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  1. Mendel

    Question: How to explain what refraction is doing to occlude this image of the sun?

    yes. the sun (and every single star constellation) being pretty much the same size no matter where or when it is in the sky is immediate counterevidence to physical explanations of flat earth celestial mechanics (the nonphysical explanation being along the line of god deceiving us all...
  2. Mendel

    Question: How to explain what refraction is doing to occlude this image of the sun?

    I always appreciate short videos, well done 1:33 if the atmosphere is made up if zillions and zillions tiny convex drops of water the water in the atmosphere is mostly gas (vapor), not liquid drops, otherwise we'd see a rainbow all the time as sunlight hits these droplets 1:43 collectively...
  3. Mendel

    Debunking Humor...

    there you go: Source:
  4. Mendel

    Skinwalker Ranch Carriage House Lights and Bird on a Sunny Day

    It would of course be super nice if @sgreenstreet made a short post here when the final Skinwalker Ranch episode of The Basement Office becomes available.
  5. Mendel

    Claim: Moon's terminator as a evidence for distant sun

    You put your request very well, Before I get into the maths (in another post), let me point out that the angle from the observer to the spheres matters as well for the apparent orientation of the terminator, which is why in these photographs the ball is always held close to the moon (ideally it...
  6. Mendel

    Claim: Original Calvine UFO Photo

    That's true for every source. And it's even more true for unsourced claims.
  7. Mendel

    Claim: Original Calvine UFO Photo

    You can't use any encyclopedia as a source in a scholarly work (unless you're studying encyclopedias). Fortunately, metabunk doesn't aspire to such high standards, so using wikipedia as a source is both fine and useful. From that same page, right above your excerpt: This page is about using...
  8. Mendel

    Claim: Original Calvine UFO Photo

    that's their 3rd reference
  9. Mendel

    Claim: Original Calvine UFO Photo

    to elaborate on this further, metabunk is not strict about credible sources at all, otherwise bunk couldn't be quoted. (What you must not do is drop a link and leave it at that.) however, providing a citation serves as a reality check. people (even senior members) are often tempted to post...
  10. Mendel

    Claim: Original Calvine UFO Photo

    We don't reference "various" sites, but mostly wikipedia (and wiktionary) which enforce editorial policies requiring references. They are highly credible, as studies have shown. The fact that anyone can edit them means that anyone can correct them, and wikis keep a history of all changes...
  11. Mendel

    What are these things in the sky?

    Yes, witnesses describe the interval as "5 to 6 seconds", and the WDR clip goes faster than that. The counterintuitive bit about this sighting is that, from afar, the clouds appear like a homigenous white mass, but they're really not; and the lighting exposes this unseen structure.
  12. Mendel

    Geolocating with GPT4

    The technical term for that is "hallucination". In artificial intelligence (AI), a hallucination or artificial hallucination (also occasionally called delusion[1]) is a confident response by an AI that does not seem to be justified by its training data. [..] Such phenomena are termed...
  13. Mendel

    Geolocating with GPT4

    I heard a lecture on "expert systems" over 30 years ago, then all the rage in AI. The main difference between those and humans is that they don't have any clue when they've crossed the boundary of their expertise and their performance drops sharply. That's precisely the behaviour you describe...
  14. Mendel

    Calvine UFO Photo - Reflection In Water Hypothesis

    Why? I don't follow that logic at all, is there precedent or written policy or any evidence for that assumption? No. Scroll back up and read the source, the rationale is CLEARLY STATED. The unusual thing is that the MoD "UFO office" commented to the Daily Record about this photographs BECAUSE...
  15. Mendel

    Geolocating with GPT4

    not really true, that AI algorithm was programmed to search a predefined solution space basically it had the task to find needles in a haystack and excelled at it, but there's nothing qualitatively new about the solutions it finds
  16. Mendel

    Calvine UFO Photo - Reflection In Water Hypothesis

    • bringing up Kuwait is a red herring because it didn't make the world stop, it has no bearing on the UFO issues at all • while Britain was affected by the invasion, it wasn't yet involved (as in, was actually there) because of the innuendo, it's unclear why John wants us to consider whether...
  17. Mendel

    Debunked: 15 Minute Cities are a plot to confine people into regimented zones

    both my grandmothers didn't even have cars, and they still went out shopping by themselves at well over 80, because they lived in small German towns and could.
  18. Mendel

    Debunked: 15 Minute Cities are a plot to confine people into regimented zones

    so what do we do when we're too old to safely drive? I had heard about some urban planning in the US (Houston?) zoning suburbs as exclusively residential; if you disallow mixed zoning, there's no space for commerce to set up near people's homes.
  19. Mendel

    Geolocating with GPT4

    the AI isn't actually smart. It provides a natural-language interface to a huge trove of data.
  20. Mendel

    Debunked: 15 Minute Cities are a plot to confine people into regimented zones

    Yet: In 2017, the United States Department of Agriculture reported that 39.5 million people or 12.8% of the population were living in low-income and low-access areas.[6] Of this number, 19 million people live in "food deserts," low-income census tracts that are more than one mile from a...