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  1. Z.W. Wolf

    Explained: Unburned trees next to burned down structures as evidence of secret "energy weapons"

    This tree shows a remarkable reluctance to burn. When the circuit is complete it flares up, but smolders without the added electrical energy. Source:
  2. Z.W. Wolf

    Coronavirus Statistics: Cases, Mortality, vs. Flu

    Feud over Stanford coronavirus study: ‘The authors owe us all an apology’ Angry statisticians dispute Santa Clara County research that found high infection rates ... the test kit...
  3. Z.W. Wolf

    Coronavirus Statistics: Cases, Mortality, vs. Flu

    Okay, weighting... so they want a large value for N... so they can chop it up. I'm suspicious of weighting... rightly or wrongly. Same test is not independent. Yes, point taken. I'm laboring under some handicaps. -I'm really rusty... 28 years since last statistics class. -I'm trying to...
  4. Z.W. Wolf

    Coronavirus Statistics: Cases, Mortality, vs. Flu

    I have a question... regarding the Santa Clara County study specifically. -They're using a test which makes the issue of false positives and false negatives a bad problem. -Increasing N over 1000 has surprisingly little effect on the margin of error. (This being more true with simpler...
  5. Z.W. Wolf

    Claim: Apollo 15-17 Live TV Feed - Antenna signal would be interrupted from all the violent shaking when Astronauts touch the buggy

    To help illustrate my point, note the difference between a helmet cam... Source: And a rigidly mounted camera. Source: Your cursor will stick fast to one spot on the dash. The body of the car can't move in the camera's field...
  6. Z.W. Wolf

    Claim: Australia was not visible from the moon for Apollo 11 Broadcasts

    I think the rotation is the same. It's the tilt that's different, with the Stellarium version showing the northern hemisphere tilted toward the camera.
  7. Z.W. Wolf

    Claim: Apollo 15-17 Live TV Feed - Antenna signal would be interrupted from all the violent shaking when Astronauts touch the buggy

    I've considered all sorts of things including: -the altitude of the Earth above the horizon and the antenna position in relation to the camera position -the suspension of the Rover and various movements it could make -the geometry of all these movements and positions -parallax effects But I've...
  8. Z.W. Wolf

    Debunking Humor... Researchers Delay Coronavirus Vaccine Until They Figure Out How To Make It Cause Autism
  9. Z.W. Wolf

    Debunking Correlations Between 5G deployments and Coronavirus

    I didn't want to start a thread about this, because it's a single step debunk. Internet rumor about deaths from vaccinations in Senegal : Source: Source:
  10. Z.W. Wolf

    Need Debunking: Foucault's Pendulum debunked through Mach's principle (the Earth is a static object in the center of the Universe) The Sagnac effect, also called Sagnac interference, named after French physicist Georges Sagnac, is a phenomenon encountered in interferometry that is elicited by rotation. The Sagnac effect manifests itself in a setup called a ring interferometer. A...
  11. Z.W. Wolf

    Need Debunking: Foucault's Pendulum debunked through Mach's principle (the Earth is a static object in the center of the Universe)

    The discovery of stellar aberration in 1727 by James Bradley was the decisive evidence for heliocentrism and the moving Earth. There were steps between the Ptolemaic model and the modern heliocentric model. -The Copernican heliocentric model placed all 5 known planets in circular orbits...
  12. Z.W. Wolf

    [False] Claim that Scale Model of 2017 Eclipse Disproves the Heliocentric Model

    This is a side issue, but... I knew that was the umbral path. But, I see what you're saying. P1 intersects the umbral path... but farther east than I thought. And now I can picture why. It's P2 that intersects the umbral path at its western end, not P1. But... I'm still going to insist that...
  13. Z.W. Wolf

    [False] Claim that Scale Model of 2017 Eclipse Disproves the Heliocentric Model

    This is getting to be a pretty well beaten dead horse. I'm only speculating about why they decided the eclipse somehow began in the Central Time Zone. Your speculation might be correct or the real reason might be something surprising to both of us. The important thing is that it's obviously...
  14. Z.W. Wolf

    [False] Claim that Scale Model of 2017 Eclipse Disproves the Heliocentric Model

    That's right. Restated: They're defining the total duration of the eclipse as 5 hours (and 17 minutes). Physically that time would start when the leading edge of the penumbra first touches the surface of the Earth and end when the trailing edge of the penumbra first leaves the surface of the...
  15. Z.W. Wolf

    [False] Claim that Scale Model of 2017 Eclipse Disproves the Heliocentric Model

    This is a proper model. The Moon's shadow can't just suddenly appear where they show it in their model. Source: And in regard to the Moonset issue. The marks on the model Earth represent approximately where the west and east coasts of the U.S. would be...
  16. Z.W. Wolf

    [False] Claim that Scale Model of 2017 Eclipse Disproves the Heliocentric Model

    This is where the leading edge of the penumbra first touched the Earth's surface at 15:55 UTC. Local time was 3:55 a.m. standard time. I'm assuming there's no DST in that spot in the Pacific. Certainly not 10:55 a.m. (This would be pre-dawn twilight locally.) In any scenario it should be...
  17. Z.W. Wolf

    [False] Claim that Scale Model of 2017 Eclipse Disproves the Heliocentric Model

    15:55 UTC = 10:55 a.m. local time? The leading edge of the Moon's penumbra first touched the Earth's surface on the surface of the Pacific Ocean somewhere to the west of Oregon at 15:55 UTC, and first touched the Oregon coast 10 minutes later at 16:05 UTC. This was 8:55 a.m. PDT and 9:05 a.m...
  18. Z.W. Wolf

    [False] Claim that Scale Model of 2017 Eclipse Disproves the Heliocentric Model

    Yes, the shadow of the Moon on the Earth's surface and our view of the Moon in our sky are somewhat related but not in the simple way they seem to think. They're confusing the position of the Moon in our sky with the question of whether or not it would be eclipsing the Sun. First of all...
  19. Z.W. Wolf

    [False] Claim that Scale Model of 2017 Eclipse Disproves the Heliocentric Model

    I found the GIF I made from the DelBoy 1967 video.
  20. Z.W. Wolf

    [False] Claim that Scale Model of 2017 Eclipse Disproves the Heliocentric Model

    Here's my thread. Sadly the GIFs are dead. Here's a proper model Source: