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  1. Ravi

    Pattern of beeps on a White Orb video

    No worries, I was just curious.
  2. Ravi

    Pattern of beeps on a White Orb video

    If I may put on my "debunking" hat, are @Duke and @Ann K able to give some evidence on these matters? They sound a bit anecdotal to me..
  3. Ravi

    Pattern of beeps on a White Orb video

    I am pretty certain you cannot be sure about the distance you claim. Actually, it is impossible.
  4. Ravi

    Black Sphere over Porterville, CA

    If if may add, the camera may use a telescopic (zoom?) function, which enhances this illusion, as the perspective changes drastically. This effect is sometimes useful, hence the use of special designed "telecentric" objectives for certain imaging / engineering fields (measuring).
  5. Ravi

    Claim: Ancient Egyptians Could Not Work Granite Without High-Tech Diamond Tools

    I was watching the SGD channel (link) on YT again, and he provides a great link to an interesting channel called Night Scarab (link). This channel very recently made an excellent video (see below) and rebuttal on the recent videos made by UnchartedX (link but do not click) Because it is such a...
  6. Ravi

    Unidentified Objects/Balloons Intercepted by US aircraft

    Is everyone aware that all is begin done here is speculate. Nothing here is based on data..
  7. Ravi

    Helicopter long exposure

    It reminds me a lot of this famous "ufo" case in China, that went quite viral. Here is a link to an article A few example screen grabs:
  8. Ravi

    Night sky long exposure light trail

    Good point. I don't think it has one. The Nikon has it (and darn handy, I used it all the time).
  9. Ravi

    Unidentified Objects/Balloons Intercepted by US aircraft

    I understand. It is downright shameful how sometimes money gets allocated for things everyone knows will be useless.. It is because the people deciding on these things decide on money that is not theirs and is coming in anyway. Also these people's career depends more on how much they spend and...
  10. Ravi

    Unidentified Objects/Balloons Intercepted by US aircraft

    To me it does not look strange. These missiles are very advanced electro-mechanical-optical systems with a lot of R&D behind it, and that is what you pay for. Also factor in the fact that they work for government contracts, which are usually significant more costly. You may wish that the request...
  11. Ravi

    Unidentified Objects/Balloons Intercepted by US aircraft

    No.. I am saying that they withhold information for reasons. Being silent is not equal to lying. Just as Ann was saying above.
  12. Ravi

    Claim: Photo Captures UFO Intercepted by UK’s Royal Air Force over Syria.

    @deirdre You are right, sorry. I was being lazy.. I forgot to leave out the "Claim:" in the title, as that suggests I am putting forward a case.. But the intention was just to drop the pic here, for all to enjoy. :D
  13. Ravi

    Claim: Photo Captures UFO Intercepted by UK’s Royal Air Force over Syria.

    Darn, I forgot to look into the website's source data.. Good catch!
  14. Ravi

    Claim: Photo Captures UFO Intercepted by UK’s Royal Air Force over Syria.

    @FatPhil Absolutely agree.. It is the worst JPEG quality I have seen in years. Even in the early days of JPEG compression, we did not see it that bad. Incompetence, not so sure. I am convinced they are deliberately doing so.
  15. Ravi

    Claim: Photo Captures UFO Intercepted by UK’s Royal Air Force over Syria.

    This entry revolves around a photo (see below) that Corbell et al declared to be an UAP/UFO. The article that goes over it's background is found here. I am not going to link the video of Corbell and Knapp here, you can find it in the link. The image, as found in the link (cannot be downloaded...
  16. Ravi

    Unidentified Objects/Balloons Intercepted by US aircraft

    Indeed. But many complain that the Gov/MIL is not open enough about it all. But how naive can you be to assume the Gov will inform everyone in every action and step they take, specially if it has to do with world politics? I see no strange behaviour here, they clearly don't want to inform the...
  17. Ravi

    Aliens: Good or Bad?

    We discussed the "bad", how about "good" but just not detectable? "Detectable" in the sense that "they" are not so much hiding, but we just don't have the tech to detect them (yet)?
  18. Ravi

    Is Sean Kirkpatrick Leaving AARO? [Yes]

    I am a little lost with it all, can someone explain please why Kirkpatrick is so hated by the ufo community? Because that is what this community is very good at: hating.
  19. Ravi

    Claim: Ancient Egyptians Could Not Work Granite Without High-Tech Diamond Tools

    Fully agree. The point here is that they certainly would have found out ways to speed up the cutting. It is as old as humans to be rather lazy than tired, right. The technical way to accomplish this is perhaps hard to prove, but the technological features are found throughout.