Search results

  1. Mendel

    JoseMonkey - Geolocating for fun

    Search for "geoguessr alternative" to find several games of this kind.
  2. Mendel

    Ross Coulthart Shows Patch Claimed of "Reverse Engineering Program at Area 51"

    Not quite. [10:47]He also took a smartphone image of his great-uncle's EG&G engineering group and their insignia patch. Remember, the great-uncle talked to the engineer on the alleged reverse engineering team, he never worked on the "egg" himself. And we don't have the image of the team, it...
  3. Mendel

    Ross Coulthart Shows Patch Claimed of "Reverse Engineering Program at Area 51"

    Leaning Tower of Pisa tourist photo style, two people farther from the camera miming to pick it up. The calibration sphere is certainly seamless and shows nothing on an x-ray!
  4. Mendel

    Ross Coulthart Shows Patch Claimed of "Reverse Engineering Program at Area 51"

    What is an EW/RCS range, and why does it use calibration spheres? Electronic Warfare/Radar Cross Section, and the sphere provides a known reflection?
  5. Mendel

    Many High-Ranking People Have Confirmed Existence of Secret UFO Programs. Who Has Already Made Similar Claims?

    @Tezcatlipoca mentioned James Jesus Angleton as an example of that.
  6. Mendel

    House Oversight Hearing on UAPs - July 26, 2023

    because to them, there's no difference if we can't explain it, it must be alien, right? the new bill introduces "temporarily unattributed objects", maybe that helps
  7. Mendel

    Rand Study Finds Inconsistencies Between UAP Reports and Domestic US Military Installations

    Actually, the Rand report states that there are more UFO reports in rural areas.
  8. Mendel

    Ross Coulthart Shows Patch Claimed of "Reverse Engineering Program at Area 51"

    Not uncritically. If something's not plausible, it gets questions. If it should have sources and doesn't, I dig deeper. But: • we're not journalists • there's no fame or fortune for those who post here (not even karma)
  9. Mendel

    Ross Coulthart Shows Patch Claimed of "Reverse Engineering Program at Area 51"

    Confirmed here: Lockheedskunk listed the patch several times on ebay, with different photographs (and slightly different descriptions) of the same patch (same stitching!). This was confirmed via ebay, search engine caches, and the soviet memorabilia site which mirrored the listings.
  10. Mendel

    Mick West interview with Naval Aviator and F/A-18 pilot Brian Burke

    this thread: , be sure to see page 2! more at
  11. Mendel

    Mick West interview with Naval Aviator and F/A-18 pilot Brian Burke

    We had ATFLIR images of jet exhausts on metabunk previously, possibly on the thread about the temperature.
  12. Mendel

    Ross Coulthart Shows Patch Claimed of "Reverse Engineering Program at Area 51"

    The problem here is, if it's legit, why the varying descriptions?
  13. Mendel

    Mick West interview with Naval Aviator and F/A-18 pilot Brian Burke

    Because normally, they'd lock on aircraft much closer than 30 nm, and those images have much less glare, and thus the engines do look different. Remember, these experts are good in a specific area, and in the case of pilots, it's looking at other aircraft that are actually in range of their...
  14. Mendel

    Ross Coulthart Shows Patch Claimed of "Reverse Engineering Program at Area 51"

    Other options: • he had a small run made, maybe 10 or 20, and they're all sitting packaged for posting on his shelf, except for the one he has out to take pictures of for ebay listings. • There is actually only one that was never sold, and he hoped it would be discovered "naturally" and go...
  15. Mendel

    Ross Coulthart Shows Patch Claimed of "Reverse Engineering Program at Area 51"

    Proof that Metabunk is run by the FSB?
  16. Mendel

    Alleged Flight MH370 UFO Teleportation Videos [Hoax]

    "This never happens", he said confidently. [It's possible there's a video of a real jet flying a turn at the base of it all, but it wouldn't be 9M-MRO, and there would be no orbs.]
  17. Mendel

    Alleged Flight MH370 UFO Teleportation Videos [Hoax]

    There wasn't "one guy" who found debris. If you want to discuss this further, make a new topic in . The first SIX pieces found were located by locals in Reunion Island, South Africa, Madagascar and Mozambique from mid-2015 to early 2016. Blaine...
  18. Mendel

    Alleged Flight MH370 UFO Teleportation Videos [Hoax]

    Yes. However, you were not talking about its provenance, you were imagining it. Unless you have evidence in your talk, it's not interesting.
  19. Mendel

    Alleged Flight MH370 UFO Teleportation Videos [Hoax]

    MH17 was downed by Russian intelligence? There was a Russian military presence in the Indian Ocean in 2014? Also, you're behind the times. Nowadays, it's customary to blame the Chinese. :-p