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  1. Eburacum

    Skinwalker Ranch - Laser Beam Stops and Starts in Mid Air

    If it is a rolling shutter artifact (which seems likely) then there is no need to fake anything. The Skinwalker Crew need not have known anything about it until they looked at the pictures, although the laser specialists might have anticipated this and told them beforehand.
  2. Eburacum

    Skinwalker Ranch - Laser Beam Stops and Starts in Mid Air

    This 'attenuation' would produce short periodical gaps in the laser beam emission, which would be detectable using a camera using a rolling shutter. I'm just surprised that there are so few gaps. Perhaps the lasers were turned up to near their maximum.
  3. Eburacum

    Skinwalker Ranch - Laser Beam Stops and Starts in Mid Air

    That seems possible, except that in one image the blue laser beam shines through the gap. If the sensors cut out because they were overloaded, then surely the blue laser beam would disappear too.
  4. Eburacum

    Skinwalker Ranch - Laser Beam Stops and Starts in Mid Air

    I agree with this, and noticed the same phenomenon in several locations. Each beam must be a cluster of smaller beams that are connected up to a range of different power/control systems that occasionally glitch in unison.
  5. Eburacum

    Skinwalker Ranch - Laser Beam Stops and Starts in Mid Air

    Quite likely to be cropped from landscape. I'd expect most cameras used in a TV show to be oriented that way. Apart from this objection, the rolling shutter theory seems the most likely answer.
  6. Eburacum

    Skinwalker Ranch - Laser Beam Stops and Starts in Mid Air

    Here's an image of lightning over Denver showing the rolling shutter effect. The top half of the image just shows the lightning, while the lower half shows the reflected light from the environment. Although there is only a fraction of a second between the timing of the two halves of this image...
  7. Eburacum

    Skinwalker Ranch - Laser Beam Stops and Starts in Mid Air

    The only way I can explain this is by some kind of rolling shutter effect. See the Tom Scott video for more details. Note that Tom Scot's expert had to turn the camera on its side to get...
  8. Eburacum

    The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch S03E09 - UAP Disappearing "into Thin Air" [satellite going behind cloud/entering Earth's shadow]

    The course and timing of the pass is so accurate that it must be the Chinese Space Station. It looks like it is a few kilometres away from the published path, but exactly parallel to it - this may be the result of the course adjustment, to avoid the Starlink satellite. Honestly, those Starlinks...
  9. Eburacum

    The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch S03E09 - UAP Disappearing "into Thin Air" [satellite going behind cloud/entering Earth's shadow]

    That looks convincing enough. You may be right. However the CSS would have disappeared anyway, because of the Earth's shadow; and it seems to disappear just outside the cloud, rather than when it enters the cloud, so that seems to be a coincidence.
  10. Eburacum

    The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch S03E09 - UAP Disappearing "into Thin Air" [satellite going behind cloud/entering Earth's shadow]

    Absolutely. This telescope was pointed directly towards the location where a large (56 metre!) satellite entered the Earth's shadow. The rockets were directed towards the same location. A coincidence seems unlikely.
  11. Eburacum

    The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch S03E09 - UAP Disappearing "into Thin Air" [satellite going behind cloud/entering Earth's shadow]

    Assuming this object is the CSS, it is half the length of the ISS, so must be only six or seven arcminutes long at most. This is far too small to show any diameter, or any details at all on a video clip of this magnification. Any details you can see are entirely an artifact of the camera. I've...
  12. Eburacum

    The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch S03E09 - UAP Disappearing "into Thin Air" [satellite going behind cloud/entering Earth's shadow]

    All the lights in that image are crescent shaped, or lop-sided circles with a darkish centre.. This is because they are all slightly out of focus. The crescent shape of the fading object is only due to a reduction in apparent brilliance. When I've seen satellites enter the shadow of the earth...
  13. Eburacum

    Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident

    I can confirm this. My wife worked for the BL until her retirement, and her colleagues say the BL records system is currently in tatters.
  14. Eburacum

    Szydagis' point 3: Interstellar travel is too hard

    Ha! I was already writing science fiction in 1970 (at the age of 14) and one of the things I imagined was an Internet-like electronic media channel. However my foresight was limited by lack of imagination, and I thought it would be just a way to access news from round the world. Never imagined...
  15. Eburacum

    Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident

    The 'Security Police' involved on the first night were Fred ‘Skip’ Buran, John Burroughs, Ed Cabansag, J. D. Chandler, and Jim Penniston. As far as I can tell, these individuals were not involved on the third night. The party on the third night included Halt, Nevels, Englund and Ball. If any...
  16. Eburacum

    Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident

    But no compass. (edit, it does appear they took one, but may not have used it much in the dark). What is a 'trained SP investigator', and what would they be trained in? Security policemen?
  17. Eburacum

    Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident

    Quite plausible. However I note that (in Dr Clarke's timeline) the guy who reported 'they're back' actually stated this on Friday night; site’ (unimpressed) 2130 SPs arrive...
  18. Eburacum

    Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident

    No, but Sirius was south of Halt, and gradually losing altitude, as described in the tape. At 0400 it was approximately the same height off the horizon as Halt stated ('five to ten degrees' ) . Note that any object that hangs around in the sky for at least three quarters of an hour, gradually...
  19. Eburacum

    Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident

    So it has gone completely now, it seems. The last time I was in that part of the country it was to visit the archaeological site at Sutton Hoo, but we drove past the Rendlesham forest.