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  1. Mendel

    Debunked: 15 Minute Cities are a plot to confine people into regimented zones

    a) is there actually such a policy? b) is the policy designed to ever be anything but voluntary? that's actually a common theme, like when someone said, we wang ghe world population to decrease, it's meant "we want to make it attractive to people to procreate less", anx conspuracy theorists run...
  2. Mendel

    Is this a Chinese spy balloon?

    Helios has 14 engines and not much drag, the Chinese balloon has 4 and a lot of drag. On the other hand, Helios is faster, which increases air resistance. The wing span is 75m, twice the diameter of the balloon. Peak power? In winter, 2/3 of that power is spent charging the batteries during...
  3. Mendel

    Is this a Chinese spy balloon?

    the size of the propellers in relation to the drag of the balloon makes me think they're not well suited for propulsion, but the way they're attached may make them suitable to rotate the payload. The equipment that needs rotating the most seem to be the solar cells (sun rises in the east, sets...
  4. Mendel

    Speculation: Did the US shoot down its own weather balloons over Alaska/Canada?

    I expect the retrieval operation (and everything that went with it) cost more than the one missile.
  5. Mendel

    Is this a Chinese spy balloon?

    I'm not really clear what you're asking here, but for the computation, all I used is the formula for the volume of a sphere, and the physical definition of density := mass / volume.
  6. Mendel

    Debunked: 15 Minute Cities are a plot to confine people into regimented zones

    ok, "many" for you means six. The person who asphyxiated in the burned building was an accidental death, I'm not considering that a murder. Two people died at the Seattle CHOP. The suspect in Lorenzo Anderson's killing is Marcel Long, I couldn't find out what actually happened. Antonio Mays...
  7. Mendel

    Is this a Chinese spy balloon?

    Observers have also pointed out that the U-2S's shadow on the balloon's envelope helps provide a good sense of its overall size. Using a length of 65 feet for the U-2S, this would indicate the diameter of the balloon is approximately 130 feet 65 ft = 19.5 m radius, spherical volume = 31060 m³...
  8. Mendel

    Speculation: Did the US shoot down its own weather balloons over Alaska/Canada?

    The balloons objects we're discussing in this thread weren't that high. And I wonder how well an A-A missile controls itself aerodynamically at that altitude.
  9. Mendel

    Speculation: Did the US shoot down its own weather balloons over Alaska/Canada?

    I expect it would be impossible to transport the ordnance safely if that were the case.
  10. Mendel

    Debunked: 15 Minute Cities are a plot to confine people into regimented zones

    "the [many] murders the BLM extremists committed" is true for 2020 if [many] equates [four], out of 19 dead (via the list at ). The victims were a shop owner, an "all lives matter" woman who got...
  11. Mendel

    Debunked: 15 Minute Cities are a plot to confine people into regimented zones

    I don't think it's right (or even respectful) to label all antisemites as nazis, or to think antisemitic elements in conspiracy theories are always linked to nazi ideology. In the days following the 9/11 terrorist attacks on America, conspiracy theorists across the ideological spectrum dismissed...
  12. Mendel

    Debunked: 15 Minute Cities are a plot to confine people into regimented zones

    i don't think that's it the nazis are simply a "canary in a coal mine" because they've always stood for scaring people into giving them power. when they mobilize, you can predict it's going to be about populist scares.
  13. Mendel

    Unidentified Objects/Balloons Intercepted by US aircraft

    That's why they didn't take the first one down over Montana. You have a matrix here: shoot it down let it fly crossfire casualties x% chance safe mid-air collision safe y% chance To make a decision, you weigh the chances, x% against y%: it's bad press either way, no option is...
  14. Mendel

    Speculation: Did the US shoot down its own weather balloons over Alaska/Canada?

    I've quoted General VanHerck on this here:
  15. Mendel

    Debunked: 15 Minute Cities are a plot to confine people into regimented zones

    a really good protest blocks traffic for hours and makes both the local news and the traffic report seems they were foiled, not "enabled" ;)
  16. Mendel

    Debunked: 15 Minute Cities are a plot to confine people into regimented zones

    that's how you know their primary purpose is to scare you and, like cult, to rally around the stuff that scared them and this huddling together works all the better precisely because nobody else takes it seriously ("the government" is actually lying to them less than whoever told them about...
  17. Mendel

    Debunking Humor...

    Looks a lot like the "video proof" we see of UFOs...
  18. Mendel

    Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot film is a hoax?

    Does footprint depth correlate with foot motion and pressure? K. T. Bates, R. Savage, [...], and R. H. Crompton [...] For example, how strongly does pressure correlate with depth and does it vary across the foot/footprint as substrate properties vary? Is footprint relief more indicative of...