Search results

  1. Trailblazer

    Useful Chemtrail Debunking Images and Infographics

    This is a useful site for getting maps of the weather conditions at contrail height, in North America or Europe. At the top, click "Maps", then select "GFS", then the region you want, e.g. "CONUS", then "Upper Air". You get this menu: The left hand...
  2. Trailblazer

    How far away can I see an aircraft?

    Yes, you can see planes (or at least, the trails they are making!) 50 miles or more away under good conditions. I took this picture a couple of weeks ago around sunset: That distinctive turn made it easy to find on FlightRadar24: Measuring on Google Maps, the turning point was almost...
  3. Trailblazer

    Busy Sky over Southern UK - July 30 2014

    A few hours later and the skies were totally clear by late afternoon. (I'm in London now, about 35 miles away from the first photos.) Again, the reason can be seen on the humidity map: The brown colour shows much drier air having moved in.
  4. Trailblazer

    Jimi baker's contrails

    Even zooming right in on that picture I can't make out the jet. If it was at "12 to 14 thousand feet" then I would. I live under very busy skies and I can recognise what height planes are flying at. That is at cruising altitude, well above 30,000ft at a guess.
  5. Trailblazer

    Jimi baker's contrails

    Hello Jimi. When and where were they taken? Then perhaps we can explain. As Mick says, what are you basing the altitude on? Did you identify the flights using Flightaware or a similar tool? As for the temperature issue, I am going to assume you are in the USA? Right now, regardless of how hot...
  6. Trailblazer

    Busy Sky over Southern UK - July 30 2014

    As this has spun off into its own thread, here are a couple more relevant photos. Amid all the trail frenzy I noticed one plane that wasn't leaving a persistent trail: I then managed to fire up FR24 in time to get an identification, which explains it: Air France flight 11 from JFK to Paris...
  7. Trailblazer

    Busy Sky over Southern UK - July 30 2014

    The area of moist air responsible shows up very nicely on this chart:
  8. Trailblazer

    Busy Sky over Southern UK - July 30 2014

    A very busy-looking sky this morning over Hampshire, UK (July 30 2014).
  9. Trailblazer

    How Much Water is there in Jet Engine Exhaust? [About 1.3 Gallons per Gallon of Fuel Used]

    Just think about what you wrote there. It makes no sense. Is exhaust the same thing as fuel? No: exhaust is what you get after you have burnt the fuel. Combustion products are oxides. Fuel is made up of CARBON and HYDROGEN (it is a hydrocarbon) so the combustion products are oxides of carbon...
  10. Trailblazer

    Debunked: Tail Sprayers & Fake Infrared [Contrail Gaps and Photoshop]

    And yet on your "Contact us" page you say: You do not have to identify yourself at any stage if you do not wish to. Or does that only apply to people who are "on board"?
  11. Trailblazer

    Debunked: Tail Sprayers & Fake Infrared [Contrail Gaps and Photoshop]

    Absolute rubbish. I have seen the comments that people have left explaining that you are totally wrong. They were genuine, polite and factual and yet they were deleted almost immediately. Please explain what your motivation is in spreading your lies and fear.
  12. Trailblazer

    Shasta County Supervisors to discuss chemtrails

    Oh I think they do, except when it doesn't suit them to. Haven't you read the explanations for why the aluminium in the quack remedies they sell is good for you (zeolite etc), but the aluminium in chemtrails is pure airborne death?
  13. Trailblazer

    Photos of Clouds and Skies (That you took yourself)

    Solar halo, Guernsey, July 17 2014. Cirrus sheet entirely comprised of contrails, as far as I could tell!
  14. Trailblazer

    Chemtrails or contrails July 2014 (video)

    Simple contrails. What is to debunk? I see them more days than not where I live, and have done for the three decades I have lived here. This was this morning.
  15. Trailblazer

    Debunked: Tail Sprayers & Fake Infrared [Contrail Gaps and Photoshop]

    Look at their advice for how to deal with people who disagree with them: 1) Never “reply to” them; (do not fall for their tactics). 2) REPORT them, because what they’re doing is a form of cyber-BULLYING. 3) On your page, DELETE their comments and BLOCK them. Do those look like the tactics...
  16. Trailblazer

    Weatherman Acknowledges Military's Dumping of Chaff into The Atmosphere

    It does indeed vary hugely, but 6-7% is a good ballpark average, and works out as a nice quotable amount of 1oz per lb.
  17. Trailblazer

    Weatherman Acknowledges Military's Dumping of Chaff into The Atmosphere

    This paper (as mirrored on a true believer's site!) says 500 tons a year on the US: Chaff is about 40% Al by...
  18. Trailblazer

    Weatherman Acknowledges Military's Dumping of Chaff into The Atmosphere

    But doesn't it occur to these people that there is infinitely more aluminium right under their feet? A pound of dry soil contains about an ounce of aluminium, on average, which is why I cannot help laughing when I see people getting all excited over a few hundred micrograms per litre in...
  19. Trailblazer

    Weatherman Acknowledges Military's Dumping of Chaff into The Atmosphere

    Why do you think it needs "debunking"? Do you think chaff is sinister? Radar chaff has been around since the Second World War. It reflects radar. That's what it is for. I really don't understand why you are putting a video about chaff in a "chemtrails" forum. What's the agenda here?
  20. Trailblazer

    Images vs Text in communicating new ideas

    Trouble is, it doesn't just have to be a no-hard-reading image that can be shared on Facebook. It also has to be meme-worthy. A photo of contrails with "Look Up - Their[sic] Killing You" plastered across it is going to get shared. A photo of the same contrails with "Oh Look: Ice Crystals" isn't.