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  1. Mendel

    What kind of aircraft displays these kind of lights?

    Are you able to check the clock on his camera via this sighting, to see whether it's slow or on time? If that's a reference to Americans for Safe Aerospace, I wouldn't be surprised tbh.
  2. Mendel

    What kind of aircraft displays these kind of lights?

    Are you able to check the clock on his camera via these sightings, to see whether it's slow or on time?
  3. Mendel

    The Department of Defense Launches the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office Website

    If it doesn't have cookies and dozens of trackers, that's a good thing.
  4. Mendel

    Has any UFOlogist managed to explain the crash rate of these UFOs?

    This post has quite a lot wrong with it (sorry). • It's the crash rate per flight • we're trying to relate UFO sightings and crashes • so a crash rate per flight seems appropriate • my own post #2 uses crashes per flight hours • any rate highly depends on which types of craft you look at • and...
  5. Mendel

    What kind of aircraft displays these kind of lights?

    that depends entirely on how close the camera is to the treeline, and how high the trees are since it looks like the trees have big structure, and since the aircraft's motion in 2D doesn't seem slowed, the trees are probably fairly close the star identification provided us with a value of 42⁰...
  6. Mendel

    The Department of Defense Launches the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office Website

    video of glare covering a temporarily non-attributed (non-anomalous) object
  7. Mendel

    The Department of Defense Launches the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office Website

    It should be clear that they're not anomalous. And resolving anomalies is AARO's job.
  8. Mendel

    Debunked: Steve Koonin's downplaying of sea level rise

    So it basically comes down to whether climate change is man-made; and if we agree that human activity has a large part of it, then that's also true for sea level change as a consequence.
  9. Mendel

    "It moved in a way that defies the laws of physics. Couldn't possibly be man made..."

    I've only seen that kind of manoeuverability in ornithopters before. It's perhaps worth it to note that this kind of agility depends on the ratio of the rotor disk area to the weight of the device. The area scales with s² while the weight scales with s³, so this kind of agility does not scale...
  10. Mendel

    What kind of aircraft displays these kind of lights?

    that's what I meant to ask earlier, but forgot It's easy to assume that the video was filmed in landscape mode, with the lower edge of the picture horizontal, but you're saying it wasn't? Note this says the orientation stays the same, but not that it's horizontal. For it to be horizontal...
  11. Mendel

    Debunked: Steve Koonin's downplaying of sea level rise

    What are "natural" causes of sea level rise?
  12. Mendel

    What kind of aircraft displays these kind of lights?

    I noted that above. The video was taken on an "actual camera", and these devices don't usually sync their clocks via the net, so they can be off quite a substantial amount. When he encountered that with the Las Vegas flare sightings, Mick made a thread about it, at...
  13. Mendel

    Maui Wildfires

    Yes. subsequently, a power pole was snapped along Lahainaluna Road, across the street from the Lāhainā Intermediate School near the northeast side of town.[64] A three-acre (1.2 ha) brush fire was reported at 6:37 a.m. HST (UTC 16:37) as the downed power line sparked flames to dry grass near...
  14. Mendel

    Maui Wildfires

    My point is that a fire that starts in the middle of town is reported as a town fire, not a wildfire.
  15. Mendel

    Russia and Ukraine Current Events

    Sink a few more of these barges, and they're cutting off Rostov-on-Don.... July 2022, source
  16. Mendel

    Maui Wildfires

    No, what he meant to say was, "it looks a lot like something exploded", because that's the only consistent message with "it doesn't look like a fire to me". "almost" means it doesn't.
  17. Mendel

    Russia and Ukraine Current Events

    What happened in August? Source:
  18. Mendel

    Maui Wildfires

    @Mick West posted a video on the space laser myth. Source:
  19. Mendel

    What kind of aircraft displays these kind of lights?

    I've caught and corrected a typo that made the Earth radius at the observer 6272424, whereas the correct value is 6372424. This changed the result substantially.
  20. Mendel

    Debunked: "Celestial navigation is based on elevation angles from a Flat Earth"

    Not the point. This has no longer to do anythinv with FE or navigation; please continue the discussion at .