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  1. Eburacum

    Phoenix Lights

    They don't look symmetric to me, in the Proctor video. At least one of the planes - the closest one - is much further away from the others. From Tim Printy's informative site; Printy communicated with Stanley...
  2. Eburacum

    UFO filmed over New York City - What is it?

    This is an option we should explore more. The movement of the object appears to be coincident with its apparent long axis; could it be elongated by the scanning process? It might be a sphere - maybe a spherical balloon, elongated by the movement of the plane into a round-ended cylinder.
  3. Eburacum

    UFO filmed over New York City - What is it?

    A small solar balloon might go unnoticed by aircrew so would not be reported to the ATC. But solar balloons work better when they are man-sized or larger; the lift provided by warm air is pretty small, so the ratio of volume to surface area needs to be pretty large. Alternately, this could be a...
  4. Eburacum

    Phoenix Lights

    The distance would not be identical to the height, unless the planes flew directly overhead. If they were seen at a lower angle, the front three planes would look considerably closer to each other, and be smaller fractions of a degree apart. For instance. the planes in Terry Proctor's video...
  5. Eburacum

    Phoenix Lights

    Another witness who identified these objects as planes was Rich Contry; Two thousand witnesses who didn't know what they were looking at, versus two witnesses who did, plus a movie that seems to confirm that identification. The 'formation of planes'...
  6. Eburacum

    Phoenix Lights

    Very few video clips of the 8:00 pm event have surfaced; people were not prepared for this event, so they didn't get round to film it. This is before good cameras on smartphones. This is one reason I don't believe everybody who claimed to see it; there was no warning. In particular, I doubt Fife...
  7. Eburacum

    Phoenix Lights

    The well-known UFO proponent Bruce Maccabee did some triangulation work on the 10:00 pm event on March 13,1997, and came to the conclusion that they were flares, more than 30 miles away, perhaps more than 60 miles away...
  8. Eburacum

    Peings and von Rennenkampff: Reconstruction of Potential Flight Paths for the January 2015 “Gimbal” UAP

    Well, that isn't necessarily true. The account of the 'fleet' is purely a verbal recollection, and may be inaccurate in ways that can't be defined with any certainty. So until we get better information on the 'fleet' we can't really say anything much about it.
  9. Eburacum

    Diana W. Pasulka - aliens & religion & other dimensions (JRE podcast #2091)

    Some people really enjoy lucid dreaming, though - a cheap kind of virtual reality. But it does sound risky, if you lose control of the dream.
  10. Eburacum

    Diana W. Pasulka - aliens & religion & other dimensions (JRE podcast #2091)

    Curiously enough, I have had an experience of 'sleep paralysis with aliens', so I know it does happen. One afternoon, after working a night shift, I was lying on my bed and suddenly I saw an alien in the corner of the room. At first I couldn't see it very clearly, or perhaps I wasn't fully...
  11. Eburacum

    Sean Kirkpatrick's Interview With Daniel Lavelle at The Guardian [Transcript]

    That's right. MgBi doesn't sound like a plausible missile part (too flammable), but I'm not a rocket scientist.
  12. Eburacum

    Sean Kirkpatrick's Interview With Daniel Lavelle at The Guardian [Transcript]

    I sometimes wonder if this slag has something to do with Wilbert Smith's lump of stuff from the Ottawa River in 1960. More details here
  13. Eburacum

    'Netherlands from Above' Balloon-like UFO Videoed from Helicopter

    What do you, Senna, think? Do you recognise the parallax effect in this clip? If not, we can explain it at some length. The balloon is not moving, except with the wind.
  14. Eburacum

    Wyoming UFO

    Here's an earlier thread about the 'hovering ship' illusion.
  15. Eburacum

    Wyoming UFO

    Probably not. The light path from a source 1 or 2 miles away is not really long enough for significant refraction or 'looming'. Most superior mirages and refraction effects occur over a distance of many miles. ----------------- Inferior mirages are more local, commonplace and familiar; we've...
  16. Eburacum

    Wyoming UFO

    We know for certain that fires sometimes occur on the surface of the Earth. Fires or other glowing phenomena that appear in mid-air are less likely, but we can't rule them out in this case - unless we can determine whether or not the light that Beckwith filmed for 30+ minutes was actually on...
  17. Eburacum

    Multiple Starlink (and other) UAP reports in FOIA document from FAA

    It seems to be more complex than that. The 'fovea', which is the part of the eye where we see detail the best, is located in the centre of our field of vision. However, it contains very few 'rods' (the cells which detect dim stars and other low-light phenomena) so it is best to observe dim stars...
  18. Eburacum

    Multiple Starlink (and other) UAP reports in FOIA document from FAA

    Interesting. Although these reports show some correlation with the zone where Starlink 'racetrack' events occur, many fall outside the zone, so the Starlink explanation can only be valid for a certain fraction of the total. The other reports, both inside and outside of that zone, must have...
  19. Eburacum

    AARO's Historical UAP Report - Volume 1

    Here's a previous thread on this particular sighting, and the scientific analysis. The most likely explanation is spider ballooning silk contaminated with industrial particulates.
  20. Eburacum

    AARO's Historical UAP Report - Volume 1

    Earlier you said that it is routine for the details of a scientific report to be classified. I've asked my daughter about this, since she is a mathematical biologist PHD doing classified work for the UK plant and animal health agency; she agrees that, yes, it is entirely possible for scientific...