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  1. Z.W. Wolf

    Franklin Square and Munson Board of Fire Commissioners 9/11 Resolution

    I'd already identified him as the ramrod behind this. Just pure speculation on my part: The vote was unanimous but that doesn't mean everyone on the board is really in agreement. Perhaps at least some simply read the mood of the room (which seems pretty passionate) and decided to go along with...
  2. Z.W. Wolf

    Is this sparkling effect a known CCD or lens aberration?

    Yeah, I was about to make similar remarks including the onshore breeze in the afternoon. (Grew up there.) I've been looking at the Jay Lee YT channel. Jay Lee seems to be a part of the same "community" of people who gather at that park. He's got albums full of stills from his videos which are...
  3. Z.W. Wolf

    Is this sparkling effect a known CCD or lens aberration?

    Well, remember that this was an answer to the question I've addressed the other issues.
  4. Z.W. Wolf

    Is this sparkling effect a known CCD or lens aberration?

    I doubt that the John Graf video was taken with a cell phone camera. He wasn't someone surprised by something odd in the sky. He's going out expecting to see UFO's, so probably has equipped himself with a dedicated camera. I captured this object right after we did a calling during our LA UFO...
  5. Z.W. Wolf

    Is this sparkling effect a known CCD or lens aberration?

    I know very little about cell phone cameras. It's most noticeable with bright light sources and straight edges in the path of the light. (The Pleiades) These diffraction spikes are caused by the support vanes of the secondary mirror in a Newtonian telescope.
  6. Z.W. Wolf

    Is this sparkling effect a known CCD or lens aberration?

    The short answer is "diffraction spikes." Diffractionthe process by which a beam of light or other system of waves is spread out as a result of passing through a narrow aperture or across an edge, typically accompanied by interference between the wave forms produced In this case the light is...
  7. Z.W. Wolf

    Is this sparkling effect a known CCD or lens aberration?

    It's not a balloon... I've seen a lot of UFO videos in which the person taking the video says, "It's not a..." when that is exactly what it is. Balloon, star, sky lantern...
  8. Z.W. Wolf

    Strange Light Caught On Camera

    The shape of the bright area is not droplet-like, but the movement sure is. It seems the bright square is only a part of the droplet. It's surrounded by a darker shape that is droplet-like. So perhaps the bright area is a refraction effect.
  9. Z.W. Wolf

    Franklin Square and Munson Board of Fire Commissioners 9/11 Resolution

    Five of the commissioners in this photo are wearing uniforms with patches and badges. I can find information on only 2 of those 5 that definitely identifies them as commissioners on this board. One is a pharmacist and the other is a "Litigation Manager," whatever that is exactly. Neither has...
  10. Z.W. Wolf

    Franklin Square and Munson Board of Fire Commissioners 9/11 Resolution

    I think a lot of people are going to be confused about what a Fire Commission/er is. It sounds very impressive and as if these people are experts in fire science. These are not Fire Chiefs. So far this is the best description I can find though it is from a different part of the country. But...
  11. Z.W. Wolf

    I could have spiralled into flat earth belief.

    I may be stepping on some toes here, but what the heck. I came of age in the 70's and was a huge Science Fiction Fan. I've personally met Harlan Ellison, Theodore Sturgeon, Jack Vance, Phillip Dick and many more. We "Literary Fans" divided ourselves from "Media Fans." We read books and those...
  12. Z.W. Wolf

    TFTRH #15: Brad - Math vs. Conspiracy Theories

    If you don't like the word "emotional" let's use the word intuitive. This was part of a larger intuitive delusion about "energy."
  13. Z.W. Wolf

    I could have spiralled into flat earth belief.

    Specifically I have the trait of being hyper-sensitive to, and fascinated with, metaphor, irony and satire.
  14. Z.W. Wolf

    TFTRH #15: Brad - Math vs. Conspiracy Theories

    Your discussion of the toaster and power bill is interesting. It's an illustration of the difference between autism and schizophrenia spectrums. Your landlady had an entirely emotional or intuitive delusion about "energy." The toaster was only a part of this delusion or dream. You had an...
  15. Z.W. Wolf

    I could have spiralled into flat earth belief.

    Quick discussion about autism, and I'm making this as brief as possible but still be coherent. These are actually notes I've made for myself. There are two bigwigs in the field: Simon Baron-Cohen 3 intertwined issues: Theory of Mind Extreme Male Brain The Empathizing–Systemizing (E–S)...
  16. Z.W. Wolf

    I could have spiralled into flat earth belief.

    I don't consider myself "neurotypical" either. I would never be diagnosed with autism but I have autistic traits, and I think this is common among debunkers. There's something about irrational claims that triggers people on the autism spectrum - people who tend to be detail oriented and...
  17. Z.W. Wolf

    I could have spiralled into flat earth belief.

    Which drug were you taking?
  18. Z.W. Wolf

    Claim: Distant Objects Being Obscured Is Due To the "Mirror Blocking" Effect of Inferior Mirages

    Here is an explanation from the YT author in the comments section of his video. claudbase1 month ago So, if the mirror represent the water surface, the water surface slowly rises as it get further away and boats sink more and more under the water surface as they move away from the observer...