Search results

  1. Mendel

    Claim: Environmentalists are more likely to cheat and steal

    This footnote was added on 31 March 2010: The study findings above, and the methods used, are challenged by researchers associated with the social psychology department at the London School of Economics, the Institute of Ecological Economy Research in Berlin, and the Institute for Perspective...
  2. Mendel

    2004 USS Nimitz Tic Tac UFO FLIR footage (FLIR1)

    typically, a radar antenna is rotating, so there's a fixed time interval between each time it looks in a certain direction if, for that system, the interval is 0.78 seconds, that means the altitude of the target changed between two consecutive sweeps—or it means the radar tracking system lost...
  3. Mendel

    Russia and Ukraine Current Events

    Russians have reported Ukraine attacking/occupying the Kinburn spit previously (e.g. September 15), it's never been proven true.
  4. Mendel

    Russia and Ukraine Current Events

    I don't expect it makes any sense to attack across the Dnipro, for either side. Happily the Ukrainians are already on the Eastern bank and don't have to. In the future, they could use the units that liberated Kherson (because they won't need a lot of units for defense there), relocate them, and...
  5. Mendel

    Flight Tracking

    That's LTMA-1 (class A), from 2500 ft. upward. It's uncontrolled below. From p.16: Though I think the inner area with the orange lines is the airport airspace, that would probably be controlled down to the ground?
  6. Mendel

    Claim: Bushfires have not been affected by climate change, and are affected by impeded hazard reduction

    I quoted several segments of a single article, not several articles. The phrase "The full list of inclusions, exclusions, and the application process for those actions that aren’t allowed is viewable here" is linked to...
  7. Mendel

    CFHT observatory dark shape filmed 2022-11-02

    It's obvious how he did that from the quote, once you know that wget is a free command-line program (that you can look up on wikipedia). I expect the naming scheme was apparent after examining the existing links on the page.
  8. Mendel

    2022 US elections

  9. Mendel

    Claim: Bushfires have not been affected by climate change, and are affected by impeded hazard reduction

    According to Monash university, "David Packham, School of Geography and Environmental Science" was their "Bushfire management" expert back in 2013. I hear he's retired now. However, his claims are quite debunkable. In addition, the policies that block property owners from carrying out fire...
  10. Mendel

    New UAP footage: Miami Air and Sea show

    it can cross the threshold where the compression algorithm thinks it's noise, and deletes it
  11. Mendel

    Russia and Ukraine Current Events

    Ukrainian forces are completing the liberation of the western (right) bank of Kherson Oblast after the Russians retreated from it. The Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) claimed that Russian forces completed the withdrawal to the eastern (left) bank of the Dnipro River at 5am local time on...
  12. Mendel

    CFHT observatory dark shape filmed 2022-11-02

    I wouldn't necessarily expect it to match exactly in different weather conditions, the horizon looms various amounts due to atmospheric refraction. But it doesn't seem to be horizontal? I'm not sure, do we have cloud layers with flat tops in the "pictures of clouds" thread? flat bottoms are far...
  13. Mendel

    Claim: Denser development increases congestion

    so you mean road utilisation. with rail, we were hoping for 100% utilisation; why would high utilisation be a burden when considering roads? They're made to be used. also, for that to work, you need to correlate VMT/area with road miles/area or even lane miles/area, because cities also have...
  14. Mendel

    Beautiful Photographs that show the Earth's Curvature

    You had the exact same idea 22 months ago, in post #9. ;)
  15. Mendel

    High Speed Fly-By UFO — Solved!

    Impressive! How much work time does this take you, from the identification to the final sitrec view?
  16. Mendel

    CFHT observatory dark shape filmed 2022-11-02

    Well, if the dark shape is the ocean, that'd explain why the top looks so straight. :-)
  17. Mendel

    Can White Swans exist?

    I expect they use "geometry" to refer to Euclidean geometry. But our reality may best be described as non-Euclidean anyway once you get into astrophysics? so that's another "white swan" that's outdated
  18. Mendel

    Can White Swans exist?

    And the FEers definitely don't know either. They've shied away from anything testing their "ice wall".
  19. Mendel

    Can White Swans exist?

    Thank you. Unfortunately, it's not a quote, but a paraphrase.
  20. Mendel

    CFHT observatory dark shape filmed 2022-11-02

    They look the same to me.