Search results

  1. Mendel

    Claim: the greenhouse effect being logarithmic means global warming ain't a problem

    the red line is cumulative, the bar graphs are deltas the issue, in layman's terms, is that the junk pile in Bob's back yard grows bigger year after year (cumulative), but Bob can't understand the issue because the amount of junk he throws away each year stays the same (delta). If you have a...
  2. Mendel

    Russia and Ukraine Current Events

    A massive fire at one of Russia’s largest shopping malls has killed one person and burned down a formerly German-owned home improvement store in northwest Moscow, emergency officials and state media reported early Friday. The fire, which broke out before dawn, engulfed 18,000 square meters of...
  3. Mendel

    Clouds over Mount Shasta - Dissipation Trail?

    which had no color, but we still don't know if it was black or white (or transparent?). if the moving dot was dark, it would be hard/impossible to discern once it had crossed the mountain ridge, so whether it flew past and behind the mountain, or landed on it, (or whether it was a nearby bug)...
  4. Mendel

    Russia and Ukraine Current Events

    "hundreds of sects are now operating in Ukraine" compare: Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 there has been a revival and spread of Siberian shamanism (often mixed with Orthodox elements), and the emergence of Hinduism and new religious movements throughout Russia. There has...
  5. Mendel

    What is that thing on the ground?

    can you find an example for a hangar tent with such a membrane? Edit: after looking into UV curing of paint, maybe they were testing to see how well sunlight could cure UV-sensitive paint?
  6. Mendel

    The flaw in using the "do your own research" call in an argument without providing a starting point.

    3 examples from a quick google search for "fox news pseudoscience": Published December 6, 2022 Throughout the pandemic, doctors, scientists, patients, and families were censored, shadow-banned, blocked, and punished for having views, opinions, and research findings disfavored by the government...
  7. Mendel

    What is that thing on the ground?

    i don't follow? 1) uv-sensitive paint on an aircraft strikes me as counterproductive 2) the tent has an open top that does not protect against uv
  8. Mendel

    The flaw in using the "do your own research" call in an argument without providing a starting point.

    the point is that truth isn't really biased. people who are comfortable with "alternative facts" shouldn't be consulting fact checkers, if you think facts are a matter of opinion you're operating in a completely different reality from them. metabunk is great when incomplete information prevents...
  9. Mendel

    The flaw in using the "do your own research" call in an argument without providing a starting point.

    oh, I wasn't appealing to authority, I simply wanted to clarify what "prominent fact checkers" means when I wrote,
  10. Mendel

    What is that thing on the ground?

    building a camping tent, the fabric covering shapes the flexible tent poles—the tent could not be built without the fabric. In this case, the fabric of the frong may be needed to a) reinforce the frame, b) lend visibility, i.e. show from afar that this taxiway is blocked. I'm wondering why the...
  11. Mendel

    What is that thing on the ground?

    We came upon this development after doing our regular scans of Planet Labs' low-resolution imagery of various locales of interest across the globe. Area 51 is always a popular spot when it comes to publicly available satellite imagery. When glancing at daily 3-meter resolution images of the base...
  12. Mendel

    Clouds over Mount Shasta - Dissipation Trail?

    Precedent: Obviously, this one's not obscured by a mountain and another cloud. (found searching for "cloud turbulence")
  13. Mendel

    Clouds over Mount Shasta - Dissipation Trail?

    was it white, or was it black? I doubt that. It looks to me like that pattern is behind the lenticular cloud, and behind the ridge.
  14. Mendel

    Clouds over Mount Shasta - Dissipation Trail?

    @Mkitz apologies if I overlooked it, but did you answer these questions?
  15. Mendel

    Clouds over Mount Shasta - Dissipation Trail?

    Clouds are tiny droplets of water that condense out of the humidity in the air once a certain temperature/pressure threshold is reached. This means that near that threshold, cloud formation is very sensitive to small variations in pressure (or temperature). (Compare Ann K's post about hole punch...
  16. Mendel

    The flaw in using the "do your own research" call in an argument without providing a starting point. lists politifact,, open secrets, snopes, sunlight foundation, poynter institute, flack check, truth or fiction, hoax slayer, fact checker by the washington post
  17. Mendel

    The flaw in using the "do your own research" call in an argument without providing a starting point.

    How do you determine whether a fact checker is objective? How do you determine this of any source? You cross-check against other reliable sources. (See ) Do you know sites that are more reliable than the prominent fact checkers?
  18. Mendel

    Russia and Ukraine Current Events

    well, I'm wondering how many of the SAM units that comprise this system have been moved to Ukraine, where they're sorely needed if I was given to speculation, I'd wonder how much of the Russian generals' meeting regarding nuclear war back in October was concerned with the possibility that...
  19. Mendel

    Russia and Ukraine Current Events

    Neither side has produced concrete evidence of what kinds of weapons were used and who was behind the attacks. But the Russian statements suggested Ukraine may have used a Tupolev Tu-141 or Tu-143 reconnaissance drone, which date to the 1970s but could have been carrying explosives this time...