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  1. Eburacum

    Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident

    My tentative thesis about the 'beams' coming down is that these were artifacts of the Starscope that they were using, a photomultiplier system that can create some beam-like phenomena (as shown in my earlier .gif.) Halt and company were not particularly competent with the Geiger counter, it...
  2. Eburacum

    Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident

    The Starscope might explain this. It does create strange artifacts that resemble 'beams coming down to the ground'. Most likely caused by internally refracted or reflected moonlight, but a very striking effect. I should perhaps point out that (if they were caused by moonlight) these 'beam'...
  3. Eburacum

    Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident

    Nice. You may have something there. Jupiter and Saturn in a conjunction would have been quite remarkable objects. They may have been too close to the Moon to be easily visible, but that may just make them stranger objects to the untrained eye. A relatively recent conjunction between Jupiter...
  4. Eburacum

    Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident

    Oops; Sirius, not Venus (in the Rendlesham sky). I'm sure Ridpath knows the difference; he is an astronomer, after all.
  5. Eburacum

    Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident

    We should move discussion of the Rendlesham event to another thread, although that may result in yet another prolonged fruitless discussion. But Ridpath discusses the later part of Halt's tape in some detail, and it seems quite obvious that Halt is talking about a celestial object here, almost...
  6. Eburacum

    Phoenix Lights

    No, you totally misunderstand why Stanley's observation is more reliable as a way of estimating the height. Stanley was the only observer who positively identified the formation as small, distant planes, thereby ruling out the estimates of height at one or two thousand feet. I assume that all...
  7. Eburacum

    Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident

    Ian Ridpath's analysis of the event does not ignore any of the features; you are correct to say that the lighthouse does not explain everything, but there are good explanations for every aspect of the case. Some events appear to have a sequence of fairly unlikely events happening in a...
  8. Eburacum

    Phoenix Lights

    I'm fairly sure that both events (the 8:00 event and the 10:00 event) have now successfully been 'busted'. Planes and flares.
  9. Eburacum

    Phoenix Lights

    My suggestion is that Stanley's statement is just as reliable as the others, when it comes to angular size. Since there were apparently eight planes in this formation, and Stanley only reported five, then the larger estimates of angular size can easily be explained by assuming that other...
  10. Eburacum

    David Grusch's DOPSR Cleared Statement and IG Complaint

    I have encountered the 'lure UFOs' trope before; I'm sure Steven Greer's Disclosure Project is intended 'summon' UFOs to provide evidence for their existence. ------------- I have encountered the "fact...
  11. Eburacum

    David Grusch's DOPSR Cleared Statement and IG Complaint

    Grusch seems to be saying that (while he was at the NRO) they found a way to 'track UAPs'. There is another, (probably more accurate) interpretation of the same sequence of events; while Grusch was at the NRO they detected a number of sensor returns which they could not identify. These were...
  12. Eburacum

    Michelle Reyes, LaGuardia UFO from Plane Window

    Yes. I suggest this because those two letters have a wide range of angles where they would not display any other features - most of the other letters and numbers are only featureless when seen from a very limited range of angles. Also the number 0 is a very common celebratory balloon. But this...
  13. Eburacum

    Michelle Reyes, LaGuardia UFO from Plane Window

    The 'balloon' appears to be cylindrical and featureless, unlike most letter balloons, which tend to have some detail at each end suggesting a 'serif' of some sort. However a circular balloon - a letter O or a number 0 - could look both cylindrical and featureless if the balloon is tilted so we...
  14. Eburacum

    Eglin AFB UAP

    The photo looks quite blurry. I wonder if the 'blurry air' is a simple example of confabulation between what the pilot saw at the time and what they may have seen later when looking at the photos. I am fairly sure this happens a lot in witness statements, but I'm not sure whether this has ever...
  15. Eburacum

    Stephenville, Texas UFO (2008)

    I have read the Mufon report, several years ago. The lack of videos and photos is suggestive, and it could easily be just another flight of terrestrial jets flying over an unsuspecting town. Here's Tim Printy with another detailed analysis.
  16. Eburacum

    Phoenix Lights

    If the 8:00 phenomenon was caused by a flight of separate aircraft, (as seems likely) then the wide range of estimates of angular size could be caused by at least two factors. 1/ the witness may not have seen, or noticed, all the different aircraft involved, so they may have only counted the...
  17. Eburacum

    Green Fireballs - UFOs or Meteors?

    Naturally occurring meteors don't enter the atmosphere at less than 11km/s, because they are attracted by the Earth's gravity as they approach so are falling at that speed (at least) when they hit the top of the atmosphere. Some re-entering spacecraft (especially ones with people on board) are...
  18. Eburacum

    Green Fireballs - UFOs or Meteors?

    Not at all! However, the idea that the sound of a previous meteor might be confused with the sound of the current meteor only really works in meteor showers, and since meteors arrive at random intervals, even this explanation doesn't work very well. The perceived 'sound' associated with the...
  19. Eburacum

    Green Fireballs - UFOs or Meteors?

    Concerning the 'sound' of a bolide or meteor; most meteors or bolides are tens of kilometres away from the observer. Any sound from the meteor itself will arrive many seconds after the meteor is visible; if you hear a sound when the meteor is passing by, that sound has almost certainly not come...
  20. Eburacum

    Green Fireballs - UFOs or Meteors?

    I should point out that oxygen also glows green at high altitude when excited; that is why many auroras have a green tint (the green and the red glows from aurora are both caused by excitation of oxygen). I have seen a 'green' aurora, but the colour was insufficiently saturated to look...