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  1. Ravi

    Flare(?) with sharp, immediate changes of illumination? Is this is a known product?

    It 100% looks like illumination flares to me. The choppyness could be the webcam that is being used. I saw those flares being deployed yesterday, live, in the reuters stream. Did not flag it as being something odd in a war.
  2. Ravi

    Replicating human perception of faces seen at a distance using a camera.

    Weren't these kids literally hundreds of meter away from the "UFO"? I always found it very likely the kids filled in the unknown details like faces..
  3. Ravi

    'Orb' UAP over the Ohoopee River in Georgia USA 7-3-2023

    The ball does give away a nice show right in front of the camera, doesn't it? Looks a little bit deliberate. @jarlrmai I also remember it. But, I also cannot remember when.. I also recall some sort of debunk and even a hoaxer....
  4. Ravi

    Replicating human perception of faces seen at a distance using a camera.

    I guess trying to compare this to photography is hard. Because when you make a picture, you have to image it to look at it, and thus the observing distance becomes a factor too. But an image will be so much better than an observers account/story (obviously).
  5. Ravi

    Replicating human perception of faces seen at a distance using a camera.

    Although the question is a little vague, I did a quick search on the sentence "at what distance is it possible to make out facial features?" and found an interesting page. Can you recognize someone from hundreds of feet away? The study consisted of experiments designed to test the hypothesis...
  6. Ravi

    Alien Bodies at a Mexican UAP Hearing

    @Charlie Wiser Good points, it occured to me as well. Also interesting to see they used some left over spare-ribs from the local grill restaurant as a rib cage. It is all hilarious.
  7. Ravi

    Claim: ''UAP researcher'' released clear smoking gun photo of Orb captured by photographer

    UAPmax claimed to have the raw images: Not sure we get to see the compressed variant. If the guy is a photographer, surely he would know how to give us the BMP version.
  8. Ravi

    Claim: ''UAP researcher'' released clear smoking gun photo of Orb captured by photographer

    Similarly, the "object's" right edge and top egde are almost perfectly aligned to the XY pixel rows. Looks like something has been pasted in the image to me.
  9. Ravi

    Claim: ''UAP researcher'' released clear smoking gun photo of Orb captured by photographer

    This. They happily introduce things like wormholes, warping and portals. Very handy bullshit to convince gullible ones indeed.
  10. Ravi

    Claim: ''UAP researcher'' released clear smoking gun photo of Orb captured by photographer

    It is the typical reaction you can expect from a channel like that. How can we take these channels serious, if we get replies like that? I sure as hell don't. To me they are all grifters and/or attention seekers, no exception.
  11. Ravi

    Mass UFO Sighting at Area 6, Nevada [Starlink]

    Very nice. But over at Reddit they will probably still not believe it. "hey, the match is not perfect! I see 2 microarcsecond difference!" Good work Mick&flarkey!
  12. Ravi

    Moving Lights in the Sky

    I agree, I was about to post similarly. Perhaps a drone, hard to see in this low light setting.
  13. Ravi

    CBP UAP / UFO Video Release #10

    I believe white=cold here.
  14. Ravi

    Alien Bodies at a Mexican UAP Hearing

    I seriously doubt him being a doctor. Perhaps he bought his degree, you never know in Mexico.
  15. Ravi

    Alien Bodies at a Mexican UAP Hearing

    Interestingly Jaime "mr Fraud" Maussan is facing some retaliation: link Reuters link Quote:
  16. Ravi

    Debunking Humor...
  17. Ravi

    NASA UAP Independent Study Team - Final Report

    It is rather short indeed. I thought it was my connection but no, 5 min is all we get. :D I see a new link: Source:
  18. Ravi

    NASA UAP Independent Study Team - Final Report

    The final report from NASA on the UAP topic has been placed on their webpage: The direct link to the report is here: report Additionally the report will be presented, actually now.
  19. Ravi

    Alien Bodies at a Mexican UAP Hearing

    Is this not an excellent example on how easy it is to convince most of the ufo True Believers? Have a peak over at reddit and you will see that most believe it, even with this damning evidence it is all bs.