Search results

  1. Z.W. Wolf

    Claim: DNA evidence confirms existence of black panthers in the British countryside

    This isn't convincing at all. Why not a black dog? Or not a mammal at all, but something that quirkily looks like a mammal? This image looks pretty odd when you really look at it. Was there just a single still photo? Remember the South Texas Thing...
  2. Z.W. Wolf

    Claim: DNA evidence confirms existence of black panthers in the British countryside

    If this population started with two black leopards and only two, the fact that the melanistic gene is recessive would ensure that all descendants would be black. Or if there were two leopards with one recessive gene each, many descendants would have a double recessive. Or any permutation you'd...
  3. Z.W. Wolf

    Russia and Ukraine Current Events

    A large civilian population is a hiding place for Russian deserters, pro-Ukrainian partisans, Ukrainian infiltrators...
  4. Z.W. Wolf

    Russia and Ukraine Current Events

    Agree. It's a dynamic situation.
  5. Z.W. Wolf

    Claim: Time-Travelling Humans are Causing Close Encounter Experiences

    Sorry, that's not it at all. Being scared is something they might actively enjoy. The psychological need is to believe in fantastical stories as literally true to escape from the mundane, from analytical thought and so forth... which this Demo finds aversive. The remarkable thing is that the...
  6. Z.W. Wolf

    Russia and Ukraine Current Events

    Very little of this comes from me. I've just assembled stuff from other sources. Stuff that makes sense to me. Bakhmut - Ukraine could have refused this entire action and withdrawn to stronger positons to the west and held the line there against the Russian Winter Offensive on the Eastern...
  7. Z.W. Wolf

    Claim: Time-Travelling Humans are Causing Close Encounter Experiences

    What function do these Michael P. Masters books serve? They are aimed at an audience. So they serve the psychological needs of that audience. And reality ain't it. I was an SF (Science Fiction) Fan in my youth. SF Fandom was a very small world at the time - the 70's. But I was in the S...
  8. Z.W. Wolf

    Steven Greenstreet's Skinwalker Ranch Video Series

    Well, "Since this reporter did some good reporting," I guess I'd have to say.
  9. Z.W. Wolf

    Claim: Panama Canal plan proves a flat earth

    It's interesting to contemplate an idea developed by Aristotle - or perhaps a more widely held contemporary idea that he agreed with and was reporting. In this model, terrestrial matter has an innate linear motion. That motion is toward the center of the Earth. Matter on the surface of the...
  10. Z.W. Wolf

    Claim: Panama Canal plan proves a flat earth

    It's remarkable how deep their denial will go. For example: They deny that there is such a thing as Inertia (!) FE'ers will claim that if you jump straight up off your moving skateboard you will land on the ground because you will fall straight down while the skateboard continues moving...
  11. Z.W. Wolf

    Strange Lights over Las Vegas April 25, 2023 This site is called Pacific Airlifter - The Life of USAF Airlifters In The Pacific - Post 1973 This article is - Dropping Flares The flares shown in this article are the LUU-2D/B Illuminating Flare - Which is...
  12. Z.W. Wolf

    1971 Lake Cote / Lago de Cote UFO Aerial Photo

    There may be another (or additional) reason for this odd lack of transparency in what should be a straight forward and open process. My favored solution to this case is that the original negative has a physical flaw. Essentially a dent caused by a foreign object. If this is true, that fact...
  13. Z.W. Wolf

    Skinwalker Ranch Carriage House Lights and Bird on a Sunny Day

    This seems to be a strand of spider silk. I think this is close to the camera due to how quickly and dramatically the apparent size changes.
  14. Z.W. Wolf

    Strange Lights over Las Vegas April 25, 2023

    A few updates... -The camera was not looking toward the Spring Mountains, but through a valley. U.S. Route 95 runs through that valley. I don't know if this is just considered to be a part of the Las Vegas Valley or whether it has a separate name. - Most Las Vegas Valley residents wouldn't...
  15. Z.W. Wolf

    Strange Lights over Las Vegas April 25, 2023

    1.8 million x 12.57 =22, 626, 000 lumens 100 watt bulb = 1600 lumens. 22, 626,000/1600 = 14,141 One flare = 14,141 one hundred watt bulbs (about) One flare is about the equivalent of a 757's twin nose wheel landing lights. Landing lights are easily visible at 50 miles in desert air...
  16. Z.W. Wolf

    Strange Lights over Las Vegas April 25, 2023

    The table on the top page has the symbol for "approximately equal to" in front of the number one million. The description on the bottom page says "about 1.8 million."
  17. Z.W. Wolf

    Strange Lights over Las Vegas April 25, 2023

    I think part of the reason people reject the idea that this type of display can be caused by flares is that they are picturing something that you could hold in your hand, like a road flare. Or they are picturing the kind of hand held flare guns we've all seen on TV. So they are thinking that...
  18. Z.W. Wolf

    Strange Lights over Las Vegas April 25, 2023

    I make it to be 50 miles from the camera to the flares at the very least. Not likely to be that close. I have the ends of the line fixed at the probable camera position in the hills of the Henderson area and Creech Air Force Base at Indian Springs.
  19. Z.W. Wolf

    Strange Lights over Las Vegas April 25, 2023

    This case is well documented and will give us a good idea of what large illuminating parachute flares look like at approximately 20 miles. The camera is looking toward the Toronto Pearson International Airport Red arrow - Sheraton Gateway Hotel - Mississauga, Ontario Green arrow - Orlando...