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  1. Mendel

    UAP Disclosure Act of 2023 (Ammendment to S. 2226)

    The people who promise the big disclosures are going to look foolish when this bill is enacted, but nothing big gets disclosed. The skeptics are going to look foolish when this law leads to the claims about UFOs and their pilots being validated. (I bet you it won't.)
  2. Mendel

    Ross Coulthart Shows Patch Claimed of "Reverse Engineering Program at Area 51"

    No. ASCII extends to 127 only. 'E' is 69 in ASCII. In ISO-8859-1, 201 = 0xC9 is 'É'.
  3. Mendel

    Ross Coulthart Shows Patch Claimed of "Reverse Engineering Program at Area 51"

    Source: starting at 7:52 Coulthart spins the tale, I don't have the time when the patch is shown
  4. Mendel

    Ross Coulthart Shows Patch Claimed of "Reverse Engineering Program at Area 51"

    Ross discussed the story behind the patch on the latest episode of Need To Know (8:50 - 13:30). The individual who shared the picture has testified to AARO and is also prepared to testify to congress under oath. The guy in question served in the air force for 28 years at ‘E8’ level before being...
  5. Mendel

    Ross Coulthart Shows Patch Claimed of "Reverse Engineering Program at Area 51"

    Link content (please review the link policy): Source: Source: MAP (Measure, Analyze, Protect) project (2005-2008) Overview...
  6. Mendel

    Fravor's Hypersonic UFO observation. Parallax Illusion? Comparing Accounts

    Look at it this way: • an object is more likely to be mistaken by size or movement if the distance to it is unknown • if an aerial object drops off the radar, its distance becomes unknown • therefore, situations where radar is disabled are more likely to lead to UFO reports • therefore, UFO...
  7. Mendel

    Welcome Thread - New Members Post Here

    I had to look up that acronym, so FYI, ASOIAF=A Song Of Ice And Fire, the book series underlying Game Of Thrones
  8. Mendel

    Intercept Article on David Grusch's Past - Allegations of a Smear Campaign

    Elizondo was in a similar position. Mellon was in a similar position. Adjust your expectations. Elizondo and Mellon genuinely believed the white blobs in the Navy videos were evidence of UFOs.
  9. Mendel

    Rand Study Finds Inconsistencies Between UAP Reports and Domestic US Military Installations

    The main argument of the authors seems to be that military activity generates UFO reports (see e.g. the Las Vegas flare sightings). People near a base are more likely to assign lights in the sky to military operations, while people farther away wouldn't; and if you move even farther away, there...
  10. Mendel

    Rand Study Finds Inconsistencies Between UAP Reports and Domestic US Military Installations

    From the report: I couldn't find any indication that the index is scaled by area. A 30-60km ring is 3 times the size as the area inside the 30km ring. And the 60-120km ring is 3 times the size of both combined. The index really ought to be scaled by population density as well: if large...
  11. Mendel

    Alleged Flight MH370 UFO Teleportation Videos [Hoax]

    A passenger plane missing is immediately noticed by everyone who expected someone aboard the aircraft to arrive. That's one reason why a fake like this is immoral: to suggest to the people left behind that their loved ones may have ended up abducted by aliens is preying on their grief and...
  12. Mendel

    Alleged Flight MH370 UFO Teleportation Videos [Hoax]

    From the accident report (via ): The "almost certain" parts typically have properties that are unique to Malaysian Airlines (MAL), who are not reported to have lost another Boeing 777 in the ocean (although one was shot down over...
  13. Mendel

    Alleged Flight MH370 UFO Teleportation Videos [Hoax]

    That's ~12 hours after the final satellite contact. It's apparent that MH370 was long out of fuel by then. From the accident investigation report (via ): From the Australian ATSB, who led the search: Satellite communications...
  14. Mendel

    Alleged Flight MH370 UFO Teleportation Videos [Hoax]

    90⁰ in 27 seconds means it's a 2-minute-turn. A standard rate turn is defined as a 3° per second turn, which completes a 360° turn in 2 minutes. This is known as a 2-minute turn, or rate one (180°/min). Standardized turn rates are often employed in approaches and holding patterns to provide a...
  15. Mendel

    Alleged Flight MH370 UFO Teleportation Videos [Hoax]

    From the scale of the map/distance to the target, the altitude of the satellite, and accounting for curvature, what would the viewing angle have been? For either coordinate? You could view some ISS onboard camera footage, on youtube or elsewhere. The orbital speed is approximately the same to...
  16. Mendel

    ATFLIR Technician Jeremy Snow discusses Gimbal, FLIR1, and GoFast

    I have a feeling that, in a tactical setting, accidental underexposure is the thing to avoid.
  17. Mendel

    George Knapp - Statement to Congress

    BAASS = Build An Alien Space Ship ? ;)
  18. Mendel

    Fravor's Hypersonic UFO observation. Parallax Illusion? Comparing Accounts

    First, Fravor was probably on the radio and primed the other observers to interpret what they were seeing to fit what he was saying. Second, the 4th WSO has not spoken publicly? Jim Slaight describes the motion as "straight across" and then as "control of the airspace". Nothing of erratic...
  19. Mendel

    Intercept Article on David Grusch's Past - Allegations of a Smear Campaign

    Enough media are using Grusch to boost their audience numbers. The newly founded "Americans for Safe Aerospace" had its executive director (Graves) and a member of its council (Fravor) on a widely publicized Congress hearing. See...