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  1. Trailblazer

    Former believers, and lessons learned

    Jason, remember that a "theory" in scientific terms is very different from a "theory" as in "conspiracy theory" etc. An idea based on speculation is called a hypothesis. Only if it becomes very well tried, tested and accepted does it become a theory. I personally think it's a bad name, as...
  2. Trailblazer

    Photos of Planes and Contrails (That you took yourself)

    And another one, which flew almost directly overhead: Alitalia AZ610 from Rome to JFK (an Airbus 330): Ten minutes after I took that photo with the flight almost directly overhead, it was 81 miles away, just the other side of the Welsh border, but still just about visible with the naked eye...
  3. Trailblazer

    Photos of Planes and Contrails (That you took yourself)

    We had very clear skies here today in the southern UK, with low humidity so contrails were not persisting. However around sunset the short contrails were really standing out in the clear sky so I thought I'd see just how far away I could see a plane with a short contrail. First of all, this one...
  4. Trailblazer

    Debunked: Anatomical impossibility of Jeff Bauman photos

    I used the free online web app at I didn't save the skeleton position (I'm not sure that is even possible in the free version) so I'm afraid I only have that view, and I've spent more than enough time on this issue. It's reasonably easy, if a little time-consuming, to do if...
  5. Trailblazer

    Welcome Thread - New Members Post Here

    Welcome! That sounds like a familiar tale. I regularly see links to scientific papers, patents, reports etc submitted as "proof" of some nefarious activity, by somebody who hasn't read beyond the title or perhaps a few keywords. Usually the text says pretty much the opposite of what they claim... :)
  6. Trailblazer

    Plane with Yellow Tail over Redding, CA [Polar Air Cargo Flight]

    Looking at the high-altitude winds for the time in question, the wind was blowing slightly from the north of west over northern California, and sure enough the trail is being blown slightly to the south of the flight track. (That's the nearest chart I could get - it is about one hour before...
  7. Trailblazer

    Plane with Yellow Tail over Redding, CA [Polar Air Cargo Flight]

    I've posted this before, but it is specific to the 747-8, which is the plane type being discussed (albeit not the freight/cargo variant, which was also present). It's a video of the plane's very first international appearance, at the 2011 Paris Air Show. Several photos taken on this aircraft are...
  8. Trailblazer

    Plane with Yellow Tail over Redding, CA [Polar Air Cargo Flight]

    You obviously haven't read these threads where these exact photos, and dozens like them, have been researched and identified. You are not presenting anything new.
  9. Trailblazer

    Plane with Yellow Tail over Redding, CA [Polar Air Cargo Flight]

    Just quoting this post to show how easily people who aren't in the habit of watching the sky can misinterpret everyday events. Assuming this is not an exaggeration then several people mistook a horizontal sunlit trail, 35,000ft up and many miles away just around sunset, as something descending...
  10. Trailblazer

    Plane with Yellow Tail over Redding, CA [Polar Air Cargo Flight]

    Nice. If it was an iPhone, as the screenshots suggest, then the FOV can be found here: Assuming an iPhone 5 you want about 58.5°. Would that give a closer match?
  11. Trailblazer

    Tree and other plant problems as evidence for chemtrails?

    Here is what it says: The OCA also claims that Monsanto's Roundup herbicide has been found to aid the spread of fusarium head blight in wheat. Wheat infected with fusarium head blight is unsafe for human or animal consumption. Far from killing fusarium, it has been claimed that Roundup...
  12. Trailblazer

    Plane with Yellow Tail over Redding, CA [Polar Air Cargo Flight]

    It didn't. You can check the track logs at FlightAware: (click "track log & graph" next to "Status" for detailed log) (Incidentally, the destination is shown correctly as Cincinnati/North Kentucky on FlightAware.)...
  13. Trailblazer

    Plane with Yellow Tail over Redding, CA [Polar Air Cargo Flight]

    Cargo planes carry all sorts of things. Why on earth is it relevant what was inside the cargo hold? If you look at the links I gave you, that flight goes from Tokyo to Cincinnati almost every day. Anyway, hopefully this has illustrated that the apparent downward motion was just an illusion due...
  14. Trailblazer

    Plane with Yellow Tail over Redding, CA [Polar Air Cargo Flight]

    Well you're right. It was a standard perfectly normal flight carrying cargo (and a few crew). (PAC is 49% owned by DHL - that yellow tail you saw is the DHL colours.)
  15. Trailblazer

    Plane with Yellow Tail over Redding, CA [Polar Air Cargo Flight]

    Thanks. I was looking along I-5 trying to find a viewpoint that matched, so I was off target. Looks like it was here, right? (New blacktop since the Street View car went by!)...
  16. Trailblazer

    Plane with Yellow Tail over Redding, CA [Polar Air Cargo Flight]

    Anything with an ADS-B transponder should be there. Military aircraft would be unlikely to show up. Common aircraft models that usually do not have an ADS-B transponder and are not visible on Flightradar24 (within ADS-B coverage): "Air Force One" Antonov AN-124 and AN-225 ATR 42, 72 (except...
  17. Trailblazer

    Plane with Yellow Tail over Redding, CA [Polar Air Cargo Flight]

    What's strange, though, is that most of the flights seem to fly a great-circle route to Cincinnati (and therefore cross the west coast up over British Columbia or Washington, well to the north of Redding) but the ones on Oct 21 and Oct 22 appeared to be routing to LA, then diverted.
  18. Trailblazer

    Tree and other plant problems as evidence for chemtrails?

    Exactly: where is all this aluminium? If airborne aluminium was present at levels that would harm plants, it would be setting off alarms at every air quality monitoring station in the land. That just isn't happening. As I have previously linked here, aluminium levels even in the heavily...
  19. Trailblazer

    Tree and other plant problems as evidence for chemtrails?

    In the US. Here in the UK, GMOs are banned from being grown. They are not banned outright from use in food, but most retailers have their own voluntary bans.
  20. Trailblazer

    Plane with Yellow Tail over Redding, CA [Polar Air Cargo Flight]

    It is, but it actually happened twice in a row! In fact I have just noticed that I originally linked to the wrong flight. If you look at the link, both the departures on 10-21 and 10-22 (Japanese time) from Tokyo to LAX ended up in Cincinnati. And previous flights have done the same thing, e.g...