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  1. Eburacum

    Jellyfish UFO - The Second Part - South Facing Footage

    If the 'UI' is different colours, then these two clips may represent 'multiple recordings of the "Jellyfish UAP" with different durations'. It may be the case that one, or both, clips exist in longer versions; but the fact that the header is displayed in different colours suggests that...
  2. Eburacum

    Jellyfish UFO - The Second Part - South Facing Footage

    If it is a bunch of balloons, it may have separated into two distinct bunches. Some people have suggested that the dangling portions are decorative elements, like tinsel or tassels; these may have slipped down further, and formed into a separate bunch of non-buoyant material.
  3. Eburacum

    Fravor's Hypersonic UFO observation. Parallax Illusion? Comparing Accounts

    I think I read that, but it would be nice to see it again. Do you have a link? I remember reading Fravor's account many years ago, maybe around 2007, when it was first published, and I was completely puzzled by it. Nowadays I'm still puzzled, but a little less so.
  4. Eburacum

    Jellyfish UFO from TMZ's 'UFO Revolution'

    It was on an aerostat, according to witness testimony. This is a kind of balloon on a tether, which can move about a bit, but would tend to be in a fixed range of positions depending on the wind direction and speed. I'd treat it as a fixed location unless other evidence disproved that.
  5. Eburacum

    Jellyfish UFO from TMZ's 'UFO Revolution'

    Well, exactly. It is much easier to cause disruption with a balloon, or a bunch of balloons, than to build and deploy a weaponised drone. You could use balloons to test the defence systems as well. An outside observer might notice the flurry of activity associated with a detection of a threat...
  6. Eburacum

    Jellyfish UFO from TMZ's 'UFO Revolution'

    I'm reasonably sure that this phenomenon is similar to the Mosul Sphere in some ways; a surveillance system that has extremely good tracking abilities starts seeing objects over a conflict zone that resemble balloons in shape and behaviour, although the details are different. This suggests to...
  7. Eburacum

    Jellyfish UFO from TMZ's 'UFO Revolution'

    This possibility was raised as a possibility earlier in the thread. Watching the flak smoke clouds in that video, you can see that they do evolve over time, becoming larger and more diffuse - something...
  8. Eburacum

    Jellyfish UFO from TMZ's 'UFO Revolution'

    This clip shows a more complete .gif of the rotation - it seems obvious that the object is not very humanoid after all. Source: If this is a small bunch of balloons, then the individual balloons are even smaller - a few...
  9. Eburacum

    Jellyfish UFO from TMZ's 'UFO Revolution'

    A bunch of balloons 2 feet wide would be a small bunch. So the object may be a bit further away and slightly larger; that makes the speed a bit higher.
  10. Eburacum

    Jellyfish UFO from TMZ's 'UFO Revolution'

    Interesting idea. An aerostat balloon on a long tether could move about a bit in the wind, especially if the wind were veering or backing. Note that the flag shows minimal windspeed near the surface, so dramatic changes at higher levels seem to be unlikely, but cannot be ruled out.
  11. Eburacum

    Jellyfish UFO from TMZ's 'UFO Revolution'

    Hmm. I think that may mean 'flying with the wind' in the same way a kite flies; that is to say, with only a relatively small amount of lateral movement.
  12. Eburacum

    Jellyfish UFO from TMZ's 'UFO Revolution'

    So this balloon-like object floated off towards the lake after 17-18 minutes. That really suggests that the object/balloon cluster was moving quite slowly. 10km/h seems reasonable, and is consistent with a breeze. I note that this base had reportedly been under drone attack in the past. This...
  13. Eburacum

    Jellyfish UFO from TMZ's 'UFO Revolution'

    However if this was taken from a tethered aerostat, then the movement of the balloon cluster is real. We can probably work out a speed range, which will depend on the distance from the aerostat to the object/balloon cluster, and from the object/balloon cluster to the background landscape. For...
  14. Eburacum

    Jellyfish UFO from TMZ's 'UFO Revolution'

    It does. See the stabilised clip in this post.
  15. Eburacum

    Jellyfish UFO from TMZ's 'UFO Revolution'

    Do you have evidence of this? @flarkey suggests this was taken from a manned aircraft, not a drone. Was the aircraft scrambled to look at the phenomenon, or did it simply catch it by accident?
  16. Eburacum

    Jellyfish UFO from TMZ's 'UFO Revolution'

    Here's a lightweight 'jetpack man drone' from 2020 that may have caused some reports in that period. Source:
  17. Eburacum

    Jellyfish UFO from TMZ's 'UFO Revolution'

    Here's a 'Jack Skellington' balloon that caused some interest back in 2021
  18. Eburacum

    Jellyfish UFO from TMZ's 'UFO Revolution'

    Thank you; this is brilliant! The cluster of balloons really does look vaguely humanoid; I can see a head, a torso and a pair of legs, one of which appears to be bent at the knee. There are even a pair of antennae sticking up behind. Fascinating! I wonder if this is a custom-built project, or a...
  19. Eburacum

    Jellyfish UFO from TMZ's 'UFO Revolution'

    I did deliberately release a bunch of party balloons after a birthday party once, just to observe their behaviour. They did not behave significantly different to this video clip, although I must admit I didn't have any irregular-shaped balloons in the collection. Balloons shaped like crescents...
  20. Eburacum

    Jellyfish UFO from TMZ's 'UFO Revolution'

    I think this is not correct. The object/balloon cluster is hardly moving at all, and the apparent movement it displays is almost completely caused by the movement of the MC-12 plane which is necessarily moving forward at a speed above stalling speed, while the camera is tracking backwards to...