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  1. Mendel

    The flaw in using the "do your own research" call in an argument without providing a starting point.

    Firstly, I apologize, I deleted the G>F>C relation because it is flawed, and because it's not what the video was originally about. Secondly, Earth's rotation speed is ω = 1/day, with centrifugal force C=m×ω²×r. It is easy to see that Earth's centrifugal force scales with r. Earth's volume...
  2. Mendel

    The flaw in using the "do your own research" call in an argument without providing a starting point.

    well, if you meant that it's a statement of arrogance revealing an unshakeable belief, then yeah. Personally, I still wouldn't call it strength.
  3. Mendel

    The flaw in using the "do your own research" call in an argument without providing a starting point.

    "Do your own research" transmits 3 things: 1) "Trust me, I did my own research." 2) "I don't want to debate my research with you." 3) "If you don't trust me, I'll make it very cumbersome for you to prove me wrong." Again, all of this runs counter to established science practices. If you want...
  4. Mendel

    The flaw in using the "do your own research" call in an argument without providing a starting point.

    the claim and the physics are about centrifugal force my centrifugal force is calibrated to match Earth"s, theirs is not the main aspect is to provide a visual, intuitive "at home" demonstration how small that centrifugal force actually is (I think C ≈ 3% of G at the equator).
  5. Mendel

    The flaw in using the "do your own research" call in an argument without providing a starting point.

    No. When I don't trust someone, that is when I especially want to review their sources. The losing of the attribution obscures that a large part of the misinformation out there originates from a small amount of original resources. I am obviously going to do my own research, but if you're...
  6. Mendel

    The flaw in using the "do your own research" call in an argument without providing a starting point.

    You'd think so, but my experience says otherwise. My most popular Flat Earth video refutes "water doesn't stick to a spinning ball" (typically demonstrated by a FEer with a wet tennis ball and a power drill). Source: It uses a styrofoam ball from a craft store, a...
  7. Mendel

    The flaw in using the "do your own research" call in an argument without providing a starting point.

    the opposite of "do your own research" is "cite your sources" the latter is a hard and fast rule in actual science
  8. Mendel

    Russia and Ukraine Current Events

    Well, now they're acknowledging the Kinburn Spit: Ukrainian officials continued to acknowledge that Ukrainian forces are conducting operations on the Kinburn Spit on December 1. Humenyuk stated that Ukrainian forces are continuing to conduct operations on the Kinburn Spit and that Ukrainian...
  9. Mendel

    Mid-Atlantic "Racetrack" UFO Cockpit Video [Starlink Again]

    the problem with Starlink is that people have learned what a starlink train in orbit-raise looks like, so when they hear the word they don't identify it with the on-station flare sequence causing the "racetrack" sightings, and object to the analysis.
  10. Mendel

    Mid-Atlantic "Racetrack" UFO Cockpit Video [Starlink Again]

    Are there any earlier crossings that could be a match?
  11. Mendel

    Need help explaining: shadows and sunlight direction on Artemis 1 footage.

    Yes. I'm trying to use simple language for since I am not talking to mathematicians. There may also be translation errors in play.
  12. Mendel

    Debunking Humor...

    the Hibernian conspiracy Source: (click the arrow at the right edge to browse the images)
  13. Mendel

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    Twitter’s Covid-19 misinformation page was updated with a note saying that as of Nov. 23, the platform would no longer enforce its policies against spreading misleading information on the virus and vaccines “Nowhere near enough was being done to stamp out medical misinformation on social media...
  14. Mendel

    Go Fast - Balloon theory

    a balloon can be released off shore, the assumption that it must have been released on land is not proven it could be as simple as a birthday party aboard a ship the possibility that it was some Navy balloon, possibly released by a submarine or even a foreign nation, has been thoroughly...
  15. Mendel

    Need help explaining: shadows and sunlight direction on Artemis 1 footage.

    that's very charitable :) I had hoped someone would do this when I posted my crude sketch. thank you!
  16. Mendel

    Can White Swans exist?

    let me acquaint you with a useful function of the forum editor
  17. Mendel

    Need help explaining: shadows and sunlight direction on Artemis 1 footage.

    In 3D, parallel lines do not converge at all (in Euclidean geometry). Their 2D perspective projection does, and that 2D convergence target is not at infinity in 2D—but that target would correspond to a point infinitely far away on those parallel lines if such a point existed—it does not. The...
  18. Mendel

    Can White Swans exist?

    "putting myself in danger" is a tired old conspiracy trope it has always sounded like kids playing make-believe to me really? do you believe something stops existing when it's out of view?
  19. Mendel

    Need help explaining: shadows and sunlight direction on Artemis 1 footage.

    Could you explain the difference? Geometry tells us this: Take any number of geometric parallel straight lines, of infinite length, in a 3D space. Do a rectilinear perspective projection onto a 2D plane (e.g. painting or photograph), and then either a) the 2D projected lines will still all be...
  20. Mendel

    Can White Swans exist?

    QE enjoys prominence in FE because he looks like he can do science but the typical FEer just takes this on trust (as do most globers, I'm sure) for an argument to be compelling to FEers, it has to have no maths required and "these rigs should be behind the horizon, but they're in front of it"...