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  1. Z.W. Wolf

    Strange Row of Lights Under a Plane? used to have a banner that read "Watch Starlink satellites crossing your sky!" But that's gone now. You can still track individual Starlink sats if you want to give it a go...
  2. Z.W. Wolf

    Strange Row of Lights Under a Plane?

    Yes, I've thought of that. But there are problems. The object was reported to be moving northwest. Which is not possible for the Starlinks - (and pretty much any satellite). This satellite train was initially reported to be 5 to 8 degrees in apparent length and they were magnitude +4 to +5...
  3. Z.W. Wolf

    Strange Row of Lights Under a Plane?

    It seems it was moving quite slowly. A single jet aircraft would have to be fairly close to be golf ball sized, yet it took a minute to cross a relatively small part of the sky.
  4. Z.W. Wolf

    Strange Row of Lights Under a Plane?

    If you held something in your hand at arms length, what object would be just big enough to completely cover the thing you saw in the sky -BB -aspirin tablet -penny -golf ball -apple Imagine pointing to the object. When you first saw it would you be pointing -straight up -straight ahead...
  5. Z.W. Wolf

    UFO video in Arizona from Reddit

    It ended because the fire went out and the sky lantern disappeared from view. There was nothing more to see.
  6. Z.W. Wolf

    Scooter Chased By Tiger

    Thank you for that. I know nothing about the subject. This is what Captain Disillusion has to say: Source: I shared this vid on Twitter myself as a real thing, so I guess if it's...
  7. Z.W. Wolf

    Scooter Chased By Tiger

    No, but I mean in the Tiger Video. The scooter is on the wrong side of the road. It's on the right.
  8. Z.W. Wolf

    Scooter Chased By Tiger

    Wow, I didn't even realize one thing until just now. They're on the wrong side of the road. They drive on the left in India.
  9. Z.W. Wolf

    Scooter Chased By Tiger

    Okay, I'm convinced.
  10. Z.W. Wolf

    Scooter Chased By Tiger

    The forest officials thing seems be inaccurate. Other sources say Navaneeth Krishnaz was traveling through Pambra, India.
  11. Z.W. Wolf

    Scooter Chased By Tiger

    Someone out there try sitting on a scooter and get this kind of camera pan. Start off from left shoulder. Pan all the way around behind you to something off your right shoulder and keep it in frame. Just physically try it. Edit: Okay, I don't have a scooter. I tried sitting on a bench...
  12. Z.W. Wolf

    Scooter Chased By Tiger

    I don't get it. Without moving your body, pan all the way behind you until you've got something in frame that's off your right shoulder. And you've got to be able to see the screen.
  13. Z.W. Wolf

    Scooter Chased By Tiger

    This might be the original source of the viral video of the tiger chasing the scooter. This might be authentic. Who knows? But what makes me question the authenticity of this video: The camera pans behind the vehicle more than 180 degrees while keeping the tiger in frame. How do you do...
  14. Z.W. Wolf

    UFO video in Arizona from Reddit

    I agree. Best not to say more. As for the wind... Tricky stuff, wind. Is there a new way to measure surface wind? Without an anemometer at a weather station, I mean? I've already tried to get the wind conditions in that area through the National Weather Service site and it either gives you...
  15. Z.W. Wolf

    UFO video in Arizona from Reddit

    We launched some Chinese Lanterns in order to film them to show what they look like. Many people mistake them for UFOs, so this is posted as a references to help people determine whether what they have filmed is a Chinese Lantern or something more mysterious. I also do a bit of acting to imitate...
  16. Z.W. Wolf

    UFO video in Arizona from Reddit

    There's a version with sound which adds something... That red light just rose straight up into the air and has now stopped right there. The lantern ascended to an altitude where it found equilibrium between the air...
  17. Z.W. Wolf

    UFO video in Arizona from Reddit

    The camera motion near the beginning - which some people interpret as the object accelerating then "stopping on a dime" - is not a camera pan. It's the person holding the camera stepping forward and to the left.
  18. Z.W. Wolf

    UFO video in Arizona from Reddit

    Single light, with with no anti-collision strobe. Distinctive orange color. Flickering. Drifts. Gets brighter, which means it is heading toward the camera. Mysteriously disappears. Sky lantern, with the fire about to burn out. Relatively close; perhaps only a few hundred yards at the end...
  19. Z.W. Wolf

    Debunking Humor...

    The hand movements. PW is White Fang. No... I like White Fang.
  20. Z.W. Wolf

    Debunking Humor...

    I knew this reminded me of something.