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  1. Z.W. Wolf

    Dripping UFOs, what do you think these are?

    Small hot air balloons/Chinese lanterns can drip candle wax. Or lose the burning candle. Especially large homemade versions powered with multiple birthday candles. Burning Chinese lanterns can drop burning parts of the balloon. Re: the cop chopper IR video. In my scenario - The chopper was...
  2. Z.W. Wolf

    Dripping UFOs, what do you think these are?

    The significance of this thread is that we now seem to have evidence for "dripping" or "crumbling" flares.
  3. Z.W. Wolf

    Dripping UFOs, what do you think these are?

    Having seen the full video, I'm switching to large and distant parachute illuminating flares dropped from aircraft. The flares seem to be "dripping" parts of the burning flare candle. Once again, I was wary of "crumbling" flares. But this seems to be the case. There are two phases to this...
  4. Z.W. Wolf

    Dripping UFOs, what do you think these are?

    I did consider a red rocket parachute flare. But I chose Chinese lantern because: -It's simpler -I've never seen a flare "drip" something But I guess it's theoretically possible that a burning flare candle could crumble... or whatever you might call it. And a flare is much brighter. So, I...
  5. Z.W. Wolf

    Dripping UFOs, what do you think these are?

    I was a full grown adult, so have no excuses... Materials: A bunch of helium latex toy balloons. A large sheet of aluminum foil, suspended below. I can't remember what the bracing was. Just tape, probably. Purpose: Generate UFO report(s) Time: Late afternoon. Place: Orange County, CA The...
  6. Z.W. Wolf

    Dripping UFOs, what do you think these are?

    There are a number of different things going on... Here are my speculations: Source: The bright lights above are landing lights on two or more military aircraft in formation. My guess is 2 four engine turboprops.. The falling lights are countermeasure flares...
  7. Z.W. Wolf

    Night sky long exposure light trail

    Wait. Pappus is not the right word. Cattails are not in the sunflower family. So what is the right word? I don't know. What I've seen: down, seed hairs, fluff, cottony fluff and fluffy seeds.
  8. Z.W. Wolf

    Night sky long exposure light trail

    A bird or bat doesn't seem likely. The track is too thin. Even the smallest bat would have to be awfully high above the camera... and thus out of the headlight beams. Also there are squiggles and a tight loop. It doesn't make sense for a bird or bat to follow that kind of path. I think...
  9. Z.W. Wolf

    Meta Materials From UFOs

    The Galileo Gambit!?! Oh, doctor.
  10. Z.W. Wolf

    Night sky long exposure light trail
  11. Z.W. Wolf

    Night sky long exposure light trail

    Well... one bit of info, for what it's worth. There's a list of bugs. But of those, only midges fly.
  12. Z.W. Wolf

    Night sky long exposure light trail

    Converted to PNG. Looking more northerly along Dunbar Road (on our left) and Cornwall Bridge Road (on our right). This streak is caused by a car traveling north. Mostly tail lights. I think the bright streak was caused by a car traveling south... when it got just about here. Once again...
  13. Z.W. Wolf

    Night sky long exposure light trail

    Yes, that make sense. This is consistent with the headlight illumination scenario. Btw, in that case this streak would be caused by a car on a more distant road. East Road, most likely.
  14. Z.W. Wolf

    Night sky long exposure light trail

    This is the approximate line of sight of the camera, btw. But from the road, of course.,-73.4285192,3a,75y,13.95h,105.38t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1shcqX_flMl9cLttjYjT6XUw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu Your photo doesn't quite match with the pinned position...
  15. Z.W. Wolf

    Night sky long exposure light trail

    Yes, although I can't find anyone mentioning headlights in this thread. (Could this be vanity?) In my scenario the (two?) streaks in the sky are caused by small but close objects in the air illuminated by the headlights of a car on Cornwall Bridge Road. The headlights are not themselves in the...
  16. Z.W. Wolf

    Night sky long exposure light trail

    I think I've solved the light source problem. Could be insects if someone can show evidence that there are flying insects at night in Connecticut at that time of year in that temp. Or plant parts - maybe we should consider leaves and pollen as well. Or spider web. Or something else drifting...
  17. Z.W. Wolf

    Night sky long exposure light trail

    Thanks. I'm a desert rat. I've only seen cattails in old Porky Pig cartoons. ...When he's duck hunting. I think it's still reasonable to think there are seedpods in the air in the autumn in Connecticut. The slightest air current/vortex... whatever... can make them drift about crazily. I...
  18. Z.W. Wolf

    Night sky long exposure light trail

    I think this streak was caused by lights on a single car on Cornwall Bridge Road or on Dunbar Road. If you look carefully, the apparent dashes are caused by branches. The abrupt start of the streak is easily explained. It marks the moment the shutter opened. This wouldn't be the same car...
  19. Z.W. Wolf

    Night sky long exposure light trail

    Ah, wait a minute... Car headlights, of course. Looking south on Cornwall Bridge Road toward Y-intersection with Dunbar Road. The camera was in this field to our right. Farther north on Cornwall Bridge Road. Cars are headed slightly uphill. The headlights are positioned... maybe... to...