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  1. Mendel

    Death Rates in Holmes County, OH. Claimed link with Vaccination Status

    No, it's not. It's predictable, and has been predicted. See .
  2. Mendel

    Russia and Ukraine Current Events

    A New York Times (NYT) investigation of Russian military documents supports ISW’s longstanding assessments about how flawed Russian planning assumptions and campaign design decisions plagued Russia’s invasion of Ukraine from its onset. ISW has long assessed that faulty Russian planning...
  3. Mendel

    Claims: Physical Evidence of Steve Michalak's Falcon Lake UFO Incident

    it might be worth uploading the booklet to, for posterity. i believe the site will generate a PDF for easy dissemination.
  4. Mendel

    Death Rates in Holmes County, OH. Claimed link with Vaccination Status

    Data from that source contradicts the claim. if we consider that mostly old people die, then 3% from 17.8% is 3/17.8 = 16.9% in Ohio, but 2.5/14.1 = 17.7% in Holmes County. This is very much back-of-the-envelope on incomplete data, but it suggests that "old people mortality" in Holmes has...
  5. Mendel

    Go Fast - Balloon theory

    the short answer is that they're using a computer model of the kind that is also used for weather forecasts. It takes known measurements at certain places and times (including satellite observations) and computes what the weather must be like everywhere for it to behave as it is seen to behave...
  6. Mendel

    Clouds over Mount Shasta - Dissipation Trail?

    Only the moderators speak for the moderators. The forum shows "staff member" under their profile picture.
  7. Mendel

    Clouds over Mount Shasta - Dissipation Trail?

    you don't have to be a materialist to be looking for natural causes it's perfectly theologically compatible with many Christian denominations, and with other religions, too religion is there to explain people, it's not Earth Science 101
  8. Mendel

    Clouds over Mount Shasta - Dissipation Trail?

    I thought it was time for another summary. Let's hope @Mkitz agrees with it.
  9. Mendel

    Clouds over Mount Shasta - Dissipation Trail?

    something like "it was the third picture I took" or "it was one of the first pictures I took" would suffice to make a probable connection
  10. Mendel

    Clouds over Mount Shasta - Dissipation Trail?

    on a winter summer morning, MKitz's camera detected an object moving from the upper right corner towards the ridge and outlined it in red; MKitz did not see the object directly or on the viewfinder screen (he couldn't tell whether it was white or black), only the red outline added by the camera...
  11. Mendel

    Clouds over Mount Shasta - Dissipation Trail?

    you seem to have little to no experience with nonlinear dynamic (chaotic) systems. Turbulent flows are an example of that, and the patterns themselves are by no means extraordinary: similar turbulent patterns are seen at the edges of other clouds many times. Just because the pattern occurs at...
  12. Mendel

    Clouds over Mount Shasta - Dissipation Trail?

    sunshine there's no other source with sufficient energy output
  13. Mendel

    Clouds over Mount Shasta - Dissipation Trail?

    I suggest for everyone who wants this thread locked to simply stop responding or it's still on-topic & polite, it'll wear itself out, no heavy hand needed
  14. Mendel

    Clouds over Mount Shasta - Dissipation Trail?

    i already showed you the equivalent turbulent clouds, just without the lenticular cloud in the picture, the last time you claimed lack of precedent no, it won't contrails can be unstable, but a nonturbulent wind would just shift it
  15. Mendel

    Clouds over Mount Shasta - Dissipation Trail?

    your observations are correlated with morning sunshine we know that condensation and cloud-forming is caused by changes in pressure and temperature that happen as air is carried over the slope we know that sunlight heats the slope, making the air in contact with it warmer, which naked the air...
  16. Mendel

    Claim: the greenhouse effect being logarithmic means global warming ain't a problem

    there was only one graph in your quote of FatPhil? that one
  17. Mendel

    Russia and Ukraine Current Events

    Düsseldorf airport burned on 11. April 1996 for that reason, 17 dead, 88 injured
  18. Mendel

    Clouds over Mount Shasta - Dissipation Trail?

    yes, but it's descriptive enough (suggested alternatives are a) shadow of a vapor trail, b) hair on the lens)