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  1. Eburacum

    Skinwalker orb on security cam?

    Certainly. Source: timestamp 1.46
  2. Eburacum

    Skinwalker orb on security cam?

    The Skinwalker crew have captured an 'orb' on one of their security cams, and some people are quite puzzled by it. Season 4, episode 7. Here's a short video from YouTube giving a bit more detail. Source: I've extracted two frames from this video and show them side...
  3. Eburacum

    Near miss UAP & commercial aircraft - Western Australia (2014)

    It would be child's play to put a balloon up with a strobing light nowadays, using a lightweight LED and battery. They sell them online. But way back in 2014, these things were somewhat harder to find.
  4. Eburacum

    Near miss UAP & commercial aircraft - Western Australia (2014)

    But this distance can only have been an estimate by the pilot, and since he does not give a size then the distance must also be unknown. If the object were 10 metres long it would need to be moving very quickly in the opposite direction to the plane; if it were 2 metres long it would be...
  5. Eburacum

    The 1976 Iran F4 UAP/UFO case

    I have also found the name 'Yaddi Nazeri', who was interviewed by the Sightings TV program as a first-hand witness. He was apparently in the first plane, which is different to the names given by Jafari. This may be a pseudonym, or some sort of nickname, or a misremembering by one or other of the...
  6. Eburacum

    The 1976 Iran F4 UAP/UFO case

    As of 2011, there are about 80,000 people in England alone who were born in Iran, and more in the rest of the UK and US, as well as elsewhere in the West. Although a lot of data was lost in the Revolution and Iran-Iraq war, some more of these might remember this event, but I'm not aware that...
  7. Eburacum

    The 1976 Iran F4 UAP/UFO case

    Concerning the Moon; this had just risen when the planes arrived over Tehran, and was low in the East, laying on its back in a fairly unusual manner. I wonder if this may have been the cause of the bright, stadium-sized object seen by some witnesses on the ground. Jafari described the object as...
  8. Eburacum

    The 1976 Iran F4 UAP/UFO case

    Hmm. 12 year-old boys are a little unreliable as witnesses. The estimated size depends very much on distance. Jupiter is 86 thousand miles in diameter, but it looks relatively small. Even Pirouzi described the object as star-like until observed by binoculars.
  9. Eburacum

    The 1976 Iran F4 UAP/UFO case

    This is a bit of a side-track, but the pilot who took FLIR1 could not see the object at all, so was entirely reliant on the FLIR. I do not know whether the pilots who filmed GOFAST or GIMBAL could see the targets visually either; they may have been only visible on the scope. So modern pilots...
  10. Eburacum

    The 1976 Iran F4 UAP/UFO case

    Jupiter is brilliant enough to be seen from 500 million miles. The question is, can it be observed accurately at night by a pilot flying an F-4 with an apparently dodgy radar?
  11. Eburacum

    The 1976 Iran F4 UAP/UFO case

    Hmm. In the Concorde clip I don't see anything particularly detailed out of the window. In the clip showing a landing sequence, the lights of the airport and surrounding cityscape drown out any celestial bodies quite efficiently, making accurate observation difficult. In general observing a UAP...
  12. Eburacum

    The 1976 Iran F4 UAP/UFO case

    Well, it is debatable just how well the pilot and copilot of each plane could have seen their environment at all. Flying a transonic plane in the dark with all the associated vibrations and internal reflections may have made observing anything in the sky challenging, unless they were using some...
  13. Eburacum

    The Alderney UFO sighting

    Yes; I think that the parhelia you have captured here are an upper tangent arc, a 22º halo and a circumzenithal arc. The last one is uppermost in your clip, and is sometimes called 'the smile in the sky'.
  14. Eburacum

    The 1976 Iran F4 UAP/UFO case

    That's not really true; to arrive anywhere near Tehran, they will have been flying towards Jupiter for quite an extended period. But Jupiter was not the only celestial object in the sky; the recumbent crescent moon was also rising in the East, and would have looked quite strange.
  15. Eburacum

    Near miss UAP & commercial aircraft - Western Australia (2014)

    Yes, it does. Here's Metabunk's thread about that sighting. Unresolved, but likely a small private jet crossing at a higher level.
  16. Eburacum

    Near miss UAP & commercial aircraft - Western Australia (2014)

    Thanks! One thing missing from this report so far is an estimate of size. This would affect the apparent distance and apparent speed of the object. If the pilot drastically misjudged the size of the object it may have been closer or further away, and the true velocity could then change...
  17. Eburacum

    The 1976 Iran F4 UAP/UFO case

    Note that this is significantly different to the current Wiki article, and doesn't agree exactly with any of the other options. I wonder if there are nicknames or exotic naming conventions involved here.
  18. Eburacum

    The 1976 Iran F4 UAP/UFO case

    I've seen this phenomenon also. Brighter lights can jump about when contrasted to a darker background. Sometimes brighter stars can seem to move against a carpet of dimmer stars. I think one contributing factor may be a difference in response times between the rods and cones in the retina, which...
  19. Eburacum

    The 1976 Iran F4 UAP/UFO case

    Concerning the crew in the first airplane, here is a short list of all the crews said to have been involved in this incident. I note that the details change over time, but later accounts seem to converge on a fairly consistent roster. This is quoted from a post I made about this event in 2011 on...
  20. Eburacum

    Are All UFO Reports Wrong, Or Are They Evidence That UFOs Exist?

    I do agree that this argument about complexity is largely a side-track, but it intrigues me; my degree (long ago) was in botany, and plants have been getting more complex over time (although they have no real neural compoment, so that can't be used as a metric). On the other hand my daughter...