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  1. Z.W. Wolf

    President Trump And First Lady Test Positive For The Coronavirus

    Just between you and me, Mike... What are the chances for confirmation before the election? Hey, I'm feeling very positive about it! Group hug!
  2. Z.W. Wolf

    President Trump And First Lady Test Positive For The Coronavirus

    Hey, Chris! Give me some of that positive energy!
  3. Z.W. Wolf

    President Trump And First Lady Test Positive For The Coronavirus

    Here's the bottom line. Our presidential voting process relies heavily on assumptions, customs and unwritten norms. Laws on both the Federal and State level are incomplete, often poorly written, and mostly untested.
  4. Z.W. Wolf

    President Trump And First Lady Test Positive For The Coronavirus Under the Electoral College system, the winner of the election is determined by securing a majority of “electoral votes” allotted to the 50 states and the District of Columbia in proportion to their...
  5. Z.W. Wolf

    President Trump And First Lady Test Positive For The Coronavirus The NYT article has been updated. "A person familiar with the president’s health " has now been...
  6. Z.W. Wolf

    President Trump And First Lady Test Positive For The Coronavirus

    NYT President Trump’s vital signs on Saturday were concerning as doctors mounted an...
  7. Z.W. Wolf

    President Trump And First Lady Test Positive For The Coronavirus

    From right, Labor Secretary Eugene Scalia, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie greet people in the Rose Garden. | Alex Brandon/AP Photo
  8. Z.W. Wolf

    President Trump And First Lady Test Positive For The Coronavirus

    Hey, Kellyanne Conway! You sure you want to walk through this crowd with no mask? Yes, I'm positive!
  9. Z.W. Wolf

    President Trump And First Lady Test Positive For The Coronavirus

    Sanjay Gupta - twitter - about an hour old After announcing a positive Covid-19 test early Friday morning, President Trump ended the day at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, where we are told he’ll remain for “the next few days.” The White House said this was being done out of an...
  10. Z.W. Wolf

    President Trump And First Lady Test Positive For The Coronavirus

    There's no way of knowing. But according to the article I linked to, it's too late to change candidates. It's Trump, dead or alive. But the popular vote has no legal bearing. The Electors would go on to decide who to vote for... but state laws would make this messy indeed.
  11. Z.W. Wolf

    President Trump And First Lady Test Positive For The Coronavirus

    "Working" has no effect on the progression of this disease. Delaying treatment? There is no universally proven treatment. Only treatments that are "promising", or work in some cases. Delaying intubation can be a problem, but you're pretty far gone by then. And this is usually because...
  12. Z.W. Wolf

    President Trump And First Lady Test Positive For The Coronavirus - What happens if a candidate dies ahead of the election? Both the Democratic National Committee and the Republican National Committee have rules that call for their members to vote on a replacement nominee...
  13. Z.W. Wolf

    President Trump And First Lady Test Positive For The Coronavirus

    Remember... once again, the popular vote for president has no legal bearing. Even Americans have a hard time wrapping their head around that one.
  14. Z.W. Wolf

    President Trump And First Lady Test Positive For The Coronavirus

    Remember that the Electors can vote for anyone, with no reference to the popular vote. So this is untested but not impossible. And there are two layers. What the constitution says, and state laws. Some states have laws about how their Electors vote. I can foresee a huge fight in...
  15. Z.W. Wolf

    President Trump And First Lady Test Positive For The Coronavirus

    For the MB members who live under a parliamentary system this will seem strange. We vote for an individual, not the party. Clear: Pence would be sworn in as president. Murky: Who would become the GOP candidate for president? The constitution is not relevant. Parties are not governmental...
  16. Z.W. Wolf

    President Trump And First Lady Test Positive For The Coronavirus

    Source: Woodruff: Given what we have seen now, the President is about to leave the White House to go to Walter Reed, they say, for several days. You have heard, I think, what we have about the president symptoms. What does this add up to for you? Dr Jha: This is...
  17. Z.W. Wolf

    President Trump And First Lady Test Positive For The Coronavirus

    Symptoms started yesterday afternoon.
  18. Z.W. Wolf

    President Trump And First Lady Test Positive For The Coronavirus

    (CNN)President Donald Trump will be hospitalized at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center and remain there for several days, the White House said Friday afternoon. The development came roughly 15 hours after Trump disclosed he had tested positive for the virus. Rapid progression of...
  19. Z.W. Wolf

    President Trump And First Lady Test Positive For The Coronavirus Sat September 26, 2020 Many of the guests for President Donald Trump's Supreme Court nomination announcement arrived at Saturday's event with masks on, but as the Rose Garden event got...