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  1. Z.W. Wolf

    2008 UFO Footage From Kumburgaz, Turkey

    The author of that debunking you linked to reckoned that the Moon was 12.3 degrees above the horizon at Latitude: 41° 01' 15.89" N Longitude: 28° 28' 49.19" E at 3:06 a.m. local time on May 17, 2009. And that is correct. And he uses the angular size of the Moon to estimate how many degrees the...
  2. Z.W. Wolf

    View across Utah Lake

    Going back to the video in question, it's important to understand what a duct is. My emphasis. A duct is an atmospheric structure that traps rays within a few minutes of arc of the astronomical horizon, so that they cannot escape from the...
  3. Z.W. Wolf

    Debunking Humor...

    Final nail in Globe coffin. Rocket hits the Dome...
  4. Z.W. Wolf

    How to calculate the visible fraction of the Earth [e.g. 1972 Blue Marble, Apollo 17]

    The key to this is psychological. Break free of the feeling: "I can see the Earth as a ball surrounded by black space; so I can see half the Earth." This satellite is far enough away that it could see the Earth as a ball, surrounded by blackness. But it's not far enough away to see half the...
  5. Z.W. Wolf

    Claim: magnetic dust on cars proves chemtrail fallout

    This is especially nonsensical. Chemtrail planes are supposed to have blanketed all of Europe from Great Britain to Russia? One hell of a fleet of chemtrail planes. And whatever it is that chemtrail stuff is supposed to do, why hasn't it done it with that kind of massive deposit?
  6. Z.W. Wolf

    Claim: magnetic dust on cars proves chemtrail fallout

    Even an amateur placer miner has to deal with pounds of magnetite. It's a real chore separating black sand from the gold, and there have always been black sand contraptions. The author of this video is demonstrating a modern magnetic contraption. I think this contraption would pull orange...
  7. Z.W. Wolf

    Claim: magnetic dust on cars proves chemtrail fallout

    Europe often gets dust from the Sahara, but this Spring was extraordinary. Beyond just fine dust there was actual sand. I used to pull "black sand" (magnetite) out of our sandbox with a magnet as a kid. Not to mention all the black sand I've seen in gold pans, placer mining in California...
  8. Z.W. Wolf

    Debunked: Wernher von Braun confirmed that rockets can't leave earth

    Quick history: Von Braun's dream concept in the '50's before NASA founding - Assemble a space station in low Earth orbit. Then use crew to build dedicated single stage moonship in orbit, which would land on Moon and ascend from Moon. Jettison fuel tanks at times. When the Apollo spacecraft...
  9. Z.W. Wolf

    N161MA UFO Encounter over Long Island Sound

    Man, that fireball event is a very good match on the map. He was traveling roughly SW, roughly here - (Red Arrow). If the time were right he would have been looking right at it. A left turn would move him away from it. And he said it went behind a cloud, so it was a distant object...
  10. Z.W. Wolf

    N161MA UFO Encounter over Long Island Sound

    With a sighting like this the first thing to check is the American Meteor Society site. Nothing. There was a pretty good event 14 hours earlier - 2018-05-26 02:47 UT. Which is 10:47 the previous night.
  11. Z.W. Wolf

    N161MA UFO Encounter over Long Island Sound

    RE: Pyramidal UFO Pretty obvious mylar balloon.
  12. Z.W. Wolf

    The World is Rudderless:Conspiracy Theory quote

    You might be a conspiracy theorist if ... - your theories are unfalsifiable. If disconfirming evidence is presented it is dismissed as faked or otherwise rationalized away. The theory moves farther away from the credible without limit. - you get angry and contemptuous when confronted with...
  13. Z.W. Wolf

    The Southern Cross, Celestial Poles, and The Shape of The Earth

    Edit: I really can't expend any more energy on this, nor should I, because we're drifting too far away from topic. So this will be it. I'm talking about beliefs during the New Kingdom, (c. 1550 BC – c. 1077 BC), many hundreds of years before Aristotle. You've pasted in something that comes...
  14. Z.W. Wolf

    The Southern Cross, Celestial Poles, and The Shape of The Earth

    I'm interested in psychology, history and astronomy. The subject at hand is an intersection of all three. I've done so much reading over the decades... and I have no logbook. As a start, I'll to point to anything by John Romer. You have to grok the Egyptians first, because it's a completely...
  15. Z.W. Wolf

    Nathan Oakley's Flat Earth "Debates".

    Going back to Carpenter's ideas about the Bedford Level experiment... Carpenter seems to have been imagining the top segment of the red line in this illustration. With one of the horizontal lines as the horizontal reticul in the theodolite. Once some people get a notion into their head...
  16. Z.W. Wolf

    Nathan Oakley's Flat Earth "Debates".

    This is what I suspect they are thinking... If you made a 3-D model of this view, including the lines, and if you turned it 90 degrees, you would see lines slanting upward or downward, and inward, with smaller and smaller boxes surrounding the lines. They feel that these lines and boxes...
  17. Z.W. Wolf

    The Southern Cross, Celestial Poles, and The Shape of The Earth

    Hard to say, but I've lived under the clear skies of the SW U.S. almost all my life and I intuitively see it as a dome. When I apply my knowledge and look at it analytically I do see it in 3D. E.g. when looking at the Milky Way in Cygnus I can visualize the stars as lights in a tunnel. (We're...
  18. Z.W. Wolf

    Nathan Oakley's Flat Earth "Debates".

    The best I can figure is that they are following Samuel Rowbotham's argument for re-writing the standard model of perspective. This argument: - Confounds resolution with perspective. - Confuses convergence along the line of sight with an upward slanting line in a side view of the same...
  19. Z.W. Wolf

    Flat Earth Theory Debunked by Short Flights (QF27 & QF28) From Australia to South America Here are the numbers: First created by: Jerry Williams Oakland, CA $17,542 pledged of $16,000 goal 275 backers 13 days to go Potential for being dismissed is right there on the Kickstarter page...
  20. Z.W. Wolf

    The Southern Cross, Celestial Poles, and The Shape of The Earth

    The Egyptians and Mesopotamians were much more concentrated on the religious and prophetic meaning of astronomy and less on cosmology. We're talking about a very long history and there is no one completely standard model, but very generally the Mesopotamians believed that the flat world was...