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  1. Trailblazer

    Debunked: Chemtrail Plane and Other Unlabeled Photos from Facebook etc.

    Yes. I believe two aircraft were modified, but only one at a time. The other registration was N479EV.
  2. Trailblazer

    "Black Beam" Contrail Shadow, Sunshine Coast, Australia

    The sun's rays are parallel, Mick, but shadows will still always form a line pointing back to the sun. That is, if the sun is in the frame of view, the shadows will all appear to converge at the sun's disk. Normal perspective still applies.
  3. Trailblazer

    "Black Beam" Contrail Shadow, Sunshine Coast, Australia

    Have you seen this thread? It covers some "weird" contrail shadow effects. (It also shows a not atypical attitude of a chemtrail believer who has run up against some science, but that's by the by!)
  4. Trailblazer

    Above or Below: How to tell if a contrail is above or below a cloud layer

    I came across this video showing some "weird" cloud shadow effects: From here: Probably these are cumulonimbus clouds (35,000-40,000 feet and beyond) and can actually tower above...
  5. Trailblazer

    Welcome Thread - New Members Post Here

    Hi Lisa, are you the same person that was asking about a dark beam/shadow in the comments on the Erin Brockovich post on Facebook? That thread was going pretty crazy - 1,400 comments and counting! You ought to get some easier-to-follow answers here.
  6. Trailblazer

    Very good question asked by Madison Star Moon

    By which, do you mean that chemtrail believers don't really believe they are being poisoned, but instead they just like to have something to complain about?
  7. Trailblazer

    Very good question asked by Madison Star Moon

    Another "very good question", from one Sheri Berry:
  8. Trailblazer

    Advocating violence against "Chemtrail" planes, pilots, scientists, and debunkers

    I think he meant the people doing the laser attacks are just kids being stupid, not people taking action against imagined "chemtrails". And I think that's probably right in most cases.
  9. Trailblazer

    Photos of Clouds and Skies (That you took yourself)

    At 10.30 this morning the sky was crystal clear. By 12 noon some classic "mare's tails" had appeared: And now, at 12.45, the sky is completely overcast with dark grey cloud.
  10. Trailblazer

    Debunked: No persistent contrails in Russia

    I see. Chemtrails are a fait accompli in David Icke world. Figures!
  11. Trailblazer

    Useful Chemtrail Debunking Images and Infographics

    I do have my suspicions about "CA Chemtrails". Both the Facebook page and the Twitter feed are just an endless stream of pictures of contrails and various aircraft equipment, labelled "chemtrails" or "chemplane" as appropriate. I'm not quite sure what the goal is!
  12. Trailblazer

    Chemtrail Follower

    That is the behaviour that makes me strongly suspect that many of the people who run chemtrail groups don't REALLY believe in it. If they had the courage of their convictions and truly believed they had evidence, then why would they delete and block comments from people disagreeing with them...
  13. Trailblazer

    Chemtrail Follower

    Seems strange that he would message you - usually these people just delete comments, block users and pretend nothing happened! Do you think that suggests that he knows he is lying?
  14. Trailblazer

    Photos of Planes and Contrails (That you took yourself)

    A bit of a silly one, but it caught my eye on the way to work this morning: the Shard in rocket-launcher mode ;) Seriously, though, a nice illustration of how a plane in level flight can appear to be going vertically if it is flying towards you. I think it was this one:
  15. Trailblazer

    Debate Challenge from Madisonstar Moon to Mick West

    Perhaps off topic, but I've always thought that "debunker" is a very negative-sounding word. Yes, I get that it means "removing bunk", and that bunk is a bad thing, but the word itself doesn't sound helpful. Mythbuster is a better one, but that has been taken...
  16. Trailblazer

    Advocating violence against "Chemtrail" planes, pilots, scientists, and debunkers

    Is Rebecca Wilson an admin on that page, or something? She has debunked several pictures, regularly disagrees with chemmies, and yet has miraculously not been banned! She doesn't seem to be a total non-believer, but she does at least appear to have some sense.
  17. Trailblazer

    Debunked: No persistent contrails in Russia

    Contrails over Persepolis, in Iran? Contrails from Varadero beach, Cuba: As for North Korea, I can't imagine it has many overflights?
  18. Trailblazer

    Photos of Clouds and Skies (That you took yourself)

    I think the camera was tilted. As I said, I grabbed the shot one-handed while on my bike (I was running late and couldn't stop!) Here is a photo a few minutes later, full-frame with some vertical reference points.
  19. Trailblazer

    Debunked: No persistent contrails in Russia

    Long contrails running across the cloud streaks near Lake Onega, in NW Russia, from NASA Worldview. Pic from October 17 2014.
  20. Trailblazer

    Debunked: No persistent contrails in Russia

    A random dip into Google Street View brought up contrails almost immediately. Here are some in Nizhny Novgorod:,43.9231749,3a,75y,151.33h,104.24t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sC9X77qkkG4WW4CUkgZdiqQ!2e0