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  1. Eburacum

    What is this object from the ISS live feed in 2016?

    The recorded NASA video is working for me, now, and there is no sign of the UAP. A definite fake. Thanks!
  2. Eburacum

    What is this object from the ISS live feed in 2016?

    Yes, that is all I can see.
  3. Eburacum

    What is this object from the ISS live feed in 2016?

    Some commentators on Reddit have mentioned the fact that 'skeptics' explained this hoax as a 'dust particle', therefore all skeptical explanations are mistaken. I must admit I thought it was a hoax at first, but then began to tie myself in knots finding a non-hoax explanation. Perhaps my...
  4. Eburacum

    What is this object from the ISS live feed in 2016?

    Ross Coulthart apparently posted a tweet saying it was a hoax more than a year ago, so we might have been expected to know about it. Warning- the link in this tweet is apparently unsafe. Source:
  5. Eburacum

    What is this object from the ISS live feed in 2016?

    According to the Reddit thread posted by @AllTheQuestionsToday Source: this was a fake; someone watched the original stream and couldn't see the anomaly, which must have been added later...
  6. Eburacum

    What is this thing to the lower left in this NASA solar photo?

    Perhaps. I would add that the particles do not need to come directly from the centre of the Sun, but they can come from the edge as well, or anywhere within its disc.
  7. Eburacum

    What is this thing to the lower left in this NASA solar photo?

    Thanks! That is more or less how I interpreted this phenomenon, until I noticed that many of the 'glitches' given as examples in this thread have streaks which are 'perpendicular' to the centre of the Sun. Here are two. Notice that the 'streak' is consistently pointed towards the centre of the...
  8. Eburacum

    What is this thing to the lower left in this NASA solar photo?

    Here's a magnified view of the 'glitch', which shows that it does seem to originate in the Sun, although probably not from the core. It seems to me that the particle detected here may have originated in the edge, or limb, of the Sun, and produced a vertical streak in the CCD sensor. I'd be...
  9. Eburacum

    House Oversight Hearing on UAPs - July 26, 2023

    Well, anecdotally (thanks to @Ann K ) we have some indication that it takes two and a half years of strong sunlight to turn a car milky. That is about six hundred thousand minutes of daylight. This encounter lasted just a couple of minutes, so the UV component of the light must have been very...
  10. Eburacum

    House Oversight Hearing on UAPs - July 26, 2023

    It does depend on the colour of the car. Red pigment in automobile paint has historically been prone to damage from UV radiation, although this does tend to require a few years of exposure rather than a few minutes.
  11. Eburacum

    Old UFO physical photograph, has anyone seen this one before?

    I have to say I love the old Usbourne books. Nice clear illustrations and some pretty good research into unusual subjects, such as UFOs, ghosts and science fiction.
  12. Eburacum

    Claim: ''UAP researcher'' released clear smoking gun photo of Orb captured by photographer

    That is a very good fit - the photo even has a slightly darker stripe on the left-hand side, as if it were the underside of a wing in shadow. I'm a bit perturbed about the lack of a distinct head on the object in the photo, however - most photos of butterflies show the head more clearly than...
  13. Eburacum

    House Oversight Hearing on UAPs - July 26, 2023

    There seems to be some doubt that 'Jonathan Grey' even exists; ------------------------ There are many threads on Elizondo's reliability on Metabunk. Particularly interesting is his interview with Mick West, where he refers to the expertise of others in the analysis of the US Navy videos he is...
  14. Eburacum

    NASA panel analyzes GO FAST

    That is part of the difficulty with the FLIR-on-gimbals system. The cameras are mounted on gimbals which compensate for any tilt that the airplane might have, and point in a different direction to the heading (and the course) of the plane. This makes the whole system difficult to grasp...
  15. Eburacum

    NASA panel analyzes GO FAST

    I'm confused. Is it possible to tell the difference between a plane which is being blown off-course by wind at 25000 feet (but correcting for it) and a plane which is not subject to significant wind, using only the data available in the clip?
  16. Eburacum

    Operation Paperclip etymology

    Well, the name Granby does have one other association in the UK; many 'pubs' were named after the Marquis of Granby, John Manners, who was apparently in the habit of helping his old soldiers to start up as publicans in the 18th century. There are still many pubs named 'Marquis of Granby' today...
  17. Eburacum

    Turkish beach UFO 2023 - a curious high res photo

    Now I'm not so sure. I superimposed the two pictures that are supposed to be 0.1 seconds apart, and flicked between them; although there are some significant differences, the major features (such as the waves in the distance) remain the same. So a tenth of a second difference is reasonable.
  18. Eburacum

    Alien Bodies at a Mexican UAP Hearing

    One possibility that may explain the C14 results is that these 'mummies' were made hundreds of years ago and recently discovered, or (more prosaically) that they include material from ancient remains incorporated into a modern hoax. Neither option would require any alien connection.
  19. Eburacum

    Turkish beach UFO 2023 - a curious high res photo

    But is ten photos per second the only option in burst mode? Even though the photos show little change, they do show some change; the differences that occur between these photos seem to suggest a slightly longer gap than 0.1 second.