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  1. Ravi

    Claim: Videos of people exhaling vape smoke through a mask, demonstrate masks as useless against a virus..

    I appreciate you pointing to it, thanks. I can google search, but sorry, also very limited in time, therefore I kindly asked.
  2. Ravi

    Claim: Videos of people exhaling vape smoke through a mask, demonstrate masks as useless against a virus..

    Can someone provide a link to a research study, showing that masks protect? Genuinely eager to know. I am not interested in anecdotical stories etc.
  3. Ravi

    Need Debunking: Concert photograph from 8/27/21 (Billy Strings) fans claiming UFO. No eyewitness that I know of.

    A large part of the light hitting the sensor is reflected back to the lens/objective in front. About 25% of the light gets back reflected, and the cover glass can cause artefacts. This also is the reason why the reflection is a perfect mirror of the source (lamp). I have used CCD cameras where...
  4. Ravi

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    Must say the happenings currently in Australia are a bit uhm, well, frightening.. They seem to get a little nutty very quickly.
  5. Ravi

    Claim: Faraday Cage Experiment with radios contacts Non-Human Intelligence

    Agreed, I thought the same. Especially obvious at the moment the noise is heard and he says "oh, that's quick!".. By they way. I assume the aliens are getting a bit annoyed with us by sending this bloody boring CE6 message all the time?
  6. Ravi

    Claim: Faraday Cage Experiment with radios contacts Non-Human Intelligence

    Here is an interesting article about the notion of non-perfect Faraday "cages". Of course, a bag with a tiny thin aluminium layer can never be perfect.
  7. Ravi

    Claim: Faraday Cage Experiment with radios contacts Non-Human Intelligence

    Well, I have to start somewhere, and that is to first try and trust what they claim. They claim to be honest in choosing randomly. Can we prove they did not? Just to make sure here, I am the first to say this is all bullcrap and CE6 shit, but I want to make a solid case. But I am sure you knew...
  8. Ravi

    Claim: Faraday Cage Experiment with radios contacts Non-Human Intelligence

    The thing is though that they choose a walkie at random, and we do not see them change the squelch settings of this one. And as the frequency is all the same, I wonder how this can be done (lets leave video editing alone). Of course, we have to consider, that the person on the right did not...
  9. Ravi

    Claim: Faraday Cage Experiment with radios contacts Non-Human Intelligence

    These bags are not blocking sufficiently. This, because the metal layer is only microns thick. Not enough. Of course, if in the video they would use another Faraday cage (a proper one), they could check that. But yeah, no.
  10. Ravi

    5G might interfere with aircraft altimeters

    I have not read the whole thing, where you got this info from, but I am sure this is not correct. Unless I miss understand your text above, you cannot inject RF signals into a fibre optic cable. Perhaps you mean RF cabling (waveguide)?
  11. Ravi

    Explained: HomeSteadHow "UFO" Photos [Helicopter]

    Indeed! Post this on Reddit and you will gain 3985686 karma points, easily. Just don't reveal it is a helicopter, but a sophisticated alien made, mile long super structure, zipping around.
  12. Ravi

    Pilots report JetPack flyer......

    The post from reddit begins with a claim. In this case, it says "exact same thing". I beg to differ, I see apart from them floating , in size and colour, i see no match. I am also not surprised a largish helium balloon could look like a dangling bag (large at top, the helium container), as the...
  13. Ravi

    Need help: in analyzing this "uap"

    Agreed. I am also Dutch and have seen this effect before. It depends also on the cloud formations how visible it can be.
  14. Ravi

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    It makes probably more sense to search for examples @Itsme, that have an object at similar range as the GIMBAL. Your example in post #142 is a jet at close(ish) range. A smaller looking object of a jet far away is of course more easier obscured by glare. I believe Mick demenstrated it in a...
  15. Ravi

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    I am sorry, but I am sure the ATFLIR is not only made for looking down. I cannot prove my statement though (no specification docs online of course), but perhaps you have some links or docs showing your point?
  16. Ravi

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    Thanks. Indeed, that full frame bump motion does not look correlated to any rotation.
  17. Ravi

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    Maybe you can pin-point a bit more where it happens. It is better for the context of this thread I think. Maybe a small extracted gif?
  18. Ravi

    FLIR Technician Discusses Navy videos and claims to refute Mick's claims

    Although I am completely agreeing with your comment above, I must correct though that some consumer cameras do rotate the lens element(s) when focussing/zooming. It is quite a bit related to the price tag. The foreward scattered stray light we are seeing in the gimbal video, can easily be...