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  1. Z.W. Wolf

    Paul M Smith's video of fast-moving light in sky

    Insufficient data for analysis. Speculation? It appears to be a dot, Captain.
  2. Z.W. Wolf

    Major UFO experiences are specific to the observer

    Angel Grass is a name that arose from people finding it and not knowing what it was.
  3. Z.W. Wolf

    Major UFO experiences are specific to the observer

    They are clearly spheres because you know they're spheres. This is a sphere? No, it's not. It's a 2D photograph.
  4. Z.W. Wolf

    Major UFO experiences are specific to the observer

    Chaff is called Angel Grass. Modern chaff looks like this. Wikipedia Btw chaff dropped from B-29s was used by Japanese farmers in the last year of WWII to scare birds away from crops. They tied it to wire fences, tree branches and such and it flashed in the Sun. It's an ill wind...
  5. Z.W. Wolf

    Major UFO experiences are specific to the observer

    Spherical or a disk? You were really able to see a 3D shape? For example, doesn't the Moon appear as a disk? I've shown people Jupiter and the Galilean moons in a telescope and I've always struggle to explain that the even though they appear to be in a straight line, the real situation is...
  6. Z.W. Wolf

    Major UFO experiences are specific to the observer

    The best fit might be nacreous clouds. Or one small one.
  7. Z.W. Wolf

    Major UFO experiences are specific to the observer

    Cooincidently I was just reading up on the Farmington, NM Saucer invasion. I've spent time in Farmington because my sister lived there for years. Cottonwood seeds doesn't seem like a good fit to me. Number one: You see them every year. Second reason is that in the only well done witness...
  8. Z.W. Wolf

    Twentynine Palms, Camp Wilson "Triangle UAP" [Flares]

    Has someone claimed that these are artillery shells? There are three types of mortar illuminating shells currently in use: 60mm 81mm 120mm There might also be 155mm mortar parachute illuminating flares currently in use by the U.S. military, but I can't confirm that. In the past there were...
  9. Z.W. Wolf

    Has any UFOlogist managed to explain the crash rate of these UFOs?

    We have to assume that these Aliens don't recover their own crash victims, or take steps to recover vehicles so as not to violate the Prime Directive.
  10. Z.W. Wolf

    Looking for help: Determine speed of Mt Wilson drone from Tesla footage?

    I think it does change in brightness, especially at the end when it's burning out. Not this meteor. It's too ordinary. The only remarkable thing is that it was slow and crossed a lot of the sky. And it crossed almost directly above the witness. But it was too dim to attract that kind of...
  11. Z.W. Wolf

    Strange Lights over Las Vegas April 25, 2023

    I put this here because it looks as if it's taken from the same location as was the flares video(s). Are people in the neighborhood watching the skies? Or is this video from the same exact person(s)? There are supposedly two witness reports: One on Wed. June 22 and one on Thur. the 23rd; but...
  12. Z.W. Wolf

    Looking for help: Determine speed of Mt Wilson drone from Tesla footage?

    Let's look at the evidence. The object is very bright against the sky. That means it has to be self-luminous or it has to be reflecting sunlight. This car is on the east side of a mountain with a Sun low on the western horizon. The car is in the shadow of the mountain. None of the trees or...
  13. Z.W. Wolf

    Looking for help: Determine speed of Mt Wilson drone from Tesla footage?

    Let's talk about image distortion. These are wide angle lenses. There's going to be distortion. However there's a gadget onboard that processes the image back into a more normal looking image. But it's approximately normalized. The consequence is that there's a weird and inconsistent...
  14. Z.W. Wolf

    Looking for help: Determine speed of Mt Wilson drone from Tesla footage?

    Very nice work. The object in green is what I was calling Airplane Number Two for awhile. Now I'm calling it the One And Only Distant Airplane. It first shows up at about 15 seconds into the video. My current position is that there were only two objects involved in this sighting. A distant...
  15. Z.W. Wolf

    Looking for help: Determine speed of Mt Wilson drone from Tesla footage?

    You're going to have to show why the structure of a drone would be invisible in this well lit environment. To tell the truth, I immediately ruled out a drone for that very reason. People keep mentioning statistical probability. That's why I decided to make my first working hypothesis that all...
  16. Z.W. Wolf

    Looking for help: Determine speed of Mt Wilson drone from Tesla footage?

    I assumed all three objects were distant aircraft. But I took another look. The MO in the front camera view is not a distant aircraft. What I said here doesn't make sense. I'm making a radical revision to my working hypothesis, because I've been retesting it. Something that's been bothering...
  17. Z.W. Wolf

    Looking for help: Determine speed of Mt Wilson drone from Tesla footage?

    What are the odds that this would happen? And it would be recorded? How many people have stories like these below, even once in their life? But there are a lot of people. Reporter asks random guy on the street about a game in 1967. Asks him if he remembers it? The guy played in that game...
  18. Z.W. Wolf

    Looking for help: Determine speed of Mt Wilson drone from Tesla footage?

    I understand what you're saying but.... I did painstakingly rule out those things first. Please read. People in the know go out to see twilight meteors during a suitable meteor shower, because they often cross much of the sky. The June Bootids are a good example. You haven't seen one because...
  19. Z.W. Wolf

    Looking for help: Determine speed of Mt Wilson drone from Tesla footage?

    This might be a match. The arrow marks the witness location at 7:39 p.m. Larger map includes possible Airplane Number Two Info on planes
  20. Z.W. Wolf

    Looking for help: Determine speed of Mt Wilson drone from Tesla footage?

    The Sun was just above the horizon because one of the hills has just a touch of sunlight on it. So - if this is June 26, 2023 - it was about 7:30 p.m. PDT...? I'm going to assume that date and time for the rest of this post. Vega was in the ENE (Az/Alt +58 degrees/+25 degrees) which is sort of...