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  1. Z.W. Wolf

    Mexican President Posts Photo of a Mayan Elf

    A gibbon can look back over its shoulder. This is the natural posture.
  2. Z.W. Wolf

    Mexican President Posts Photo of a Mayan Elf

    Ha Ha This is from Java and not related, except to illustrate that people are genuinely wary of this ubiquitous spook.
  3. Z.W. Wolf

    Mexican President Posts Photo of a Mayan Elf

    I used TinEye to find a slightly different version of this story with some more details. Singkawang is a city located in the province of West Kalimantan, on the island of...
  4. Z.W. Wolf

    Reddit post: Glowing orbs I filmed on a flight from Vegas to Boston. More details in comments.

    The apparent 2-D motion of the lights - one leading the other on a purely lateral course, and pulling ahead of the other - is an illusion. The actual 3-D motion is due to two planes on the same course - somewhat diagonal to the observer - with one closer to the observer. The closer one has a...
  5. Z.W. Wolf

    Reddit post: Glowing orbs I filmed on a flight from Vegas to Boston. More details in comments.

    If that were the case, these planes would heading more or less toward the observer, and the powerful landing lights of these planes would be visible.
  6. Z.W. Wolf

    Reddit post: Glowing orbs I filmed on a flight from Vegas to Boston. More details in comments.

    Let's start with the basics. The auto-focus mechanism of the camera focused the lens - mostly! - on the window frame. If these are distant objects outside of the plane, they are out of focus. If these are reflections of interior lights, there are two factors which could cause them to be out...
  7. Z.W. Wolf

    Mysterious metal ball on Japanese Beach

    People in Japan are nervous about North Korean and Chinese military aggression. They were wondering if it could be some sort of weapon or part of a weapon.
  8. Z.W. Wolf

    Is this a Chinese spy balloon?

    Wouldn't the props be used to change altitude only? A sphere is a high drag shape and the balloon has no internal or external structure or gas pressure to stiffen it. Propelling a limp spherical balloon horizontally at the end of a long tether through wind at high altitudes doesn't seem...
  9. Z.W. Wolf

    Speculation: Did the US shoot down its own weather balloons over Alaska/Canada?

    You're right. It's a far Leftist fringe thing. There's a recent citation of a Matt Tabbi article and the Columbia Journalism Review. Ick.
  10. Z.W. Wolf

    1994 Michigan UFO event

    From 2010 Wednesday Night Lights: On Lake Michigan's horizon -- it's called 'fata morgana' From 2012 The 'lights of Milwaukee' were seen Thursday night from the Lake Michigan shores of Muskegon...
  11. Z.W. Wolf

    Speculation: Did the US shoot down its own weather balloons over Alaska/Canada?

    Moon of Alabama What I see on that site: Pro-Russian, anti-Ukraine, anti-US Government, anti-NATO, anti-Biden bias. Cautious China, Iran as U.S. whipping-boys stance. Two examples. -It's accepted as fact that the U.S. is responsible for the Nord Stream pipeline...
  12. Z.W. Wolf

    1994 Michigan UFO event

    Not much to go on. I'm seeing a lot of dead links. But since they were looking out over Lake Michigan what seems most likely to me is that they were seeing ground lights on the far shore due to unusual atmospheric refraction; i.e ducting. If that were the case, the lights would be distorted...
  13. Z.W. Wolf

    UFO Encounter / Commercial Airline Pilot - Colorado Area

    I agree that the perceived motion - all three lights spreading smoothly apart - is consistent with the aircraft moving toward fixed lights. I think these lights in the video are ground lights. On that night, the Big Dipper was very low on the horizon at midnight Eastern/10:00 Mountain. If...
  14. Z.W. Wolf

    Is this a Chinese spy balloon?

    These things have been sighted over Japan, Taiwan, the Philippines, Canada, Hawaii, South America, the Andaman Islands (in the Indian Ocean). I'm betting that these reports represent just a fraction of the actual number of balloon overflights. Paywall...
  15. Z.W. Wolf

    Is this a Chinese spy balloon?

    Higher resolution photo shows array substantially intact.
  16. Z.W. Wolf

    Is this a Chinese spy balloon?

    This may show the array shedding pieces as it falls. There are some twinkles in the last few seconds of the video.
  17. Z.W. Wolf

    Is this a Chinese spy balloon?

    Possible debris from Chinese balloon spotted at boat ramp Not much to go on here. This is just a warning from local police not to touch suspected debris that has washed ashore, as it is...