I am trying to figure how to do what you are asking. Meaning, just outside the FoV? I will give it a try..
  10. Ravi

    Fake Looking UFO Filmed From Airplane Window

    @Max As I have an old JVC Everio HD (# GZ-HM335BE) and played around a bit, using a glass pane. I think the camera compares to the other brands more or less (f ranging from 3mm-90mm). It has a neat reflective ring on the front as well. However, I cannot for the life of me get the ring in focus...
  11. Ravi

    Fake Looking UFO Filmed From Airplane Window

    Likely, as the "blur amount" of the wing and ufo just is a bit too much for looking real.
  12. Ravi

    "Metapod" UFO. Top voted post of the month on r/UFOs, maybe top of all time

    I keep getting this gut feeling any time I re-watch the original video. Mostly due to the unrealistic lighting and reflections.. Also: reflections of what? The sun is behind clouds, right? And what about the perfect focus right smack after the zoom?? Never seen than before, haha. Also I expect...
  13. Ravi

    "Metapod" UFO. Top voted post of the month on r/UFOs, maybe top of all time

    I wished we had Captain Disillusion in our member list! :cool:
  14. Ravi

    "Metapod" UFO. Top voted post of the month on r/UFOs, maybe top of all time

    Distortion happens on the edges of the FOV, not in the middle. But I don't think we see this effect in this video.
  15. Ravi

    "Metapod" UFO. Top voted post of the month on r/UFOs, maybe top of all time

    I like it @Max Phalange . I am not super familiar with motion tracking though. Can it 100% be certain it is not coming from your tracking?
  16. Ravi

    Fake Looking UFO Filmed From Airplane Window

    Gotcha. I am also pretty convinced of the fakey looks / cgi etc.. How it just darts in mid air, you cant ignore aerodynamics..
  17. Ravi

    Fake Looking UFO Filmed From Airplane Window

    This very video gets some traction again over at reddit. I encourage all metabunksters to look at this case again! :D
  18. Ravi

    Multiple UFOs near Southampton airport (2005)

    I think overcast. Otherwise at least some bright stars would have popped up in the field with this IR cam.
  19. Ravi

    "Metapod" UFO. Top voted post of the month on r/UFOs, maybe top of all time

    "meanwhile, on reddit" :D Source:
  20. Ravi

    "Metapod" UFO. Top voted post of the month on r/UFOs, maybe top of all time

    Wouldn't that be hilarious.. :D