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  1. Ravi

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    Over here the general impression is that the boosters didn't do jack shit to prevent people getting sick. Everyone I know that got positive/sick recently, all had their booster shot. So I can imagine it is not very effective, at least not as anticipated.
  2. Ravi

    Did Einstein visit Roswell UFO?

    Well, yes he was a clerk before he got his status. But he was not the best guy to choose for engineering questions, I am sure. If you are a professor, or very clever PhD person, this does not equal being a perfect and knowledgeable engineer. This just makes to me no sense. I have seen and...
  3. Ravi

    Did Einstein visit Roswell UFO?

    Wasn't Einstein "just" a purely theoretical scientist? That alone makes me wonder how much sense it would have made to bring him to a crash site. Pure bunk.
  4. Ravi

    Moving lights in the Phoenix night sky

    Here is a nice wiki entry about wind gradients. Have a look.
  5. Ravi

    The Steven Greenstreet UFO ...

    You are talking about this image "quality"? The processor of these phones probably does a whole lot of "correction" and color flattening (reducing bit depth).
  6. Ravi

    The Steven Greenstreet UFO ...

    Too bad the "raw" data from the phone is still jpeg, and terrible.
  7. Ravi

    The Steven Greenstreet UFO ...

    You see, if someone really is trying to solve something, I think he/she would do their best to find someone else with better gear. But maybe Steven was all alone in a deserted desert? Not saying it therefore is a hoax, by no means.
  8. Ravi

    The Steven Greenstreet UFO ...

    The guy made many photo's, made video's, continued for 28 minutes (sic), and all we have is crappy images.. It just does not change does it? lol.
  9. Ravi

    Apollo 12 photo: Is this censorship?

    And these are the images developed on Earth. There were (earlier) systems in certain early missions where the development of the film was done while in space, in orbit. Pretty impressive and for sure prone to artefacts.
  10. Ravi

    Apollo 12 photo: Is this censorship?

    Sounds like "guy who decides NASA". ;)
  11. Ravi

    Apollo 12 photo: Is this censorship?

    I am very amazed you already made the conclusion "something was covered up". Can you please explain why you made this gigantic leap in your though process? Just curious how your mind works. EDIT, Perhaps I misunderstood you OP.
  12. Ravi

    Claim: Ancient Cultures inherited Structures and Artefacts from Pre-Historic Lost Civilizations with Advanced Manufacturing Capabilities

    The many nicely made granite boxes (the Serapeum at Saqqara) are not as great as always is made believed (series on tv, youtubers). Although it is a great achievement, the flatness and squareness of the boxes is far from perfect. The angles deviate sometimes degrees, and the flatness is in most...
  13. Ravi

    Colored lights from airplane flight deck

    Would be great if a pilot member of this forum can say something.
  14. Ravi

    Havana Syndrome: "Sonic Attacks" at the US Embassy in Cuba - Mass Hysteria?

    Because I enjoy her channel, I link here a nice overview and possible explanations from Sabine Hossenfelder (quite a bright particle scientist): Source:
  15. Ravi

    Colored lights from airplane flight deck

    @Z.W. Wolf If the visor was down and the reflection of the control panel is overlaying the outside plane's lights, then as soon as the plane lights would be behind the sun visor, should dim a lot (visor has NDx?). But this is not seen, the (plane) lights have the same brightness the whole time.
  16. Ravi

    Colored lights from airplane flight deck

    @Easy Muffin I agree that the viewing angle of the dials as seen in your second pic means it must be the first officer's position and not someone in the middle between them (further back).
  17. Ravi

    A Gimbal Glare Explainer

    Yes. Also, the "Glare Spread Function" is actually just the BRDF (or BSDF) that is practically the amount of (stray) light in a steradian, as induced by the scatter properties of any surface (lens, windows, mirrors). And the curve shown is made up of a few common components, that means for...
  18. Ravi

    Colored lights from airplane flight deck

    I would like to illustrate the "panel like" nature of the reflections, otherwise I did nothing. :) I took this crop from the original video at 0:07: Then applied some lines, accentuating the outlines.
  19. Ravi

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    It has been shown indeed that there is no escape from Omicron. It is ridiculously contagious. But then there is always the people that go "yeah but what IF we get a worse variant!!1!".. So we continue for ever.
  20. Ravi

    Colored lights from airplane flight deck

    Good job flarkey! I think the similarities in the color is another nail in the coffin! Also the "fuzzy" nature of the UFO shows it could be this panel, indeed. Looking at the angles of the screen and the person in the cockpit, for sure it matches! EDIT I am convinced the pilots/crew know/knew...