Search results

  1. Z.W. Wolf

    Claim: UFO following jet into landing at JFK on 11/11/19

    Red flags Witness claims experience and expertise, but does not give any details. Aviation and Space is my thing. I've been in the field almost 30 years both professionally and personally. I'm considered an expert(my profession) when it comes to aircraft identification(both military and...
  2. Z.W. Wolf

    Claim: Apollo 15-17 Live TV Feed - Antenna signal would be interrupted from all the violent shaking when Astronauts touch the buggy

    Taken July 4, 1969, during a visit by Walter Cronkite and his CBS News film crew to the Goldstone Tracking Station near Barstow, CA in preparation for the Apollo 11 flight to the Moon. Walter and Tom Turnbull in front of the 85-foot diameter X-Y antenna used to communicate with the Apollo astronauts
  3. Z.W. Wolf

    Claim: Apollo 15-17 Live TV Feed - Antenna signal would be interrupted from all the violent shaking when Astronauts touch the buggy

    BTW, the camera used during the Apollo missions in question was not an NTSC color TV camera. It was a field-sequential system. Mechanical TV with a rotating color filter disc. This is why the blown off bits of insulation are multicolored in the Apollo 17 LM liftoff. The scan rate was 30 fps...
  4. Z.W. Wolf

    Claim: U.S. Covid-19 Deaths are being Artificially Inflated

    Possible confounds, that will need to be sorted out in time; just off the top of my fallible head: -fewer than average traffic, industrial and recreational accidents -fewer flu deaths but -more than average non-Covid deaths due to people hesitating to get needed medical care; e.g. heartattack...
  5. Z.W. Wolf

    Evolution of Perpetual Motion, WORKING Free Energy Generator fake?

    It will work as long as you have someone manipulating that magnet. But when the magnet becomes a part of the machine itself, it won't work. Ellie: What about when the same poles of two magnets repel? It must take energy to push like that. Beakman: Yeah, but who's doing the pushing? The...
  6. Z.W. Wolf

    Moon moving "faster" than clouds

    This is an interesting psychological issue. It's very common to see people claiming all sorts of unusual things going on in the sky... which only they have seen or noticed. The Sun is rising and setting in the wrong place, the Moon rotates oddly (actually field rotation), there are new stars...
  7. Z.W. Wolf

    Claim: The Heart Is Not A Pump

    Parenthetically this man is the prime mover behind the 5G/coronavirus thing. A viral video by an American doctor who is on disciplinary probation claims that the coronavirus pandemic was caused by 5G technology...
  8. Z.W. Wolf

    Being seen from space - methods to demonstrate that sats are real and provide live video?

    Bottom line: They won't be convinced by anything. There are 50,000 commercial vessels at sea right now, and none of them report anything unusual. Means nothing to FE beleivers. I've tried. If you're interested, do it for yourself. But don't program your life around these people.
  9. Z.W. Wolf

    Strange Row of Lights Under a Plane?

    How close are you to Seymour Johnson AFB? 916th Air Refueling Wing To answer a previous question... There are low level refueling operations. The low altitude...
  10. Z.W. Wolf

    Strange Row of Lights Under a Plane?

    Where are you? The OP sighted his aircraft here, in Springfield, Missouri. 22d Air Refueling Wing - McConnell Air Force Base Two additional posters reported from Canada This location is just Ontario, but the poster talks about seeing military aircraft often so we can assume she lives...
  11. Z.W. Wolf

    Strange Row of Lights Under a Plane?

    The streaks have the same wavy shape, which shows the camera was moving sideways. . There is less camera motion in this photo. The tradeoff is that it's more overexposed (the lights are not spread over the larger area). What motion there is, of both the camera and the aircraft, is along...
  12. Z.W. Wolf

    Strange Row of Lights Under a Plane?

    Good job getting the photos. Boeing KC-46 Source: Were you also in this area? The 157th Air Refueling Wing (157 ARW) - Pease Air National Guard Base
  13. Z.W. Wolf

    Claim sun paths prove flat earth

    He has this theory that because the Sun rose and set "north" of east and west respectively... this proves the Sun is moving in a circle around the north pole. He's written a book on the subject, which purports to overturn the heliocentric model. Source...
  14. Z.W. Wolf

    Another sun path claim

    Homework assignment for you: Correct his compass bearing to true bearing.
  15. Z.W. Wolf

    Claim sun paths prove flat earth

    ------>Magnetic Declination<------ See this post: Please read what we're posting. What else? -Doesn't know where the Sun should rise and set, or the Sun's path in general. Makes a strawman assumption. -Has no real...
  16. Z.W. Wolf

    Claim sun paths prove flat earth

    Bottom Line: This guy is missing a key bit of knowledge. He hasn't educated himself on the subject but thinks he knows everything he needs to know. See this post: You might also want to look up: Dunning-Kruger Effect...
  17. Z.W. Wolf

    Another sun path claim

    Let's think about this: Given the number of people who use it, and what they use it for, it's not credible that Stellarium is wrong. People would notice. It's much more credible that this random guy is wrong. What could contribute to his error? Hardware: -How good is this compass app? They...
  18. Z.W. Wolf

    Claim sun paths prove flat earth

    Once you have the basic concepts down... Source:
  19. Z.W. Wolf

    Claim sun paths prove flat earth

    Astronomy isn't easy, even at this level. You need to educate yourself in the basic concepts and nomenclature. This guy is so sloppy it's painful to watch. Source: This is another good resource: Source: It's a basic training...
  20. Z.W. Wolf

    COVID-19 Coronavirus current events

    I was just doing the math myself and my figures are: Regarding the data on deaths provided below: Confirmed deaths: People who had a positive COVID-19 laboratory test. Probable deaths: People who did not have a positive COVID-19...