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  1. Mendel

    How much research does a truther have to do to get any respect around here?

    "secret simulation" — you have been shown repeatedly that at least 4 independent simulations of the WTC7 collapse exist [1] the first time this happens, "do your research" might be a proper comment, but at this point it's clearly futile: it's not the doing of the research that's lacking, it's...
  2. Mendel

    A Tear In The Sky - Nimitz/Tic-Tac/Catalina UFO Documentary

    and then to conclude that whatever you manage to hit must be a piñata
  3. Mendel

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    an editor doesn't get paid for teaching people who want to report Covid misinformation editors get paid for producing news
  4. Mendel

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    your suggestion still gives misinformation a platform I'm not going to second-guess any editors, and I wouldn't suggest they have "minimal understanding" to me, the best thing to do is to report on correct facts
  5. Mendel

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    I don't doubt people are told not to report it (those who try to), simply because it's misinformation, and reporting it would ruin the reputation of any serious news outlet.
  6. Mendel

    Russia and Ukraine Current Events

    except with drones
  7. Mendel

    How much research does a truther have to do to get any respect around here?

    Yes. And then you ignore all of that and say the collapse was not predictable, putting your own incredulity (and nothing else) against the expert whom it is inconvenient for you to believe, even though he did predict the collapse. This is the opposite of research.
  8. Mendel

    How much research does a truther have to do to get any respect around here?

    see that is why I don't respect you any more we have gone over the many signs of impending collapse with you on this forum, you didn't even need to research them yourself, from noises to walls bulging, and the idea that an engineer who sees these signs and has the drawings of the building has...
  9. Mendel

    Russia and Ukraine Current Events

    Ukrainian strikes on legitimate military targets far in the Russian rear continue to be points of neuralgia for the Russian milblogger community. Russian sources began reporting explosions near the Engels Airbase in Saratov Oblast on the night of December 25 and the morning of December 26.[12]...
  10. Mendel

    A Tear In The Sky - Nimitz/Tic-Tac/Catalina UFO Documentary

    if they do, please share the time when the topic starts
  11. Mendel

    Debunking Humor...

  12. Mendel

    How much research does a truther have to do to get any respect around here?

    Clear evidence of a government cover-up, the truther thinks. WTC7 had extensive damage from falling debris, the debris started large fires on several floors that the fire department was unable to fight, the building showed clear signs of structural damage like noises and bulging, an engineer...
  13. Mendel

    How much research does a truther have to do to get any respect around here?

    It's the same deal as with the Flat Earthers: globe science is wrong, but the FEers don't even have a working map. Their goal is to discredit established science, not to promote an actual truth. They want to play up people's fears, anxieties, uncertainties, and doubt. That's why conspiracy...
  14. Mendel

    Russia and Ukraine Current Events

    I disagree. Peace talks and treaties are possible (in principle) that solidify a change of territory resulting from a military campaign. It's been done many times in history, the most relevant example may be the 2014 Minsk agreements. Because the Minsk agreements failed, Ukraine is now...
  15. Mendel

    Russia and Ukraine Current Events

    It's neither? Russia wants to "freeze" the conflict now because they've lost the offensive, and if Ukraine manages to score another big win in the upcoming winter, their negotiating position would be much worse. They're using the terror bombing and the threat of a new offensive via Belorussia...
  16. Mendel

    A Tear In The Sky - Nimitz/Tic-Tac/Catalina UFO Documentary

    if you have a conference, lecturers will submit abstracts of their talks beforehand. A paper for the talk may only be required if the conference publishes proceedings. At any rate, even then a paper may only get written once the talk is accepted (based on the abstract). So the fact that there's...
  17. Mendel

    Russia and Ukraine Current Events

    "Our goal is not to spin this flywheel of a military conflict, but, on the contrary, to end this war," Putin said during a press conference Thursday. "This is what we are striving for." Nikita Yuferev, a lawmaker in Putin's hometown of St. Petersburg, said that this comment is not consistent...
  18. Mendel

    A Tear In The Sky - Nimitz/Tic-Tac/Catalina UFO Documentary

    Wikipedia lists 1 in 390 682 215 445 as probability for a value falling outside of μ ± 7σ, so if you have a trillion values, you'd expect to see that 2-3 times. If you're using "the garden of forking paths", i.e. don't commit to a method of analysis before you've found anything, you can do it...
  19. Mendel

    Debunking Humor...

    Santa’s Festive Check-Up: The Health Risks of Santa’s All-Nighter Source: