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  1. Eburacum

    Skinwalker Ranch S4 E11 Claims of "Wormhole" from LIDAR Scan with Gap

    My earlier hypothesis in post #73 was that the red ring was caused by self-shadowing, also known as the opposition effect. If the sensor is placed on the drone so that the light from the centre of the scan is reflected directly back to the sensor, then reflections from that region could appear...
  2. Eburacum

    Skinwalker Ranch S4 E11 Claims of "Wormhole" from LIDAR Scan with Gap

    Well, if the red ring isn't caused by reflectivity but by some form of data reduction, then the label 'reflectivity' on that image is misleading. I suspect we won't know the reason unless we get hold of some other scans performed by the same equipment.
  3. Eburacum

    Skinwalker Ranch S4 E11 Claims of "Wormhole" from LIDAR Scan with Gap

    Would that increase the 'reflectivity' of the red region, or just the data point intensity?
  4. Eburacum

    Skinwalker Ranch S4 E11 Claims of "Wormhole" from LIDAR Scan with Gap

    This may be merely subjective, but I think it does. Remember to ignore the dark shadows.
  5. Eburacum

    Skinwalker Ranch S4 E11 Claims of "Wormhole" from LIDAR Scan with Gap

    Nevertheless there is the ring, and it is caused by something. I'm familiar with most reflectivity/albedo effects, and this isn't them. I'm fairly sure this image is actually an indication of data or point intensity, rather than reflectivity.
  6. Eburacum

    Skinwalker Ranch S4 E11 Claims of "Wormhole" from LIDAR Scan with Gap

    I added another layer of daisy-wheel scans to the image, and the brighter ring still persists. To make my intentions clear, I am using this particular image from the manual posted by @Ravi, which shows what the scanning pattern from this particular model looks like when scanning a surface...
  7. Eburacum

    Skinwalker Ranch S4 E11 Claims of "Wormhole" from LIDAR Scan with Gap

    No, I don't think so. Generally, airborne LiDAR scans are performed by a moving aircraft that builds up a composite image from several different viewpoints; scanning from a single point can lead to data dropouts and other unwanted effects. Mick West performed a sensible scan in his recreation -...
  8. Eburacum

    Skinwalker Ranch S4 E11 Claims of "Wormhole" from LIDAR Scan with Gap

    I imagine a gradual circular scan, using the MD70 scanner with a 70 degree field of view. This would create a ring-like pattern with a central hole, but also with a brighter region at the central part of the cone. I can't replicate a smooth scan, but if you convert the MD70 circular scan into an...
  9. Eburacum

    Skinwalker Ranch S4 E11 Claims of "Wormhole" from LIDAR Scan with Gap

    Thanks for the diagram of conic sections. However, I put 'ellipse' in quote marks because the scanning system of this particular LiDAR sensor uses a Lissajous curve, which is similar to, but not identical with, an ellipse. Each successive segment of the curve is slightly displaced from the one...
  10. Eburacum

    Skinwalker Ranch S4 E11 Claims of "Wormhole" from LIDAR Scan with Gap

    That seems to explain the inner 'black hole' effect very well. I suspect that the 'ellipses' are much longer than this, however; the scanned area seems to extend a very long way, far outside the mysterious 'red' ring of greatest reflectance.
  11. Eburacum

    Senate Measure to Release UFO Records

    Curious turn of phrase.
  12. Eburacum

    Skinwalker Ranch S4 E11 Claims of "Wormhole" from LIDAR Scan with Gap

    I'm beginning to think it is an artifact of the LiDAR system itself. The lasers emitted by the drone are emitted in all directions, and are reflected back towards the sensor; this sensor is presumably also on the drone, so the light should be reflected back towards the sensor in a relatively...
  13. Eburacum

    Skinwalker Ranch S4 E11 Claims of "Wormhole" from LIDAR Scan with Gap

    The best visual simulation of a wormhole that I know is the simulation by Tübingen University, which shows a region of acute optical distortion around the mouth. See this page by Corvin Zahn Note that Zahn has added coloured cubical frameworks to the...
  14. Eburacum

    Skinwalker Ranch S4 E11 Claims of "Wormhole" from LIDAR Scan with Gap

    Here's one I made myself. The point is, the wormhole as depicted is a diagrammatic visualisation of the true geometry, which would require four dimensions to depict accurately, and the vertical component of this diagram is entirely arbitrary in extent. The distance between these two mouths...
  15. Eburacum

    Skinwalker Ranch S4 E11 Claims of "Wormhole" from LIDAR Scan with Gap

    I apologise; that is the correct attribution. Thanks for giving it. Silly of me; I've made several similar images of my own, and I could have used one of those.
  16. Eburacum

    Skinwalker Ranch S4 E11 Claims of "Wormhole" from LIDAR Scan with Gap

    I presume this image is a computer-generated representation of a wormhole located above this 'anomaly'? It appears to be nothing more than a generic representation of a wormhole superimposed on the LIDAR data. However, this sort of representation of a wormhole is not really representative of...
  17. Eburacum

    Skinwalker Ranch S4 E11 Claims of "Wormhole" from LIDAR Scan with Gap

    If the black hole at the centre is a result of the rotation of the drone, and the field of view of that drone, maybe the brighter red ring is also a function of the equipment? One possibility that occurs to me is that the high reflectivity in that region is caused by opposition surge - the...
  18. Eburacum

    Biologist claims to have studied alien bodies (EBOs - Exo-Biospheric-Organisms)

    As well as the so-called 'standard code', there are at least 15 other codes, which are incompatible with each other (but which are all variations of the standard code'. I'd expect an alien biosphere to have a completely unrelated code, or (if...
  19. Eburacum

    Biologist claims to have studied alien bodies (EBOs - Exo-Biospheric-Organisms)

    Well, in that case they are not compatible. If the codons produce different proteins, then the genetic information carried by the DNA would be totally different. The coding within the DNA needs to be translated into proteins in order to construct a living cell, and if the codons are different...
  20. Eburacum

    Major UFO experiences are specific to the observer

    Edward J. Ruppelt mentioned the Farmington event in his book The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects. He has some interesting comments on the event. Content from external source (pdf)...