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  1. Ravi

    Alien Bodies at a Mexican UAP Hearing

    Indeed. This rehashing of old cases is a form of art in the ufology (uapology? hmm..) field. As a solid debunk is usually not easy or even possible, these specific cases are brought up from time to time. Usually with a new spin to it, and basically just "trying it again".
  2. Ravi

    Alien Bodies at a Mexican UAP Hearing

    Even Garry Nolan thinks these "alien bodies" are fake and he links to a pretty good youtube video about it. X link to Garry Nolan's tweets YT link to debunk video
  3. Ravi

    Jesse Michel's youtube documentary on David Grusch

    I just cannot set myself to watch it longer than 10 minutes. It is just repeating everything, but packaged in a way to make it look like there is no discussion.
  4. Ravi

    Claim: Ancient Egyptians Could Not Work Granite Without High-Tech Diamond Tools

    Some detail, dispute over an image.. I guess it is that one with all the circles. I think David did provoke it a bit by choosing this title. Red cloth and bull etc.. :D
  5. Ravi

    Claim: Ancient Egyptians Could Not Work Granite Without High-Tech Diamond Tools

    I see.. I hope it comes back. But like you say, some of these grifters he is pointing at perhaps complaint at YT. This is how we roll in todays world: complain and it is taken away.
  6. Ravi

    Maui Wildfires

    Well, I don't know what he meant, and frankly I really don't give a damn.
  7. Ravi

    Maui Wildfires

    He probably just meant to say "It almost looks like something exploded". Deliberately or not.
  8. Ravi

    Episode 57: Alex Dietrich: Clouds, Critical Thinking, and UFOs

    @DavidB66 Indeed, smaller RCS, but not invisible. As you quoted, the viewing angles certainly matter. Just saying that a planes like a F18 cannot just go undetected in these training fields.
  9. Ravi

    Episode 57: Alex Dietrich: Clouds, Critical Thinking, and UFOs

    I am not an expert on radar signatures, but I would be extremely surprised if they are able to make the plane invisible to the radars.
  10. Ravi

    Episode 57: Alex Dietrich: Clouds, Critical Thinking, and UFOs

    Agreed. Also, the brain tends to fill in the gaps later on, with possibly false information.
  11. Ravi

    Claim: Ancient Egyptians Could Not Work Granite Without High-Tech Diamond Tools

    dr. David Miano just uploaded a video all about this topic. I have not watched it yet, so cannot comment on how well it connects with the topic at hand. Note the long list of reference links in the video description section, enough to keep us busy for a while.
  12. Ravi

    Episode 57: Alex Dietrich: Clouds, Critical Thinking, and UFOs

    Interesting discussion about weather the object moved quickly out of sight, or weather it just vanished. Pretty important detail about the sighting, but I can also imagine it becomes hard to remember these details after 19 years. Anyway, I appreciate the follow up.
  13. Ravi

    Why are Starlink "Racetrack" Flares [Mostly] Reported from Planes?

    @Mendel ? Where am I wrong (again) in your view?
  14. Ravi

    Why are Starlink "Racetrack" Flares [Mostly] Reported from Planes?

    Finally! It took a while before at least one pilot agrees..
  15. Ravi

    Moon transparency: occultations

    Straylight is indeed not part of the main optical path, but it does make the image more "hazy". This lowers the contrast of the image and also the dynamic range of course is reduced. I don't agree the lack of contrast would have been the cause of the effect though. The diffractive telescopes...
  16. Ravi

    UAPs seen by pilots - shared by Ryan Graves

    It is always important to separate personal feelings from the subject of debate. Or in other words "don't take everything personal". I am also not always good at it. I think if you are into politics or are a politician, you learn that very early on in your career. There is a reason why our...
  17. Ravi

    UAPs seen by pilots - shared by Ryan Graves

    This is the level of journalism in todays age. Sigh. Why does the interviewer Paul Withers not even try to include some sort of critical questions? Did he not learn that when becoming a journalist, you know, to look at news from more sides than one?
  18. Ravi

    UAPs seen by pilots - shared by Ryan Graves

    I perceive MB as a rather high end forum, where strong rules apply and I am sure most agree, takes a while to get used to. I don't agree that on Reddit and X users are more polite. I think X might be ok, but Reddit is definitely not good..
  19. Ravi

    UAPs seen by pilots - shared by Ryan Graves

    This forum is nothing compared to other forums. Here it is remarkably civil and well behaved, while in other places you either have malignant mods or just a plain insane user base. Also, one does not have to become a member, just lurking and reading may be sufficient. Threads easily become...
  20. Ravi

    Alleged Flight MH370 UFO Teleportation Videos [Hoax]

    Well we all know (I hope) that reddit is the absolute worst. ATS is nothing compared to the stupidity seen on reddit. And don't get me started on the ridiculous moderation.