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  1. Z.W. Wolf

    2020 US Election - Current Events

    Mendel - Calling for armed protest against the election outcome is treason, going to court and submitting to the court's ruling is not. For the same reason, "I'll sue you" isn't legally recognized as a threat anywhere in the world. This is not US law. Treason involves collaborating with an...
  2. Z.W. Wolf

    2020 US Election - Current Events

    You could argue, with some validity, that these members of Congress were aware that the Texas Suit was a fantasy and they were only committing a fantastic act of sedition. A "Just Kidding!" version of sedition. Something like Diamond and Silk's tweet calling for a military coup. (No link. You...
  3. Z.W. Wolf

    2020 US Election - Current Events

    We shouldn't get distracted from the real issue. Trump isn't going to steal this election. The real issue is that the radicalized GOP is becoming more radicalized. That's not going away on January 20.
  4. Z.W. Wolf

    2020 US Election - Current Events

    Joe Welch asked, "Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last"? And that was the inflection point for McCarthyism. I keep hoping there will be an inflection point for Trumpism. A sobering up moment. I was hoping this might be it. It doesn't look as if it will be. I'm afraid, instead...
  5. Z.W. Wolf

    2020 US Election - Current Events

    Nuclear war is a disturbing possibility. The mechanism is fully established. That's the way I see our present political situation. I think we probably will not see the establishment of a dominant party authoritarian regime. But it has become a disturbing possibility, in a way that it was not...
  6. Z.W. Wolf

    2020 US Election - Current Events

    The suit is a fiction which they do not believe in themselves. The intent is to foment political and social unrest and to normalize the idea that legal elections are irrelevant. This is sedition. The intent is not to overthrow this election. They are looking toward the future; an effort to...
  7. Z.W. Wolf

    2020 US Election - Current Events

    One hundred six members of the US Congress, today, committed an act of sedition. Texas v. Pennsylvania Amicus Brief of 106 Representatives v. Pennsylvania Amicus Brief of 106 Representatives.pdf Sedition is overt...
  8. Z.W. Wolf

    The "Firehosing" Propaganda Technique

    We're going to have to see who the next administration is.
  9. Z.W. Wolf

    2020 US Election - Current Events

    Should I have put this in the Flat Earth Forum? This Safe Harbor deadline is today, btw.
  10. Z.W. Wolf

    Explained: Fulton County, Georgia, "Suitcases" of Ballots being Scanned

    Giuliani sticking with this conspiracy theory, earlier this morning. Georgia, of course, had the bombshell evidence of the tape recording of the election center with everyone chased out about two in the morning. Locked down. Five people left. Luckily the cameras were on; they didn't know...
  11. Z.W. Wolf

    Explained: Red Mirages, Blue Shifts, and Data Dumps in the 2020 Election

    Nothing as dramatic as in Wisconsin that I can find. This was due to an extraordinary state law and is fully explained. There were lesser bumps such as in Michigan, due to individual jurisdictions reporting large numbers of mail ballots. see...
  12. Z.W. Wolf

    Explained: Red Mirages, Blue Shifts, and Data Dumps in the 2020 Election

    The narrative being that The Bad Guys have exploited this weakness: They could wait to see exactly when huge numbers of Biden votes would need to be injected, and could inject just enough to give Biden the win. But... how were they are able to both produce the fake votes and to hide the...
  13. Z.W. Wolf

    Explained: Red Mirages, Blue Shifts, and Data Dumps in the 2020 Election

    From a presentation recorded last week in the White House Diplomatic Room, and released today. No news media present. Leading up to the presidential election, we were warned that we should not declare a premature victory. My opponent was told to stay away from the election. Don’t campaign...
  14. Z.W. Wolf

    Explained: Red Mirages, Blue Shifts, and Data Dumps in the 2020 Election [Before the election] Trump also was given several presentations by his campaign advisers about the likely surge in mail-in ballots — in part because many Americans...
  15. Z.W. Wolf

    The "Firehosing" Propaganda Technique

  16. Z.W. Wolf

    The "Firehosing" Propaganda Technique

    It's called "firehosing."
  17. Z.W. Wolf

    Explained: Red Mirages, Blue Shifts, and Data Dumps in the 2020 Election

    Rand Paul has tweeted a link to a site which alleges statistical anomalies The site. It dates back to Nov. 24...
  18. Z.W. Wolf

    Allegations of Election Irregularities by Gregory Stenstrom of Marque Star

    The Sales Rep in the video says that the modem first reports an unofficial vote tally to a tabulator and the vDrive later reports the official vote tally. But use of the modems is optional, while use of the vDrives is mandatory. What we're presented with by Stenstrom is.. -Argument by...
  19. Z.W. Wolf

    Allegations of Election Irregularities by Gregory Stenstrom of Marque Star

    Alright. One more read through and I think I finally understand what Stenstrom is alleging. Remember that vDrives are the flash drives which are removed from the lockbox on the scanners. The polls are closed. The vDrives from ballot scanners at polling places across the county should be...
  20. Z.W. Wolf

    Allegations of Election Irregularities by Gregory Stenstrom of Marque Star

    There are things that should be clarified: Mail ballots Source: A polling place is where voters cast their ballots in elections. A vote-counting center/site - or elections office - is an office where votes are counted. The public is not admitted. What is a...