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  1. Ravi

    The Shape and Size of Glare Around Bright Lights or IR Heat Sources

    20mm, 2mm thick, for 20 bucks. Not bad! Be careful with them, is my advice. If you drop em, they crack.
  2. Ravi

    The Shape and Size of Glare Around Bright Lights or IR Heat Sources

    If you have the option to buy something, how about a Germanium window?
  3. Ravi

    Judging Size and Distance of Unidentified Objects

    Ping Pong balls is an idea. The plastic is nearly Lambertian.
  4. Ravi

    St Ives Bay UFO On Hayle Beach [Probably a Drone]

    Indeed. And for the fun of it, what our human eyes can see in the dark:
  5. Ravi

    St Ives Bay UFO On Hayle Beach [Probably a Drone]

    @deirdre The last video you linked shows the object in the end shooting up. It happens interestingly enough, exactly in the middle of the frame of the image. Hmmm...
  6. Ravi

    Gimbal Lock and Derotation in FLIR/ATFLIR systems

    Indeed! I forgot about this term. I worked for ESO in the past, on adaptive optics instruments.
  7. Ravi

    Gimbal Lock and Derotation in FLIR/ATFLIR systems

    True, I can imagine.. But, why then have a de-rotator in the design... hmm...
  8. Ravi

    Gimbal Lock and Derotation in FLIR/ATFLIR systems

    I think it actually is caused by the vignetting occurring at the de-rotator part. A square mirror design of this part would result in a square (blocking) frame. It could of course be software, but I doubt it as it, is prone to errors etc. A hardware solution is likely preferred. Here is a link...
  9. Ravi

    2004 USS Nimitz Tic Tac UFO FLIR footage (FLIR1)

    I agree, his analysis does not look extremely sound. But, I am no expert!
  10. Ravi

    UFOs Filmed from Moving Helicopters and Planes. Not So Fast!

    My experience is that it is impossible to convince the ones that have been posting the military videos for years. They are stuck in a mind-loop, and you will not be able to convince them, not even with the best proof. Ufology is a religion.
  11. Ravi

    Helioviewer-Sphere near sun: moves towards sun unlike Coronal prominence cavity

    If I look at the design, found here:, I would say because it has refractive optics, it is likely a lens artefact (or ghost). If the obscuring disk gets slightly mis-aligned, a huge amount of sunlight enters the objective..
  12. Ravi

    Needs Debunking: "UFO crash" near Rio de Janeiro

    This "Mage Brazil" ufo frenzy made the reddit sub "ufos" explode. The users more or less demanded some moderators to step down, as they felt that there is censorship going on. In the end, these moderators were right to delete all this Brazil nonsense, but the harm has been done and they are now...
  13. Ravi

    Isolation: How will you pass the time?

    Must say my work ("teleworking") is keeping me more busy than I expected, but hey it keeps you productive, I guess. Other than that, I did some small renovation in the kitchen..
  14. Ravi

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    I am not a doctor, but I know about cytokines. It is an extremely complex matter and there are pro-inflammatory cytokines and anti-inflammatory cytokines.. I am sure it is not just a matter of "removing them and all is good".
  15. Ravi

    [Fake] UFO's Casting Shadows On The Moon - "OVNI sur la Lune , 2020-03-26"

    Mick, is it possible to stabilise the moon in the 7 second video you presented above (post #7)? This would even show more clear how much distortion is "left".
  16. Ravi

    [Fake] UFO's Casting Shadows On The Moon - "OVNI sur la Lune , 2020-03-26"

    The shadows look ridiculously incorrect to me. The shadows on the objects are wrong. Knowing the sun is illuminating it from the right. the shadow cannot be on top of the object. As we know, the sun's rays are almost parallel (collimated) when arriving at the moon. It looks off by a large...
  17. Ravi

    Isolation: How will you pass the time?

    I have a music studio-like room in my house. As an avid music enthousiast I play a few instruments, like keys and electric guitar and have a bit of a instrument collection going. I can record 16x2 channels at once, digitally. But also acoustic classical guitar finger picking gives me great joy...
  18. Ravi

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    Just to share some going-around here in the Netherlands. President Rutte has shared a message to the people on tv. Our government choses to not fully lock up the country like in Italy/Spain. The choice is made to have a "distributed" way of tackling the issue. This means that the measures taken...
  19. Ravi

    Coronavirus Related Shortages in Shops

    Dutch native here, I can only say it is similar to what you all describe above. Yesterday literally half of all grocery stores was out of fresh food (veg, meat etc), canned food and toilet paper etc. Nice huh.