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  1. Trailblazer

    Debunked:'s claims of aerial spraying over London on April 12 2015

    Must have missed it then! Of course, if you believe people like Ian, it should inevitably have led to a "whiteout", but as my pictures show, the rest of the day was largely sunny. (Just checked the EXIF data and those photos were at 2:31pm and 2:07pm respectively. I don't remember seeing any...
  2. Trailblazer

    Debunked:'s claims of aerial spraying over London on April 12 2015

    I was staying with family on the weekend in question so was further from London than usual. There was fairly heavy contrail activity but nothing too out of the ordinary. Here are a couple of photos from April 12 near Stockbridge, Hampshire. So it certainly wasn't like that across the whole...
  3. Trailblazer

    Debunked:'s claims of aerial spraying over London on April 12 2015

    Two of those have EXIF data, showing times of 9:49 and 10:45am. I doubt such a pattern would persist for an hour, so I assume it's a GMT/BST issue and the actual time was around 10:45am BST (9:45am UTC). Does anyone here have premium access to FR24, which gives 30 days of playback?
  4. Trailblazer

    Debunked: Ian Simpson's Presentation at the 2015 Cambridge SRM Conference

    I do think that it was surprising (and disappointing) that the Cambridge conference would invite Ian to speak without offering a decent rebuttal to his presentation. I assume he had to submit details of what he was going to talk about in advance?
  5. Trailblazer

    Aluminium value in rainwater

    Where are you finding that phrase? An aluminium anode system probably refers to a "sacrificial anode", which is a piece of metal that is connected to a metal object at risk of corrosion. The sacrificial anode corrodes preferentially and protects the other metal...
  6. Trailblazer

    Aluminium value in rainwater

    It's really not alarming at all. It's comparing dirty rain water with the limits for treated drinking water. 2700 micrograms per litre is 2.7 parts per million. Bearing in mind that soil is around 7% to 8% aluminium, this equates to around 35 parts per million of soil in the water, or 0.0035%...
  7. Trailblazer

    Debunked:'s claims of aerial spraying over London on April 12 2015

    This is a satellite view of the UK on the day in question. It shows clear skies in the southeast corner, with an extensive sheet of cloud across the middle of the country, and a colder, drier airmass with convective cumulus clouds to the north: At the time this image was taken, there doesn't...
  8. Trailblazer

    Debunked:'s claims of aerial spraying over London on April 12 2015

    The latest claim from Ian Simpson ( is that on April 12 this year London was hit by "the most obvious aerial spraying this year": Taking his claims one at a time: As the natural weather improves, pressure goes...
  9. Trailblazer

    Advocating violence against "Chemtrail" planes, pilots, scientists, and debunkers

    I think at least half the people posting on there are just trolling.
  10. Trailblazer

    Aluminium value in rainwater

    Interesting. Assuming that the address at the top of the analysis is the location the samples were taken from, I had a look to see if it had a zinc roof or anything like that. Not that I can see, but it is less than two miles from a local galvanising factory, which of course uses zinc. I wonder...
  11. Trailblazer

    Aluminium value in rainwater

    It's also important to stress that the results do not mean that there is metallic aluminium present in the water. Note the testing technique detailed at the top: ISO 17294-2, ICP-MS. That is an international standard test method (you can read the abstract at...
  12. Trailblazer

    Aluminium value in rainwater

    The main list of metals is heavy metals (zware metalen). Aluminium is not a heavy metal, so I assume that is why it is listed separately. The list is in the original Dutch: the Dutch word for aluminium is the same as the (British) English.
  13. Trailblazer

    Debunked: Crime Scene Photos "Prove" Sandy Hook was a Hoax

    Wow, if this is evidence that a school is not really occupied by children then my daughter's preschool must be a false flag too! At the last parents' volunteer day in the autumn I was fixing up far worse stuff than that.
  14. Trailblazer

    Debunked: Ian Simpson's Presentation at the 2015 Cambridge SRM Conference

    Did quite a bit of what? Cloud seeding, yes. Anything related to what chemtrail believers are talking about, no. This is what cloud seeding by the Chinese Meteorological Administration looks like:
  15. Trailblazer

    Debunked: Ian Simpson's Presentation at the 2015 Cambridge SRM Conference

    This is exactly why I would love to have the chance to debate one-to-one with him (or many of the other chemtrail believers). In person, where you cannot copy-and-paste YouTube links or delete the other person's comments. :)
  16. Trailblazer

    Debunked: Ian Simpson's Presentation at the 2015 Cambridge SRM Conference

    It's astonishing. He was posting on Facebook months ago about how he was planning to present at Cambridge. And yet he somehow failed to prepare, or even produce a shortened version of his Powerpoint presentation to fit the timeslot.
  17. Trailblazer

    Senator Kelli Ward (Arizona) calls public meeting to address chemtrails concerns

    Update: Kelli Ward has confirmed on Twitter that she does not and never has believed in chemtrails: "Chemtrails" conspiracists claim that airplanes, via visible contrails, are spraying dangerous...
  18. Trailblazer

    Photos of Planes and Contrails (That you took yourself)

    The unseasonably warm weather in England continues... and having lunch in the garden means more contrail spotting! This short stretch of trail was left by Jet2 flight LS832 in level flight at 33,000ft yesterday. It looks like the whole thing developed a helical twist, although that could be an...
  19. Trailblazer

    Contrails from Turboprop Planes at lower than typical altitudes

    Just a minor pedantic point: those soundings are for Camborne (in Cornwall), not Cambourne (in Cambridgeshire). Nottingham is the closest sounding location to Trailspotter's location, but it only has data for 00Z (and the humidity data look very suspect, too!)
  20. Trailblazer

    What's the Farthest Distance a Contrail is Visible at?

    I forgot to add this screenshot showing the distance of the above photo. Taken at 19:06 UTC on April 18.