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  1. Z.W. Wolf

    Views of Toronto from Hamilton and Fort Niagara Illustrate Earth's Curvature

    I didn't even notice until later that the scale went below zero. :( But I think it's pretty solid that the original YT video is showing the effects of ducted rays. Whether we should call this a superior mirage, a mock mirage, or a late mirage I don't know.
  2. Z.W. Wolf

    Views of Toronto from Hamilton and Fort Niagara Illustrate Earth's Curvature

    Another mock mirage... I'm sure the sun is actually well below the horizon at this point. I wonder how far?
  3. Z.W. Wolf

    Views of Toronto from Hamilton and Fort Niagara Illustrate Earth's Curvature

    Here's my go at reproducing the image in this YT video... I used this shape for the inversion, from this description of a ducted mock mirage. Looking at Dr. Andrew Young's site, it just seemed to me to be the best match...
  4. Z.W. Wolf

    Simulating Atmospheric Refraction

    I'm already having fun playing around with it. Looking forward to the improved version. If I might make a suggestion, I'd like the option of being able to type in numerical values. I think I'd find it easier than the mouse drag. In this situation, if the camera were mounted on a drone, the...
  5. Z.W. Wolf

    Cancer warning labels on coffee

    To make things murkier: Study after study has been showing the cancer fighting properties of coffee because of the rich antioxidants it contains. The article goes on to provide a list of such studies. But I'm...
  6. Z.W. Wolf

    Pre 1995 Persistent Contrail Archive

    Movie, 1966: The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming It's actually a part of the plot. A Russian submarine has run aground off a Massachusetts island. They're worried about being spotted by the US military. This is just a moment before a member of the crew shouts out a warning about...
  7. Z.W. Wolf

    Simulating Atmospheric Refraction

    Nice. Still from FE YT video showing "impossible" view of Rogers Center dome. (Should be hidden by x number of feet.)
  8. Z.W. Wolf

    Claimed "UFO" filmed from airliner over Turkey, 21st March 2018 [Passing Contrail at 90°]

    The only thing I find at all mysterious is how people can look at an airplane and not see that it's an airplane. (Wow, I'm dangerously tired of amateur videos that go in and out of focus like that. It's worse than vertical videos.)
  9. Z.W. Wolf

    "GO FAST" Footage from Tom DeLonge's To The Stars Academy. Bird? Balloon?

    What Gary Nolan seems to be saying is that if the object were at 12,500 feet altitude, both it and the surface of the sea could not be in focus at the same time, because the object would be too close to the camera and the sea would be too far. So, because they are both in focus, the object must...
  10. Z.W. Wolf

    Debunking Humor...

  11. Z.W. Wolf

    Rome, Italy 4-12-15

    Looking at this... ... I thought it was the letter "U" - with the sun glinting off the ends of the "U." But looking at the entire video I think the heart shape is a strong contender. In the shot above, the sun may be glinting off the two "lobes" of the heart. If this is a heart, in...
  12. Z.W. Wolf

    "GO FAST" Footage from Tom DeLonge's To The Stars Academy. Bird? Balloon?

    Could you explain the difference between calibrated airspeed and true airspeed?
  13. Z.W. Wolf

    Debunking Humor...

  14. Z.W. Wolf

    Russian Troll Houses One hour after news broke about the school shooting in Florida last week, Twitter accounts suspected of having...
  15. Z.W. Wolf

    Does Zooming in Change How Much of Something is Hidden by the Horizon [No]

    If you ever have a similar conversation, I think it should start with this: IMO all FE conversations should begin with this. The conversation is dominated by discussions about theory. But theory has to be...
  16. Z.W. Wolf

    Does Zooming in Change How Much of Something is Hidden by the Horizon [No]

    A ship disappearing below the horizon is not at all important to the theory, anyway. That the earth is a sphere explains why the ship disappears. But to my knowledge this was never cited by Aristotle or any philosopher before him as evidence for the spherical shape of the earth. Nor has it...
  17. Z.W. Wolf

    How could the planes wings penetrate the WTC?

    People intuitively think about relative structural strength. They imagine trying to force a plane through a steel structure with a bulldozer behind the tail. It would crumple. But you should be thinking about kinetic energy. People play around with strange shotgun loads. How about a bullet...
  18. Z.W. Wolf

    Blink-182's Tom DeLonge's "To The Stars" UFO Disclosure Enterprise

    If you go to post 113 and follow the link, you'll find that this report is useless. I highly recommend that you buy and read Allan Hendry's UFO Handbook. The gist: Ninety-five percent of all properly taken...
  19. Z.W. Wolf

    Blink-182's Tom DeLonge's "To The Stars" UFO Disclosure Enterprise

    If you go to this link you'll find that this was a report written by a single man, using pre-existing reports to the MoD (Ministry of Defense)...
  20. Z.W. Wolf

    Blink-182's Tom DeLonge's "To The Stars" UFO Disclosure Enterprise

    You didn't give a link to the source of your quoted material. It appears to be an article in the Daily Express: A tabloid; roughly equivalent to the National Enquirer.