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  1. Ravi

    UFO over Bristol Channel captured by Police helicopter

    I am frankly all done with the ufo sub(s) on Reddit. I feel they count too much on "group opinion", in a way that if you criticise the matter, you are being skolded and not listened too. That is at least my experience on Reddit. And, these videos get brought up again and again. And if you...
  2. Ravi

    Cumbre Vieja Volcano Eruption, La Palma. Megatsunami Fears

    @Oystein Did you check the eruptions from '71? That is also pretty cool.
  3. Ravi

    Cumbre Vieja Volcano Eruption, La Palma. Megatsunami Fears

    Interesting, I wanted to book a week as holiday there (SW), but will not after seeing this.. Lots of roads will be blocked, I guess flights will be altered too. And also no way you are allowed to hike up there.
  4. Ravi

    Explained: Why the Earth does not look oblate in photos from space

    Interesting to note that there was an ESA mission a few years back, called GOCE, which measured Earth's geoid. Indeed the best way to create an accurate topographical reference for everything on Earth. source:
  5. Ravi

    Chris Letho's 2006 Stationary UFO Observed from Nottingham

    If only a bright person would have thought of perhaps use a tripod or stand or so. I am getting nausea of the movements....
  6. Ravi

    Chris Letho's 2006 Stationary UFO Observed from Nottingham

    Not sure about the planet option as they also move at similar speed across the sky (Earth rotation), and by observing it should be very clear it moves (surely in 1 hour). There are other objects in the sky that can be stationary wrt to the observer, and these are geostationary satellites. Of...
  7. Ravi

    USO - Norwegian Worm Monster

    Agreed that we don't know how deep the lake is. But the ice theory only really holds if there is current or wind. But agreed, it is another theory.
  8. Ravi

    USO - Norwegian Worm Monster

    Ah, I overlooked your findings in #27.. Hmm, based on that scale, it looks the "churning event" in my gif above (so not the whole event or full video) takes place in an area of about ±30 meters. I cannot really quantify how large it really is, but I see it might not be as small as I initially...
  9. Ravi

    USO - Norwegian Worm Monster

    Made this gif online, with the most clear part of the video (end bit). It reminds me that we are looking at something small.
  10. Ravi

    USO - Norwegian Worm Monster

    While indeed it might not be extraordinary, it is of course very nagging that we don't know what it is that was filmed (yet). Swimming moose, it sounds fun but I don't think this is it, as we should have seen the huge moose in the churning waters too, right? Also these lakes are ridiculously...
  11. Ravi

    Hypothesis: Fravor's Tic Tac was Kurth's FA18

    @all I appreciate the feedback. No harm done, I am also kinda sensitive.. Let's continue!
  12. Ravi

    Hypothesis: Fravor's Tic Tac was Kurth's FA18

    I don't know why I am being ridiculed lately. I think I will refrain from commenting on this forum if this is how it is going. I thought we were adults here, but alas.
  13. Ravi

    Claim: Faraday Cage Experiment with radios contacts Non-Human Intelligence

    The plot is made up of the frequency vs time vs amplitude. So it scrolls along. A software converter can be made to transform image information (gray level or so) to freq and perform a fourier inversion so it becomes audio. Quite a few artists have used this "trick" in their music. Aphex Twin...
  14. Ravi

    Hypothesis: Fravor's Tic Tac was Kurth's FA18

    Not sure if I can agree.. I think the encounter's description differs significantly, with a -straight line- fast flying plane with a white disc, compared to a instantaneously speeding zip zapping tic tac.. I mean, it is pretty far fetched..
  15. Ravi

    USO - Norwegian Worm Monster

    The end of the video is more zoomed in, for those unaware. Hard one to solve, it seems. How sure are we the video has not been tempered with? It is very small chance, but still.
  16. Ravi

    USO - Norwegian Worm Monster

    I am beginning to wonder weather it can be emission of natural gas. Like for instance methane.. Source: Methane emission from high latitude lakes: methane-centric lake classification and satellite-driven annual cycle of emissions
  17. Ravi

    USO - Norwegian Worm Monster

    Ok, so my extremely helpful friend doesn't know it either but the dust devil video from @scombrid is pretty interesting. Quite a good candidate.
  18. Ravi

    USO - Norwegian Worm Monster

    Very interesting case. I thought we already had a thread on this one? Perhaps I am mixing up reddit. To me, any boat or plane or anything related to leisure stuff is very unlikely. I have hiked in this region, and I can guarantee nobody, not even the Norwegians, take boats etc to lakes that are...
  19. Ravi

    Claim: Videos of people exhaling vape smoke through a mask, demonstrate masks as useless against a virus..

    The point is that the whole world has to make a freaking move on with the vaccinations! Forget about the stupid masks.
  20. Ravi

    Need Debunking: Concert photograph from 8/27/21 (Billy Strings) fans claiming UFO. No eyewitness that I know of.

    I think the last lens (before the CCD plane) can be the cause, but it depends. The last one is most often a negative lens and thus concave and reflecting back to the CCD. Of course most often all surfaces are AR coated, but that still has 0.2% reflectance.