Search results

  1. Z.W. Wolf

    Claim: C-130 buzzed by TicTac in Florida

    Would a Coast Guard aircraft need to be equipped with a towed decoy? In other words are they deployed in potential combat zones? Yes. Coast Guard has a,outside of the United States. Are they? Don't know. What would cause the sudden...
  2. Z.W. Wolf

    Mosul "Sphere"

    I agree with this. Whatever we are seeing is not an image of something on the camera lens. While using a long focal length lens focused on the ground, even something on the glass shield of the aircraft wouldn't be caught as an in-focus image, or any kind of image at all. At the age of 15 I...
  3. Z.W. Wolf

    2022 Annual Report on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena

    What we do know beyond reasonable doubt: -We'll keep getting UFO reports -People will think this is the dawn of a new era in human history -Nothing will happen
  4. Z.W. Wolf

    2022 Annual Report on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena

    In the earliest UFO days - the late 40's - UFO's were often described as quite small. For example, baseball sized.
  5. Z.W. Wolf

    Skinwalker Ranch Carriage House Lights and Bird on a Sunny Day

    And I don't think this video is fraudulent in that they staged something. They just caught a low probability situation. With all those cameras constantly going, they were bound to. Like rolling dice so many times you get snake eyes 4 times in a row somewhere along the way. The rest is just...
  6. Z.W. Wolf

    Skinwalker Ranch Carriage House Lights and Bird on a Sunny Day

    All in all though, this is just a debate about details. The significant similarity between the highlights in the Barn Video silk threads and the lights in the Skinwalker Ranch Video is the important thing. Beyond reasonable doubt the mysterious lights in the Skinwalker Ranch Video are...
  7. Z.W. Wolf

    Skinwalker Ranch Carriage House Lights and Bird on a Sunny Day

    1. Because the highlights remain vertical, the threads must also remain vertical at all times. How do threads remain vertical through that range of actual lateral motion? -If they are fixed at only the top end, they would be waving in an air current. -If they are fixed at both the top and...
  8. Z.W. Wolf

    Skinwalker Ranch Carriage House Lights and Bird on a Sunny Day

    Let's define backlit. First, let's consider the question in a general sense, not taking into account the lighting conditions inside the building in this particular video. In general does there have to be a straight line between the lens or eye, the thread, and the source of light for a...
  9. Z.W. Wolf

    Skinwalker Ranch Carriage House Lights and Bird on a Sunny Day

    The joists are so primitive and rotten that they were splitting in half. It looks like they were originally made of two separate pieces haphazardly fixed together. There's nothing standard about them. I wonder if they were made of salvaged wood. It highlights how primitive the original...
  10. Z.W. Wolf

    Skinwalker Ranch Carriage House Lights and Bird on a Sunny Day

    Do I see a rock? I think I do. Or the end of the rotten board that shattered when they tried to kick it down into place. Then maybe they laid a random piece of metal across it to maybe hold it down. What were they going to do with the bricks?
  11. Z.W. Wolf

    Skinwalker Ranch Carriage House Lights and Bird on a Sunny Day

    I've been thinking of ways I'd do it better... but in truth I would hire a pro. A real pro could do it more effectively and preserve the visual presentation at the same time. Maybe a Studio Carpenter or Set Designer. Someone who understands the requirements of a TV show. They might even...
  12. Z.W. Wolf

    Skinwalker Ranch Carriage House Lights and Bird on a Sunny Day

    propping up a set Explain this phrase. As in a theatrical/movie set? Or is this some carpentry jargon?
  13. Z.W. Wolf

    Skinwalker Ranch Carriage House Lights and Bird on a Sunny Day

    I don't know if this is apropos... You decide. They obviously have money, and "high-tech" stuff, but this is the way they "repaired" the sagging roof of the carriage house. Board A - the board holding up the joists Board B - the vertical board holding up one end of Board A Board C - the...
  14. Z.W. Wolf

    Skinwalker Ranch Carriage House Lights and Bird on a Sunny Day

    More photos There's an odd bit of metal there. Sorry, this screenshot is the best I can do. Falling down. Is this before the crude repairs? I think this photo is older than the one below. The structure is straighter but the...
  15. Z.W. Wolf

    Las Vegas UFO - Lights in Clouds Above The Strip [Light Pillar Map]

    He's still whinging on about it. I tried creating a new thread there about the newer video that shows South Strip hotels, but I'm new there and it was filtered. It will probably get unfiltered in another week or so.
  16. Z.W. Wolf

    Skinwalker Ranch Carriage House Lights and Bird on a Sunny Day

    Yes, those diagonal wires are guy wires and not very well done. It's all poorly thought out and poorly executed. As for the electrical wiring I was thinking it was crude DYI stuff put in an old ranch outbuilding in 1920. If you look closely you'll see straggly wires on the walls and hanging...
  17. Z.W. Wolf

    Skinwalker Ranch Carriage House Lights and Bird on a Sunny Day

    That's a lath and plaster wall with bits of rotten lath showing in the hole. If you wanted to screw the camera, or a camera bracket, to the wall, you wouldn't want to screw it to crumbling plaster or rotten lath. So maybe you'd enlarge a...
  18. Z.W. Wolf

    Skinwalker Ranch Carriage House Lights and Bird on a Sunny Day

    Colm Kelleher stands inside a building on Skinwalker Ranch in this undated photo. (Courtesy of George Knapp) Definitely the same building. The marks on the wall where the plaster is...
  19. Z.W. Wolf

    Skinwalker Ranch Carriage House Lights and Bird on a Sunny Day

    Slaughtering a cow or pig and putting the meat in a deep freeze was common practice. You usually had a pro do the butchering though. Or the freezer may have been chock full of Swanson TV dinners.
  20. Z.W. Wolf

    Skinwalker Ranch Carriage House Lights and Bird on a Sunny Day

    Very old electrical wiring. Remains of these circa 1920 wires also hang from the rafters. When old buildings were retrofitted with electricity, the wiring was just strung up along the walls and ceilings. They probably had a generator. This type ran on kerosene. Those are exide glass farm...