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  1. Z.W. Wolf

    President Trump's Facial Changes After His Coronavirus Diagnosis. [AI upscaled image]

    If that's the explanation, it debunks other notions that were being put out there: that the right side of his face was slack due to Bell's Palsy or due to "mini-strokes."
  2. Z.W. Wolf

    President Trump's Facial Changes After His Coronavirus Diagnosis. [AI upscaled image]

    I'm seeing some significant puffiness in your version. But I don't think it means much of anything.
  3. Z.W. Wolf

    President Trump's Facial Changes After His Coronavirus Diagnosis. [AI upscaled image]

    This is where I got the photo If it were a real medical condition - not just a trick of the the light and shadows - then it was transient. Hives, would fit. Some allergic...
  4. Z.W. Wolf

    President Trump's Facial Changes After His Coronavirus Diagnosis. [AI upscaled image]

    You're right. On the dark side of the spectrum... this might be a bacterial infection. Cellulitis? Cellulitis is a bacterial infection of the skin and its inner layers- dermis and subcutaneous tissue. Streptococcus and Staphylococcus bacteria are known to cause cellulitis. Other bacteria...
  5. Z.W. Wolf

    President Trump's Facial Changes After His Coronavirus Diagnosis. [AI upscaled image]

    What's going on here? This is from the "Blessing From God" video which was released on Wed. There's been speculation on social media that this is a side effect from the corticosteroid This is not Cushing syndrome. It could be a bad flareup of rosacea, which he's covered up with that orange...
  6. Z.W. Wolf

    President Trump And First Lady Test Positive For The Coronavirus

    The next three days are the classic days 7-10 when he might go into a severe phase. Only a chance. But what is inevitable is that his doctors are going to take him off the dexamethasone sometime. When that happens the elevated mood goes away too. Sometimes there's a crash into depression...
  7. Z.W. Wolf

    President Trump And First Lady Test Positive For The Coronavirus

    "One giveaway is lifting the shoulders while breathing in. Lifting the chin and stretching out the neck. Swallowing hard." - is the way I put it. Breathing hard because your chest is tight is a different experience from breathing hard from exercise. When I saw Trump I could feel what he's...
  8. Z.W. Wolf

    President Trump And First Lady Test Positive For The Coronavirus

    I've got the more complete translation done. Yes, he's not saying that Trump can't walk more than 60 paces and so on; he's saying that his breathing is the result of walking 60 paces, and so on. A modified "stress test." And a really wimpy one compared to the 6 minute walk. (When I was a kid...
  9. Z.W. Wolf

    President Trump And First Lady Test Positive For The Coronavirus

    You're right that he's referencing King. I hadn't noticed that. He's referencing King's text: President Trump very dyspneic walking ~60 paces (stop 2x) and up ~30 steps. ? was O2 sats w/ walking before he left WRAMC? His “energy” not real, probably side effect of steroids. Vitals Q2h. Check O2...
  10. Z.W. Wolf

    President Trump And First Lady Test Positive For The Coronavirus

    Heh. I'm not a musician... so I'll take your word for it.
  11. Z.W. Wolf

    President Trump And First Lady Test Positive For The Coronavirus

    There are physiological signs. If you're familiar with them, they're obvious. How many patients do you think Dr. Wachter has observed? If a musician says, "That first note was A sharp and the second one was B major," and you say, "I don't hear the difference." What's happening? In any case...
  12. Z.W. Wolf

    President Trump And First Lady Test Positive For The Coronavirus

    I grew out of the asthma (mostly), and I've done a lot of weight training. I have experience with the two different ways of being out of breath. Asthma/Bronchitis is a completely different experience from breathing hard, even really hard, from exercise.
  13. Z.W. Wolf

    President Trump And First Lady Test Positive For The Coronavirus

    Source: Having suffered from asthma and bronchitis I can say this is absolutely reduced lung capacity/fighting for breath. One giveaway is lifting the shoulders while breathing in. Lifting the chin and stretching out the neck. Swallowing hard. Lifting up on...
  14. Z.W. Wolf

    President Trump And First Lady Test Positive For The Coronavirus

    Source: Sunday How severe is President Trump’s COVID-19 illness? Does he have COVID-19 Pneumonia? As a pulmonary & critical care doctor, I’m watching President Trump's medical team, including Dr. Sean Conley, give a press conference. His medical team includes 3...
  15. Z.W. Wolf

    President Trump And First Lady Test Positive For The Coronavirus

    Source: [00:00:00] Dr. Samir Gupta has lots to say about these issues. He's our regular Wednesday guest, but because he's a researcher, allergist, and this is very much the issue that we want to know about the president. He is here for a bonus visit...
  16. Z.W. Wolf

    President Trump And First Lady Test Positive For The Coronavirus

    President Trump's medical team once again held a briefing outside Walter Reed National Military Medical Center on Monday for an update on the president's COVID-19 treatment. REPORTER: Now you had said that seven to 10 days was a window that you'd be concerned about. I don't think we're there...
  17. Z.W. Wolf

    President Trump And First Lady Test Positive For The Coronavirus

    Infections kind of do have a typical progression. There are different tracks, and this one can take an extraordinarily sharp turn for the worse. These experimental drugs have the potential to make things worse. He's going all in on dosages. A narcissist's way of doing things. He's trying to...
  18. Z.W. Wolf

    President Trump And First Lady Test Positive For The Coronavirus Two studies from China, where the virus is believed to have first been transmitted to humans, paint a picture of the progression of the symptoms those who have...
  19. Z.W. Wolf

    President Trump And First Lady Test Positive For The Coronavirus

    I'll try again, and I will explain why this is important. Your vote is an indirect vote. A direct vote for electors would be unconstitutional. The Supreme Court has held that the states can set up a system that effectively makes it a direct vote. State laws have been passed that say, "If the...
  20. Z.W. Wolf

    President Trump And First Lady Test Positive For The Coronavirus

    Source: This is the best match I could find. Source: