Search results

  1. Z.W. Wolf

    Molten and Glowing Metal

    It's the dross and slag in the aluminum that glows red. dross = solid impurities slag = molten impurities Adding flux and skimming dross and slag Separating 385 grams of aluminum from 1 kilogram of recycled dross and slag. Separating remaining aluminum from recycled dross and slag. If...
  2. Z.W. Wolf

    [Debunked] Apollo 14 Flag Waving Before Ascent?

    This is a diagram of the cabin [pressure] relief and dump valve on the LM. The air is passing through a simple tube. In a vacuum, this would release a plume of molecules that would shoot out like bullets in a ballistic trajectory. The molecules would not "suddenly rush into the vacuum...
  3. Z.W. Wolf

    UFO in Tampa Bay

    The sincerity of the UFO witness(es) is in itself evidence that they weren't mistaken? Do yourself a favor and buy this book. You can get it from Amazon for a few bucks: Allan Hendry (born 1950) is an American astronomer and ufologist. UFO historian Jerome Clark calls him "one of the...
  4. Z.W. Wolf

    UFO in Tampa Bay

    This makes no sense to me. Isn't the brake light on a car too big to be an LED? It's an array of LEDs, of course. And so are traffic lights and any number of other examples. These RC plane and drone strobes are also arrays of individual LEDs. You can actually have many of these on your RC...
  5. Z.W. Wolf

    UFO in Tampa Bay

    Two assumptions, not facts. One assumption depends on the first being true. That's called "building dream castles." I'll grant that helicopters were there. But why? Why not assume this?: It was an amateur drone and attracted no attention from anyone in the military. Then later on there were...
  6. Z.W. Wolf

    Is this a cosmic ray?

    So this was probably not caused by a cosmic ray; but by a secondary particle. A muon. During a test of his equipment for measuring the east-west effect, Rossi observed that the rate of near-simultaneous discharges of two widely separated Geiger counters...
  7. Z.W. Wolf

    Is this a cosmic ray?

    Wow, looking back through this thread... the time and place was given twice and I missed it twice. I was too sleepy this afternoon to 'bunk.
  8. Z.W. Wolf

    Is this a cosmic ray?

    It seems to me it would have to be a small plane. The streak looks like a line of single pixels. If it is a plane it's under the clouds, which appear to be thin cumulus; thus not very high. If it is a plane, I would guess it's a small plane and all that's bright enough to show is the white...
  9. Z.W. Wolf

    Is this a cosmic ray?

    It could be a Perseid meteor, bright enough to shine through the cloud layer. It's the right time of year and it's coming from the right direction. Is the brightness too consistent? Here are some Perseids and clouds:
  10. Z.W. Wolf

    Is this a cosmic ray?

    I Jeez, I bleeped right over that. So it's the right direction for a Perseid.
  11. Z.W. Wolf

    Is this a cosmic ray?

    So the double star is Mizar? Okay. The Aurigids radiant is above the horizon. Active right now, but not very. Three per hour. But the wrong direction.
  12. Z.W. Wolf

    Is this a cosmic ray?

    Too much speculation for me. Let me look again. Or we could just wait.
  13. Z.W. Wolf

    Is this a cosmic ray?

    Let's back up. Where did you take this photo? And when? And what direction? I seem to recognize Scorpius, so you wouldn't be in Finland, but much farther south. And it seems to be about 7:30 p.m. local time. Looking toward the south?
  14. Z.W. Wolf

    Orb in baby monitor, Long Island Medium (2013)

    That's good thinking, but there's a problem. The cameraman taking this has purposely created some Cinéma vérité camera shake. 1. I'm trying to match the camera shake to the movement of the orb. I can't do that. This suggests that the light source does not originate from the body of the...
  15. Z.W. Wolf

    UFO over Jackson Hole, WY

    Air ambulances often have multiple bright lights. A small change in the angle can cause any one of them to appear much brighter as the light source is reflected directly from the surface of the reflector to the observer.
  16. Z.W. Wolf

    Jeffery Epstein's Death

    Feb., 2018 For more than a decade, the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) has run on what it describes as “mission critical” staffing—the minimum number of correctional...
  17. Z.W. Wolf

    Jeffery Epstein's Death Abstract OBJECTIVE: To analyze the frequency of hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage fractures caused by suicidal hanging in Thai people and compare the different methods of visualizing the those fractures. Results could be used for forensic purposes...
  18. Z.W. Wolf

    Jeffery Epstein's Death

    Yes. I speculate that they were panicking as they realized the magnitude of the situation. Of the two guards assigned to monitor Epstein’s cell area, one was not a full time...
  19. Z.W. Wolf

    Russian ammo depot explosion near Achinsk, Krasnoyarsk

    I once saw a mushroom shaped cloud form over a small firecracker.