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  1. Mendel

    UFOs and skepticism

    that's grasping at straws. if you do a replication, the effect should appear every single time, maybe not at a statistically significant level. If that's not the case, that raises questions about the quality of the respective studies, and the possibility that certain researchers would not...
  2. Mendel

    Claim: Original Calvine UFO Photo

    hovered above the A9 near Calvine for 10 minutes in broad daylight, and apparently nobody else saw it
  3. Mendel

    UFOs and skepticism

    your research would be interesting if a reputable physicist (or the JRF?) had been able to replicate it as it stands, we're supposed to take the word of the snake oil salesman that his snake oil cures all illnesses
  4. Mendel

    UFOs and skepticism

    that's the same impression I got, thank you for addressing it more in-depth than I could
  5. Mendel

    UFOs and skepticism

    "interesting" is right, thinks "Physics Essays" is a fringe journal that "publishes crackpot nonsense", and it's been dropped from major indexes.
  6. Mendel

    UFOs and skepticism

    I believe your argument goes "I know dice without negative numbers, therefore dice have no negative numbers. I know physical scales without negative numbers, therefore physical scales have no negative numbers". If it doesn't, I don't really see how it applies to my argument, "since that amount...
  7. Mendel

    UFOs and skepticism

    I'd say it admits the possibility without leading to immediate contradiction. In 1942, Paul Dirac wrote a paper "The Physical Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics"[1] where he introduced the concept of negative energies and negative probabilities: The idea of negative probabilities later...
  8. Mendel

    UFOs and skepticism

    So it can be negative. QED.
  9. Mendel

    UFOs and skepticism

    reminds me of the Peterson thread for the pure amount of sophistry on display energy has a finite variety of forms a quantum of energy has a certain amount, measured in Joule or in eV, and that's its most important property since that amount is a number, it can theoretically be negative if...
  10. Mendel

    Claim: 100 Years Old Moulds of Wax Gloves are Evidence of Ectoplasmic Materializations

    in silicone moulds, the process to shrink a mould is to use solvents mixed in the material, make the mould, and have it shrink as the solvents evaporate. though I still think it'd be simpler to have a child-size mould ready (made beforehand) and switch it out using sleight-of-hand.
  11. Mendel

    Claim: 100 Years Old Moulds of Wax Gloves are Evidence of Ectoplasmic Materializations

    thinness, complex gestures, withdrawing the hand without breaking the mold: all done by elementary school kids: Source: the big thing with woo and conspiracy theories is that, much like click-bait, they play off people's credulity/incredulity, which...
  12. Mendel

    Claim: 100 Years Old Moulds of Wax Gloves are Evidence of Ectoplasmic Materializations

    Sleight of hand. James Randi has demonstrated that scientists are easy to fool; what you need as observer is a magician. If you want to know how to "materialize" something, talk to the people who can pull a rabbit from an empty hat.
  13. Mendel

    Claim:Natural Covid-19 broke out of Wuhan lab (not man-made)

    no, but having an infection chain end up at the wet market is actually more unlikely a person whose job choice is medicine was involved in a possible biosecurity breach involving SARS is likely to isolate once they see symptoms, because they realize what it means if they don't, and that runs...
  14. Mendel

    UFOs and skepticism

    • interdimensional motion/teleportation • non-Einsteinian space-time distortion • artificial life the old question of "How many angels can dance on the head of a pin" also remains unaddressed by mainstream physics
  15. Mendel

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    let's look at this paper, "Novel sarbecovirus bispecific neutralizing antibodies with exceptional breadth and potency against currently circulating SARS-CoV-2 variants and sarbecoviruses", . the authors' institutions are located in Shanghai, Wuhan...
  16. Mendel

    UFOs and skepticism

    no, these new theories have a huge impact on how we behave by telling us more about how the world behaves, every single one of these theories restricted what we could potentially do and added to what we could actually do (space can't be "wasted". if you store the universe most...
  17. Mendel

    Using moon viewing angles to demonstrate a distant moon

    the technical term for what these gifs show is libration.
  18. Mendel

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    That's why there's virology labs all over the globe, as well. Also, I notice your argument is dropping the comparison: if you conclude a natural spillover seems unlikely, you shouldn't then turn around and champion an even more unlikely hypothesis uncritically.
  19. Mendel

    UFOs and skepticism

    well, pre-Einstein they could've travelled faster than light. 1610 already knew rockets. It's not the lack of knowledge that constrains, it's the knowledge.
  20. Mendel

    Claim:Natural Covid-19 broke out of Wuhan lab (not man-made)

    it's different when you consider population dynamics, because then any R-value >1 is bad—an individual "pretty unlikely" eventually overwhelms the population if left to grow. the wuhan problem is that the lab worker living next to the market is statistically unlikely, and that a customer...