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  1. Z.W. Wolf

    Jeffery Epstein's Death

    Article from 2003 Despite its eccentricity the house is curiously impersonal, the statement of someone who wants to be known for the scale of his possessions. Its occupant, financier Jeffrey Epstein, 50, admits to friends that he...
  2. Z.W. Wolf

    Jeffery Epstein's Death

    I've found some backup to support my previous speculation that Epstein was treated in a routine manner. There are limited resources. Jack Donson, a former longtime federal Bureau of Prisons case manager, told...
  3. Z.W. Wolf

    Jeffery Epstein's Death

    It looks as if #TrumpBodyCount was created to fight fire with conspiratorial fire. There are serious, semi-serious and satirical charges against Trump. An example of satire: People are referring to Donald Trump Jr. as "Trump's alleged son." If you repeat it often enough it will become his...
  4. Z.W. Wolf

    Jeffery Epstein's Death

    We've been getting into (our typical) micro-analysis/speculation. But what about the President of the United States implicitly charging a sitting Senator and/or an ex-President of conspiracy to commit first degree murder? Is this what we've come to? And what particular conspiracy is in the...
  5. Z.W. Wolf

    Jeffery Epstein's Death

    Please re-read what post mortem lividity is.
  6. Z.W. Wolf

    Jeffery Epstein's Death

    Trump has retweeted this: Terrence K. Williams @w_terrence Died of SUICIDE on 24/7 SUICIDE WATCH ? Yeah right! How does that happen #JefferyEpstein had information on Bill Clinton & now he’s dead I see #TrumpBodyCount trending but we know who did this! RT if you’re not Surprised...
  7. Z.W. Wolf

    Jeffery Epstein's Death

    I guess you could wrap up a sheet into a tight twisted cord.
  8. Z.W. Wolf

    Jeffery Epstein's Death

    Interesting but Epstein's face and ear looks much more damaged. But I agree this is speculative. As already mentioned by member "igoddard," the collar pushing up the flesh may be the major factor.
  9. Z.W. Wolf

    Jeffery Epstein's Death The bureau said in a written statement that, at approximately 6:30 a.m., Epstein was found unresponsive in his cell from "an apparent suicide" attempt. Life-saving measures were initiated immediately afterward while...
  10. Z.W. Wolf

    Jeffery Epstein's Death

    That ain't a tan. It could be cyanosis and Epstein may have been showing a flicker of life. My guess is that someone at the prison started CPR on a dead body before EMT showed up, and once begun CPR legally had to be continued until examination by a physician.
  11. Z.W. Wolf

    Jeffery Epstein's Death

    If there really are exposed bars all one needs is a short length of cord or rope. There are a number of ways to perform a partial hanging with face down. In this scenario we have to ask where that cord came from.
  12. Z.W. Wolf

    Jeffery Epstein's Death

    More likely post mortem lividity, also known as Livor Mortis. The term lividity refers to an unnatural color of the skin. Lividity can be a useful reaction in determining the position of a body at the...
  13. Z.W. Wolf

    Jeffery Epstein's Death

    I think this mark in front of the ear is a mark from whatever it was Epstein used to form the noose. It seems more like a cord or thin rope than cloth. There is a lot of post mortem lividity on his face, which may mean he was face down, which indicates a partial hanging (feet not on floor)...
  14. Z.W. Wolf

    Jeffery Epstein's Death

    We're looking at a Rigor Mortis face. There are other changes of course. It's a dead body for Pete's sake.
  15. Z.W. Wolf

    Jeffery Epstein's Death

    Three weeks before his death, on July 23, Epstein had been found semiconscious in his cell with marks on his neck — though it was not clear if he had tried to harm himself or had been attacked. Prison officials investigated the injury as a possible suicide attempt and put Epstein on suicide...
  16. Z.W. Wolf

    Franklin Square and Munson Board of Fire Commissioners 9/11 Resolution

    I was thinking along the same lines. You've expressed my thoughts very well. If you're reading this, Mr. Gioia, I'd just like to add that you've gone through more than we should ask anyone to go through. It's clear that you've got psychological wounds. In my opinion, the route you're taking...
  17. Z.W. Wolf

    Is this sparkling effect a known CCD or lens aberration?

    The idea seems to be that the mysterious "they" who live in the sky have made a copy of a balloon. It's a good copy, but Bingham is pleading with us to take a really good look at it and notice that it's an imperfect copy.
  18. Z.W. Wolf

    Franklin Square and Munson Board of Fire Commissioners 9/11 Resolution

    The world will little note, nor long remember this resolution.
  19. Z.W. Wolf

    Strange Light Caught On Camera

    It's possible an internal specular reflection of the light source was involved. A reflection on the interior surface of the droplet. That could make a light source next to the lens visible which is normally not visible. Just reverse the light path in this illustration. [Broken External...
  20. Z.W. Wolf

    Strange Row of Lights Under a Plane?

    I'm going to ask the same questions I asked the OP. If you held something in your hand at arms length, what object would be just big enough to completely cover the thing you saw in the sky? -BB -aspirin tablet -penny -golf ball -apple Imagine pointing to the object. When you first saw it would...