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  1. Ravi

    Explained: Student in Teignmouth, Devon sees UFO [Moon Obscured by Clouds]

    Cool. Where do I collect my prize? ;)
  2. Ravi

    Explained: Student in Teignmouth, Devon sees UFO [Moon Obscured by Clouds]

    Teignmouth, that's where I witnessed the 1999 solar eclipse, on the beach. It was surreal! Anyway. Indeed this looks like a false horizon. There seems to be a bigger light source behind some clouds? The moon?
  3. Ravi

    Cruise Ship Captain Reports Silent "Black Jellyfish" Flying In "No Wind, Maybe 5 Knots"

    Vertically elongated blob with a bigger diameter on top. Moving laterally at a low, constant, silent pace. Yeah, cannot be a balloon. :rolleyes:
  4. Ravi

    Debunked: Diving Triangle UFO Photos from Reddit [Fake]

    Just wondering about the frame that contains the most detail of the triangle. I see some "lines" or at least a pattern on the side of this "craft". What was the idea behind this from the hoaxer I wonder, to mimic reflections from the sea?
  5. Ravi

    Debunked: Diving Triangle UFO Photos from Reddit [Fake]

    I think at least ball lightning can be replicated or simulated in a lab.
  6. Ravi

    Sphere, Acorn, Metallic Blimp - Three iPhone Photos From an F-18 via Mystery Wire

    When I do a simple google "what is the highest altitude for a balloon", I get this:
  7. Ravi

    Debunked: Diving Triangle UFO Photos from Reddit [Fake]

    Very good point. It looks actually quite severe as well. I cannot imagine a prof camera system would perform so poorly (bad optical design), so I agree it might be artificially added "nostalgia effects".
  8. Ravi

    Debunked: Diving Triangle UFO Photos from Reddit [Fake]

    And formerly those on Reddit claimed that these craft can enter the water without resistance. It is hilarious.
  9. Ravi

    Cigar Shaped UFO - March 23, 2021 Captured by commercial airline pilots

    Could very well be the Starlink train. Sadly the video is too short and has not enough pixels to resolve the freaking object. So what is new.
  10. Ravi

    Study recommends rethink of vaccination policy [paper retracted]

    The calculation is not wrong, but there are two different cases. One case is that someone gets injected with the vaccin (voluntarily). The other case is the one where you catch the virus involuntarily (by chance). Both can give you problems (chance), but the premise is very different.
  11. Ravi

    Unusual cloud over Iraq - from a rocket launch?

    I have seen weird shaped clouds before, and certainly ones that look like a "rocket launch". I would not rule out the possibility they are just NLC. You can not claim that this is impossible! But perhaps you want it to be a rocket launch?
  12. Ravi

    Pentagon June 2021 Report on 120+ UAP Incidents

    "We need a lot of money now to research the UAPs, but we will never tell you where we allocate the money to. We promise to use it wisely"...
  13. Ravi

    Inverse Square Law and the Sun

    Yeah, i find it rather useless to discuss with these types, as they have no clue about radiometry.
  14. Ravi

    Triangle UFO over Shanghai, June 2021

    Another nail in the coffin indeed. Sadly, as expected of course, there are plenty of redditors still dismissing this as "no real proof". It is ridiculous, I stopped arguing over there, it just makes me mad.
  15. Ravi

    Triangle UFO over Shanghai, June 2021

    :D :cool:
  16. Ravi

    A "cruise missile type of thing" spotted by AA2292

    argumentum ab auctoritate Even experienced people sometimes make mistakes in identifying things.
  17. Ravi

    Triangle UFO over Shanghai, June 2021

    Very nice example! Also the low hanging clouds/mist will increase the likelihood these "shadows" get noticed by observers. This was/is a discussion on Reddit (of course), where people are saying "but if these lamps are always on, why don't we see pictures and video more often?". The answer is...
  18. Ravi

    12 June 2021 UFO Over Lake Michigan Chicago (Short Clip)

    Too bad the person "ran out of film". smh
  19. Ravi

    12 June 2021 UFO Over Lake Michigan Chicago (Short Clip)

    You are right, I missed it! True, optical zoom is always better. But at least it would've saved me from zooming in in the video myself. :cool:
  20. Ravi

    12 June 2021 UFO Over Lake Michigan Chicago (Short Clip)

    How about zooming in? All phones can zoom.